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November 27th, 2019
T&T receives $7 million for climate change projects


PORT OF SPAIN, T&T - The Min­istry of Plan­ning and De­vel­op­ment has an­nounced that T&T’s Gov­ern­ment has re­ceived ap­prox­i­mate­ly TT$7 mil­lion from the Green Cli­mate Fund (GCF) of the Unit­ed Na­tions for the de­vel­op­ment of trans­for­ma­tion­al projects to re­spond to is­sues re­lat­ed to cli­mate change in T&T.

November 18th, 2019
Digicel employee shot dead in T&T

PORT OF SPAIN, T&T - A man said to be a Digicel employee was shot dead this morning while on his way to work. His name is Dillon Fraser.

November 12th, 2019
Barbados teachers meeting to discuss 'deadly school violence'


BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - The Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) and the Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT) will be holding a mass meeting tonight Tuesday, November 12.

November 12th, 2019
Lifeless body of Caucasian man found in Dominica river


PAILLOTTE, Dominica - The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force is investigating the discovery of a lifeless decomposing body of a Caucasian man which was recovered from the river in Trafalgar in the area of the Trafalgar Hydroelectric Complex in the afternoon of Monday 4th November 2019.

November 6th, 2019
Election Day in Dominica is December 6, 2019


In keeping with his October 12th announcement that the next general election would be held within 100 days, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has called the election for the 6th of December 2019.

November 5th, 2019
Unusual wildlife wreaking havoc in Jamaica


PORTLAND, Jamaica - With Christmas less than two months away, it appears that Jamaica has found its own set of reindeer.

November 5th, 2019
Flamingo on sale @ Guyanese market sparks outrage


PORT MOURANT, Berbice, Guyana - Authorities have launched an investigation into what appeared to be the abuse and mistreatment of a flamingo, which was on sale at the Port Mourant Market, Region Six in Guyana.

November 5th, 2019
Swimsuit models in T&T Cathedral cause uproar


PORT OF SPAIN, T&T - Pho­tographs of mod­els in bathing suits walk­ing down the aisle of the Holy Trin­i­ty Cathe­dral went vi­ral on so­cial me­dia on Sunday, November 3, 2019, as peo­ple ques­tioned the ap­pro­pri­ate­ness of the sit­u­a­tion.

October 27th, 2019
Shared vision for oil $$ required for prosperity in Guyana


With just over 750,000 people, Guyana – South America’s newest petroleum hotspot – will begin producing oil within months and with over 6 billion barrels already discovered, revenue from production could profoundly transform the small nation. But the country has a challenge; unifying its population around one cause, and that is how the coming billions in oil revenue will be managed.

October 23rd, 2019
Mexican firm managing major airport in Jamaica


KINGSTON, Jamaica – The management of the Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA) has officially been handed over by Government to PAC Kingston Airport Limited (PACKAL).

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