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February 2nd, 2020
We must fix NHI together before it’s too late for us

Alred C. Frett

Sometimes we need to speak Truth to Power:

This goes for Family, Friends, You and Everybody including Enemies who would like me to be passive and ‘go along to get along’… We are only where we are because some persons chose to be different… Not because it was easy but because it promoted, the goodness in man and they saw it as necessary – We all have roles to play and you may be one such person without even knowing.

January 14th, 2020
A few facts about NHI before becoming hooked on lies

Alred C. Frett

As it was in the Beginning…:

As we enter the Year 2020, the very name suggests a clear vision of what is before us but the past years have taught us that even good things turn bad and, whether natural or man-made disasters; hurricanes, earthquakes, cancer or asthma, we are seeing crises like never before… Today’s children are now as affected as their grandparents and we truly need a policy of putting health first.

December 26th, 2019
Old year or New year – Will the difference be good?

Alred C. Frett

Leaving the past behind:

This has been a turbulent year of high drama - We saw the passing of a 1st Premier, the election of a Brexit advocate as Prime Minister, a US President impeached for being unfit for office and the hasty alienation of 1500 VI Rights and Privileges… For better or worse, each of these events can and will affect many of us individually and collectively; positively or negatively; in the short term or in the long term.

December 19th, 2019
Donald J. Trump impeached!

WASHINGTON DC, USA- Donald J. Trump has become the third US president in history to be impeached by the House of Representatives, setting up a trial in the Senate that will decide whether he remains in office.

December 13th, 2019
Our children’s path must lead from here to there

Alred C. Frett

Acknowledging the Past & Present:

Donald J. Trump has set the standard for New Governments blaming Old Governments but New Governments can become old quickly by failing to address the needs of a people and neglecting that which requires rectification… As we enter the final month of the year crucial questions are still unanswered and many of our dearly departed who entered the year erect have left it horizontal.

September 11th, 2019
Natural & man-made disasters – Irma, Brexit & Banks

Alred C. Frett

Classifying yourself - Listen, Learn & Earn:

If you are reading this then you are still alive and among the ambitious majority with the foresight of the progressive minority just as throughout life the minority leads while the majority follows… History has always shown the failing majority as refusing to listen and learn whereas the minority that listens & learns become their herders – No wonder they liken themselves to sheep.

August 12th, 2019
Emancipation, Religion & Truths from the Bible

By Alred C. Frett

We are still weak from Emancipation Fever and while we had no repeated August Floods, it is 2years since Hurricane Irma demolished the locally owned Palmgrove Shopping Centre. That is symbolically sad and while I am one of those owners, this is not about me but about less fortunate owners who did all the right things but lost their livelihood through the negligence of Government.

July 17th, 2019
Taking a closer look at schools & churches

By Alred C. Frett

I am no Saint, Teacher nor Sunday School Preacher: None of us are perfect but not everything or everyone is bad or wrong – There is much good and right in things and People… I know this, because thanks to you, I survived challenges that could have easily destroyed me… You too, may have been fortunate and we should see our survival and successes as opportunities to give thanks by preparing the less fortunate for survival & progress.

April 23rd, 2019
Will it ever be the right time to set our people free?

Alred C. Frett

Sometimes we know more than we think:

I still believe you already know things I tell you even if you think not… Some call it a form of ‘déjà vu’ when persons know without knowing that they know until they find themselves identifying with the ‘new’ information which was already deep within their gut, begging to be released - My messages apply to all even if they seem more relevant for Slave Descendants.

March 19th, 2019
Elections are over – Time for ruling & not for fooling

By Alred C. Frett

The UK always reserves the final say - Let them: It is over but persons still ask what I think about the election results, the Cabinet and resignation & re-application of an elected member?... Well, most of my selections won so I am hopeful… At the same time, they were the ones facing nightly stress & strain on the campaign trail so they – and not I – have the right to make their own decisions on any & all positions… We will judge their work.

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