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Financial Sec wants civil servants to contribute to pension

- told the Standing Finance Committee that new employees coming on to the government system should be joining on to a contributory system
Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL), right, has asked how much longer the civil service non-contributory Pension and Gratuities Scheme could continue to be viable before a contributory scheme is introduced. Financial Secretary (FS) Neil M. Smith, left, noted that this cannot continue much longer. Photo: VINO/File
Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA, left, has said that new thinking is needed towards the pension scheme in terms of making it contributory versus non-contributory for civil servants. Photo: VINO/File
Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA, left, has said that new thinking is needed towards the pension scheme in terms of making it contributory versus non-contributory for civil servants. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Currently, when a civil servant retires he or she is granted a pension until they die. However, while working for the government civil servants do not contribute to the pension plan.

Each civil servant, once they retire, is given 2/3 of their retired salary or less dependent on the years of service. But this non-contributory system is costing government millions.

According to Financial Secretary Mr Neil M. Smith, each year pension and gratuities liability is around 7 to 8 million dollars, monies government must find to cover the scheme, as civil servants do not contribute.

In addition, the Chief Government Financial Advisor noted that some $17.5M is paid out each year in pension and gratuities. However, it is not clear if this figure includes politicians who after two terms in office earn a pension.

System cannot be sustained

Mr Smith was at the time speaking before the 2017 House of Assembly’s Standing Finance Committee on Pensions and Gratuities as they deliberated the Budget.

Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) had asked how much longer the civil service non-contributory Pension and Gratuities Scheme could continue to be viable before a contributory scheme is introduced. 

To this the Financial Secretary (FS) told the Legislators “every year the pension allocation in the budget is becoming a little bit more challenging and noted that this situation has to be dealt with sooner rather than later.”

At the time, the Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA, also interjected and told the committee that new thinking was needed towards the scheme in terms of making it contributory versus non-contributory. Hon Fraser suggested that “one of the trade-offs could be that it be made contributory where the spouse can benefit from it or leave it as non-contributory were the spouse does not benefit from it”.

The FS stated that both options were viable and noted that he would recommend that Pensions and Gratuities Scheme be made contributory where they would “grandfather in” the contributory side of it. He gave an example where any new employee coming on to the government system, in his opinion, should be joining on to a contributory system.

The FS also noted that if all civil servants were to retire today government would have to pay out $200M plus.

40 Responses to “Financial Sec wants civil servants to contribute to pension”

  • about time (10/04/2017, 13:35) Like (42) Dislike (3) Reply
    It's about time. You have to put in to get out.
    • Jones (10/04/2017, 23:16) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
      They can get a pension after 25 years and receive that for another 50 years, if they live so long. Totally unsustainable and time for it to stop altogether.
  • Salary Revision (10/04/2017, 13:36) Like (85) Dislike (7) Reply
    Agreed, civil servants should contribute...but because of the non competitive salary they are given the pension perk. Increase the pay so that we can afford to contribute... make salaries and wages the same level as the private sector.
    • Really? (10/04/2017, 14:54) Like (14) Dislike (10) Reply
      non-competitive compared to what?
    • day (11/04/2017, 13:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What about work load, accountability etc. You are only interested in salaries and wages. The private sector could, but you may be in for a surprise (:-)
  • dog (10/04/2017, 13:37) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
  • could you imagine? (10/04/2017, 13:43) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    7/8 of our politicians are on pension
  • soon come (10/04/2017, 13:44) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    The gravy train is coming to a halt
  • Sick a ndp (10/04/2017, 13:46) Like (23) Dislike (9) Reply
    Meson kiss ayo ... .... stop thief so much a we tax payin $$ then want come press we same tax payers . 2 more years and i cashin out
  • Yes (10/04/2017, 13:47) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    and the governor wants his head
  • Well (10/04/2017, 13:48) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
    Ronny took and electrical engineer and made him financial secretary
  • Scary Mary (10/04/2017, 14:16) Like (42) Dislike (1) Reply
    Personally, I can't believe any Government believed that a non-contributory scheme would be sustainable. With such a huge portion of our workforce working for Government departments in one capacity or another, it is ridiculous to think that the private workforce could carry the rest.

    It's just plain stupid! Institute it now for ALL Government workers, including ALL politicians. Give the rest of us a break for a change!
  • yesss (10/04/2017, 14:30) Like (33) Dislike (7) Reply
    This is the on time I agree with him! These same civil servants crying about increments and don't contribute one dime to their pension, but will collect money for life once they retire. How can they think this is fair to this Territory?
  • economist (10/04/2017, 14:32) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Currently, when a civil servant retires he or she is granted a pension until they die. However, while working for the government civil servants do not contribute to the pension plan.

    Everyone is laughing and chiding the Government for saying the BVI economy is 'robust' and it's 'good', but read the above and tell me which other Country this happens, while taxation is relatively low at that. In the real world everyone has to chip in to the pension scheme to make it sustainable.
    • Wendy (10/04/2017, 16:03) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
      Well this is a nobrainer.
      Tuition at the Community College should also be instituted.
      Land and house tax should be raised.

      Folks in the BVI have a system that is overly generous and with little appreciation. Throw garbage everywhere, dump cars anywhere and keep singing how poor they are in the BVI,
      Get real Government and make things realistic. Thiis is not Dubai or some other oil rich little place.
      • @wendy (11/04/2017, 09:18) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        When leaders of a country mismanage the taxpayers money with projects that are not necessary many people in the public protest by demanding that taxes be raised. Instead of sustaining a tree you are cutting down its leaves and stems. This makes no sense at all. The root of the tree is the problem not the surface. I for one do not wish to be like the American citizens 'paying high taxes on almost everything as the country's economy continually skydives'.
        • nonsense (11/04/2017, 14:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          Foolishness! We love to hide behind the politicians but at the end of the day WE are the ones who are corrupt. Most of them start out wanting to do for country but when the voters start making demands and threats then what? No representative wants to be a one-termer so most times end up towing the line trying to make the balance. All the unnecessary projects you speak of, I wonder who benefit from them? Hmmm, makes you wonder right? If the Government were to hire one major road network company to come into the BVI and fix all our roads PROPERLY, have them bonded for performance assurance etc. would we be happy? NO! We would march down to the complex demanding our locals get the job. Now the locals are doing the job, we complain everyday about roads and infrastructure. And you think the Politicians are the problem here? It's our selfish entitlement behavior coming back to bite us because the money isn't coming in like it used to so now the chickens are coming home....
  • E. Leonard (10/04/2017, 14:54) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    The current means of paying pensions from annual appropriations is not sustainable, creating an unfunded liability, i.e., funding is not available to meet present and future obligations. Most pension schemes have a fund to meet a 100%, 80%, 60%......etc of pension obligations; BVI has 0% and pension is on a pay as go plan. Any major stumble in annual government revenue can adversely impact pension. Economic difficulties will dictate that available funding is expensed on a priotity basis. Is employee pension on the top priority list for payment during financial challenging times? What can/should government do about the unfunded liability?

    Government should establish a pension "Sinking Fund" whereby employees are required to contribute a % (5%, 6%, 7%) of salary monthly with government matching each dollar of employee contribution either $1.5, $1..... etc to $1. Some employees say with 5 years or more of service will be grandfathered under the old system. Employees with 5 years of service or less, along with new employees, will be under the new system. Current employees with 5 years or less may need to buy the non-contributory time; government may have to share in time purchase.

    Furthermore, the entire pension scheme needs to be revamped. If not, the current scheme pay collapse under its own weight. The revamped should include elected members, statutory bodies employees, and government employees. The FS is point in that the pension scheme needs to be fix sooner than later.
  • Patriot (10/04/2017, 15:00) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    no new taxes
  • Hmm (10/04/2017, 15:11) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    its my opinion that civil servants should pay into a pension scheme that is them managed and invested much in the same way SSB does with contributions and returns used to pay pentioners with out such a burden being placed on the recurrent expenditure of the budget

    It's not rocket science, SSB been doing it for decades. No reason why this problem could not have been tacklers sooner, politians just scared of loosing votes if they implement a contribution scheme.
    • BVI Newbie (11/04/2017, 00:33) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      What is payroll tax used for?
    • wow (14/04/2017, 20:46) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      I totally agree that public officers should contribute a pension scheme; however, before doing so public officers salary needs to reevaluated. Public officers are currently being paid peanuts to carry out their job hence the reason there is so many demotivated public officers today.

      Government has not done a salary evaluation since 2005 which is rediculous. On top of that their increments are being withheld. You have college students coming back to the BVI with a BA degree and being paid 28k tell me where else in the world this happens.
  • facts man (10/04/2017, 15:14) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The system done crash but they would not amit it
    • lord o. (10/04/2017, 17:03) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
      Not just new employees. What the F. Strupes. All employees need to contribute... need to contribute 5.5% of their salary. Allowances has to be justified Or discontinued, politician housing allowance need to discontinue forth with, they are the one that have in this leaking boat. Now is the time for us to put our hands to the plow so tomorrow can be greater...
  • suggestion (10/04/2017, 15:34) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    What about getting rid of some of these employees that just on a job doing nothing n collecting a salary just for being related to a big wig. That's wasted revenue to be getting paid for doing nothing.
    • Urgent immediately. (10/04/2017, 17:05) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
      Forth with. From July 1st all employees 5% contribution of earnings.
  • RealPol (10/04/2017, 16:49) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a boon for pensioners but a bust for taxpayers. Employees have a very generous define benefit pension plan. BVI government employees, for the most part, have a great compensation package, contributing nothing, nada to their retirement. The BVI is one of the few places on earth this is occurring. Though I hate to rain on the parade, the no contribution pension party is over. The current scheme is not sustainable and will bankrupt the territory. Government needs to appoint an ad hoc committee soonest to explore options for setting up a sinking fund for employees retirement. The committee needs to report out within 6 months.

    On another note, civil servants have to labour for 25 years or more to get 2/3 of their current salary at retirement . But elected officials only need to serve two consecutive terms (8 years) to snap up a pension. What is fair and equitable about this? Nothing. Elected officials do not have to work any harder than regular civil servants. But do not wait for poiiticians to rectify this inequity, for you quicker see green donkeys flying. If a change will occur, the electorate will have to demand it.
    • @RealPool (11/04/2017, 11:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      A major concern which everyone has neglected to mention, how will the Government deal with Civil servants who are not confirmed permanent and pensionable, but yet working in some of these Departments for up to 10 to 15 years, in some case longer, and am not referring to contract workers. They need to fix those internal problems within these Departments, only God knows why they don't confirm them or release them, if they are not performing. How will these
      Civil servant contribute, even when they are not confirmed pensionable ???????
      • @@RealPol (11/04/2017, 12:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @@RealPol, solution is easy. Well, it may not be so easy, for some lives and families may be adversely impacted. That said, government needs to solidify the number of fulltime equivalent (FTE) employees needed to deliver services. Additionally, temporary needs can be fill through temporary workers. There must a maximum time that one can serve in a position as a temporary worker, i.e., 12 months. Temporary workers can be funded through FTE vacancies. Clearly, if an employee has been serving in a position for years, there is an obvious need for the position. As such, the positions should be turned into FTEs and workers confirmed. They have not been terminated so they must be quality employees.
  • Street reporter (10/04/2017, 16:55) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Days of joy and glory are over... Its going to get worst. Leadership put us on this part...days of weeping or ahead.
    • wize up (10/04/2017, 17:21) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ street reporter: I second that motion and do so without any prejudice
    • @Street Reporter (11/04/2017, 12:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I have never known a day that BVIslanders were not weepin lamenting and complaining. Joy and Glory days were all in he past to hear them tell it. So then, nothing would have changed. Just another day at the wailing wall.
  • work (10/04/2017, 18:26) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    It is time for CONSTRUCTION workers salary increases.
  • Makes sense, retired (10/04/2017, 19:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I worked for 30 years for the City in the States, paid into the pension, paid City taxes and Federal and State taxes. Now I can sit back and enjoy my retirement. I don't have to worry because every month I get a nice check.Another thing, if you work for the City, after 12 years you get back a lump sum of money.
  • Yes (10/04/2017, 22:36) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Someone shell out a Nobel Prize for economics for this one. Lik Duh! Come on politrickshuns!
  • wize up (11/04/2017, 14:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP met is like so(i will await the comments from the paid VIP bloggers).....
  • FEED UP! (11/04/2017, 15:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am so sick od gov and they stupidness waisting money and i the end is POOR PEOPLE end up paying through their behind. They need to stop this stupidness of bringing in all kind of people to work just because they have all these degrees and gods knows half of them bought them online yet they pay they all kind of house and recreational allowences. save the money for your own people. WE TOO BAD MINDED as bvi landers we dont deserve a dollar extra we would rather hirer some one from outside and enritch them and help build they country. NO OTHER COUNTRY PUT OTHERS ABOVE THEIR OWN EXCEPT US! Mr. Smith could talk that because his salary can tripple most of ours. Let the gov raise our salary especially POOR PEOPLE on minum wage and then they could talk about taking out money. They promiise incriment in Janurary up to no i cant see a extra rusty cent.
  • Freeloaders (11/04/2017, 19:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Work sitting down creating bureaucracy for the sake of govt. jobs and then retire to live off the efforts of the people given no rights who work hard and build this system which the population grows fat on. It will end and the money will move to Cayman or elsewhere if reform does not happen across the board.

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