Five new Ministers to be sworn in shortly; Hon Rymer to be Deputy Premier!

They are Dr the Hon Wheatley as Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) will be named Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Sharie B. de Castro as Minister for Education and Culture, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull as Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration; and Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines, as Jr Minister for Tourism.
Hon Rymer will be Deputy Premier
Transportation and Works Minister, Hon Kyle M. Rymer (R5) will be the Deputy Premier, and it is expected that many of the subjects taken away from his portfolio will be returned in keeping with his current ministry alignment.
Additionally, the portfolio of Jr Minister for Trade and Economic Development, Hon Shareen D. Flax-Charles (Al) will be enhanced with agriculture and fisheries.
Today, a motion passed with all 10 members in the House of Assembly present voting to remove Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) as the Premier.
More details will follow.

35 Responses to “Five new Ministers to be sworn in shortly; Hon Rymer to be Deputy Premier! ”
They will all be unemployed next week
Instead of defending he need to keep her off social media from blogging unprofessional nonsense.
Many would have us to believe that other ministers were ignorance of some the Andrew A Fahie illaithed behaviours, but no, no, no., This is far from the truth.
The UK, in my opinion buckled under the pressure of noises and threats, rather than taking over for a short duration of time, they did mixed random political views without demanding the the guilty one give back to the rightful owners, the people, what was unjustly ripped away from them wrongfully. So what the UK thought will be ag reasonable good collision government is in fact the shuffling of like-minded insecurity disunity, in mine, and many others wise knowledge of the British Viirgin Islands politicians mindset of misrepresentation of our finances. In other words, some different players, but players of the same game.. crookedness is crookedness, and when they are mixed, this can called mixed crookedness or political volved in sheep's
In summary, we are still in need of good governance in the British Viirgin Islands at this time in our country.
The UK did not help us much, but we still must pay the cost of their efforts, like it or not.
The UK knows how to spell goop governance it the truth is that that they as selfish dictators. In other words they are incompetent and should it be trusted any ore that our own elected, money mismanaging politicians..
Good governance does not stand far off, and allowed a few politicians to raped a country's people of its needed finance wantonly as has happened in the BVI under the UK's watch for approximately thirty years, and more before the try to stop it, and now they did try, things still remained in disorder, only this time our finances are less, and our future is more confused than before. Lack of true love, personal, corporate greed for material posession, selfish remained our greater problem.