Finally! Bathroom facilities @ Top of the Baths opened

When this news site visited the location recently it was a pleasant sight to have seen the building housing the bathroom, face and toilet facility well painted and looking beautiful from the outside. One thing was a bit worrying was the fact that palm and other plants that were obviously placed in its surroundings were withered.
“They dragging their feet on doing the final touches, we don’t know when last anyone even come around to put some water on those plans to tell you, see how they drying up,” shouted a taxi driver who had observed us taking photos.
Upon follow up investigations yesterday August 13, 2014 this news site was able to confirm that the facilities were finally opened to the public on Sunday August 10, 2014. “They are now opened,” a concerned person who frequents the area on a daily basis said.
And he noted that there has not any formal ceremony to mark the opening. Persons welcomed the opportunity to finally use a bathroom facility in that location in much comfort.
“They ain’t do no ceremony for the politicians to give fancy speeches, at least not yet, you see this is a thing VIP started so it wouldn’t surprise me that this National Democratic Party (NDP) government, who had no choice but to complete it, would even ensure that National Park Trust do a lil prayer ceremony to bless the place,” said the resident.
Another who has been constantly expressing concerns about the need to have the facility in place as the porta-potties that were placed there to substitute were not adequate and had began to be problematic, said, “They are now constructing a concrete pathway from the bathroom to the parking lot for easier access especially for physically challenged.”
The resident observed that foot paths are also being constructed for other purposes, “So that persons don’t wash their sandy feet in the sink to clog them up. This had happened in the past,” said the resident.
She challenged the National Park Trust to produce the cleaning and maintenance plan for the building. “They (National Park Trust) have hired a cleaning service for a month only and I am not aware what the plans are for after this,” she said.
This news site has learnt that the porta-potties have since been returned to BVI Ports Authorities from where they were borrowed.

17 Responses to “Finally! Bathroom facilities @ Top of the Baths opened”
The ONLY thing he did in 4 years! SMH