First parole hearing likely in a few months- Gov. McCleary
“…we are on the way to introducing a parole system. It has been some time in coming but we have an established parole board and are working to ensure that the basic structure is in place so that the parole can take off,” announced UK-appointed Governor Mr William Boyd McCleary yesterday September 17, 2013.
Mr McCleary said the concern about prisoners having the benefits of a fair and just system, which includes the possibility of parole, was raised by Father Ronald Branche at yesterday’s (September 17, 2013) church service held to mark the opening of the Virgin Islands’ Law Year.
According to Governor McCleary, Father Branche had referred to a bible verse from the book of Micah which says, “….what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with you God…,” quoted Mr McCleary.
He said Father Branche had used the scripture to illustrate the need for a criminal justice system that is fair and one that offers hope for inmates through a parole system.
Once up and going, the parole system will serve to offer some hope for inmates, said Mr McCleary.
He also alluded to the importance of an improved court system as alluded to by Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Honourable Dame Janice M. Pereira. He said the Chief Justice spoke of the way the courts could help build a rule of law which brings good for the territory. “Good for the social development, good for the economic development, good for the posterity of the territory,” Governor McCleary reiterated in referring to statements made by the Honourable Chief Justice who had addressed the Territory at the opening of the VI Law Year.
The Governor was at the time giving the welcoming remarks at the Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with Her Majesty’s Prison’s closing exercise for the House of Healing and Anger Management Group Counseling programmes.
“I suppose that what we are looking at today is a group of inmates who have realized that they too can and must contribute and that they have some learning to do,” remarked Governor McCleary.
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