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May 17th, 2017
Being held to ransom digitally, financially & politically

Alred C. Frett

Welcome to the Twilight Zone where Wrong means Right:

Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, Leaders across the World show us they can – International Trade Agreements are scrapped, Crucial Health Care for the Needy is withdrawn, Basic Education is rolled back, Religious Leaders dabble in Child Molestation and those in seats of Power corrupt the delivery of Justice – Sadly, these traits are not new but simply getting worse.

May 2nd, 2017
Thanks to Trumpism our people may finally see the light

Alred C. Frett

The rapid Transition from Bad to Worse:

As we leave one month and enter the next there is so much happening that it’s difficult to keep up… Nonetheless, we must choose whether to reside under the Bubble of Ignorance or real Life which shows all happenings are interconnected… Subsequently, we passed the 100-Day mark since Obama relinquished the Presidency to Trump and I will later explain why I thank The Donald.

April 12th, 2017
The arrogance, hypocrisy & stupidity of power

Alred C. Frett

Moving in Circles always takes us backward:

This Article will be short for no sooner we left March Madness than we landed into All Fools Month where Fools feel at home with Madness… We now find a World prepared to accept the Treason of Trump and BREXIT of Britain as Leadership Values that fuel Misconceptions of Politicians at home and abroad… Instead of being Progressive they claim to yearn for what they call the ‘Good Ole Days’

March 22nd, 2017
Rescuing ourselves from political treason

Alred C. Frett

When Their Good ‘Ol Days become Our Bad 'Ol Days:

With so many local issues begging to be addressed it becomes frustrating when international matters far beyond our control suck all the Oxygen out of the room… Nonetheless we can no longer block out the World by sticking our Heads in the sand... Whether Friend or Foe, Child or Adult, Local or International; we are not alone - The Shenanigans of Mr Trump will affect us all.

February 28th, 2017
Will Blacks over-come before Christ returns?

Alred C. Frett

Prison should never be the Mantra of our History:

For Centuries Christians have been saying ‘Christ soon come’ and Descendants of Slaves have been saying ‘We shall overcome’… However, we are now in the last days of Black History Month 2017 and in desperation Persons are crying out for these fulfillments more and more only to find them less likely as reality dawns and Leaders still glorify Slavery in Dress, Songs and Customs.

February 16th, 2017
Seeking Black History with bumps & Trumps in the road

Alred C. Frett

When Blacks forget their History of Survival:

We are now deep in Black History Month but can hardly tell because Black Lives still seem not to matter and we are better off neither being seen nor heard… As the World changes before our very eyes, some things remain unchanged while some that took Centuries now happen in mere years… Slaves still put their Hope and Trust in the fables of White Gods and Imaginary Friends.

January 31st, 2017
Resistance to being enlightened is agreement to perish

Alred C. Frett

Bad Elections carry Dire Consequences:

For generations we were conditioned not to Read and Research so we became programmed for Gossip… As a result many like to hear about Obama in the Virgin Islands (UK) or Injustices done to me by the Courts in relation to my Properties and, while these may be important, they pale in comparison to crucial matters affecting all Humanity that must be addressed before it is too late and all is lost.

January 1st, 2017
Addressing the miseries of 2016

Alred C. Frett

2016 was a Leap Year and that extra day may have brought some Joys to a Few but much Sadness to many… With less than one day to go, year 2016 has been terrible… Not just with International Wars and Conflicts and the selection of BREXIT and election of Trump but even here in our little corner of the Pond.

December 24th, 2016
Has Gov’t caved after protest over bollards @ HM Prison Museum?

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- After loud protests led by Opposition Leader Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), political activist and businessman Alred C. Frett, civil society and residents of Road Town, the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration has apparently removed the unsightly bollards from Main Street, in Road Town, the capital City.

December 14th, 2016
Natalie Joyce Brewley-Frett: Wife, Queen & National Hero

Alred C. Frett

In practically everything I have done for the past decades she has been there; especially when the Chips were down… Achievements I have made in struggling for the People and bringing Truth to the Youth have been with her support - Among her recent TFY Contributions were attempts to make NHI better serve the People and the Thesis that the recent US Election was stolen –Many are finally beginning to understand and agree with us.

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