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First ever Tourism Summit begins today

The inaugural two-day Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands (VI) begins today, January 16, 2025, at the Peter Island Resort. Photo: Facebook
Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith said the Tourism Sunnit aims to cover all areas in the Virgin Islands’ tourism industry while including culture and hospitality. Photo: Facebook
Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith said the Tourism Sunnit aims to cover all areas in the Virgin Islands’ tourism industry while including culture and hospitality. Photo: Facebook
PETER ISLAND, VI- The inaugural two-day Tourism Summit in the Virgin Islands (VI) begins today, Thursday, January 16, 2025, at Peter Island Resort.

Junior Minister for Culture and Tourism Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith (R4) told Acting Director of Communications Mrs Karia J. Christopher in an interview leading up to the summit, “We are excited about this Tourism Summit…that is the first one and I hope that it won’t be our last and I hope that at some point there will be another and another and it becomes an annual event.”

The summit, she revealed, is booked to capacity with 160 people registered to attend in person due to space constraints. 

“I understand that we have an overflow and we will try our best to accommodate those maybe not physically but virtually they will be a part of [it],” she said. 

Hon Hodge-Smith added that the goal of the Tourism Summit is to work on an exclusive National Tourism Policy underpinned by economic growth, and diversification, protection of the environment and VI cultural heritage and a people-centered culture of excellence in hospitality and service. 

“Basically what we tried to do is cover all areas in our tourism industry while including culture and hospitality because they are key aspects of the VI’s tourism product,” the Junior Minister explained.


Hon Hodge-Smith said while there will be presentations by guest speakers the summit will be interactive, as a panel discussion will follow the presentations and an interactive session where those in attendance will break off into groups. 

“So it’s a very, very interactive summit. It’s not just for us to be speaking to you and you don’t get an opportunity to say your [piece],” she told Mrs Christopher.  

Day one of the Tourism Summit will begin with an Opening Ceremony featuring a keynote address from Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).

Presentations on the opening day will be done by the Secretary General of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Mrs Dona Regis-Propser, and Mr Vincent V. Wallace, former CTO Director and former Bahamas Tourist Board Director 

On day two, the summit will begin with a virtual presentation by the Director of the Cayman Tourism Department, followed by an in-person presentation by a representative of the Tourist Board’s Marketing Agency.

Hon Hodge-Smith said, “Things are changing, the demographics are changing, so we’re going to have to find new ways to attract these persons that are different.” 

8 Responses to “First ever Tourism Summit begins today”

  • Schups (16/01/2025, 10:05) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply

    Waste of &^%$ time!! We waste money bringing the heads of other tourism destinations where they have their sh** together and for what? we have no clue what we want, the place looks and smells like *&^% sh**, but let's spend thousands of dollars at Peter Island so people can eat, listen to themselves talk sh** and accomplish ZERO with this 2 day pile of sh**. It's amazing how we find money for grandstanding but not for the important things. No Tourism Master Plan for the Territory but let's have a Summit.

  • concern (16/01/2025, 10:25) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I wonder what comes first, the chicken or the egg? is it the Policy or the strategy? Which one come first? Is there a national strategy for the tourism sector? if not, why is the exclusive National Tourism Policy being done without the strategy? I am just asking, so will need some light shared on this.
  • Q23 (16/01/2025, 11:28) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Historic sites?
  • Chris P Bacon (16/01/2025, 11:39) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sadly, VI gives zero sh!ts about tourism and it is plain for all to see. Any port of entry you arrive at, you are met by miserable, grumpy immigration officers who clearly cannot stand their job so want to make everyone else also miserable. This 2 day meeting will accomplish nothing and while other countries keep getting better and investing in tourism. Financial services won't last forever, then what?
  • HMMM (16/01/2025, 13:22) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Only the big tourism millionaire businesses and government workers can go?? Where the small businesses who really drive tourism? Car rentals and restaurants and beach bars AB’s souvenirs shop owners? Oh yeah it is a busy ship day so they busy dealing with their businesses trying to scrape a dollar to survive. Only the big companies with big staff can afford to take 2 full tourist days off to go Pater island in suits to chat! Real Tourism isn’t suits and business clothes.
  • Local Brother (16/01/2025, 13:26) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The demographics do not change in your target market. But you need a plan in order to identify your target market. Then you go out and market to that target. The target doesn’t change unless your strategic plan changes.
  • cultural heritage and a people-centered culture of excellence in hospitality and service (17/01/2025, 07:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It sounds like someone ate a bunch of hospitality buzz words and vomited on a piece of paper. What cultural heritage are they talking about on Peter Island!? The slave pens of that horrible German guy Brandenburgs?
    • Uknow (18/01/2025, 18:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      there was a community that lived on Peter post enslavement doesn't that qualify or does it need to be on Tortola?

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