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May 3rd, 2023
Fake election - Another nail in the children’s coffin

Alred C. Frett

Trapped by a Minority of the Majority:

The shouting is over, the numbers have played… Once again, we swung the hammer and placed another nail in the Coffin of the Children … Some ask, ‘What’s next?’ and I don’t need to answer, for my opinions have not changed… We still avoid reality, and it’s unbelievable to hear people claim that the Governor did not want the present Government when all their past actions showed the exact opposite.

April 4th, 2023
Welcome to All Fools’ Month & election lotteries

Alred C. Frett

The Art of Electing Our Own Slave Traders:

Everyone likes to claim democracy, but Democracy is far more than just a word... This international philosophy requires active participation in Equality... Unfortunately, we have confused Democracy with Monarchies and Capitalism... There are many who still think that British Kings and Queens still hold Political Power and can make decisions in our favour – This is not true, their Parliament is in charge.

March 13th, 2023
VI, please beware, for somebody is fooling somebody

Alred C. Frett

Second Chances are not Erasers for First Mistakes:

Persons claim that Christ was crucified for speaking Truth to Power, so Truth has never been popular... At the same time, without Truth, there’s nothing but lies and faulty Imaginations, so, while we may bank on the Future, we are only on loan to the World... Principal messages may leave from just 1 mouth and reach 2 ears, but Deposits are worth nothing until we apply Interest and Investments become Reality.

November 26th, 2022
Has the civil service been paralysed after arrests & CoI report?

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - One of the erroneous narratives coming out of the one-man Commission of Inquiry (CoI) 2022 Report led by British national Sr. Gary R. Hickinbottom, was that the local people are all corrupt and the United Kingdom with their appointed UK nationals as Governors and Police Commissioners are pure and the saviors.

November 24th, 2022
Accepting the lies or repeating the truth

Alred C. Frett

Don’t tell us we are wrong or, you will hurt our Feelings:

Persons are quick to express concern that things they heard before are being repeated but hesitate to say whether they are learning from the provided information… Many seem to have developed an allergy to Truth and by seeking to avoid or discredit facts, they expose their own Children to the dangers and fantasy of lies while making themselves deceivers and misleaders of this and successive generations.

October 20th, 2022
The real costs of holidays, vacations & elections

Alred C. Frett

Keeping Ourselves Busy by Doing Nothing:

We live and learn and, while we may not have all the answers, the World is not flat, Heaven is not in the Sky and if you don’t love yourself no one is obliged to love you… As Adults we look for Vacations even when we are unemployed and as Children we look forward to Holidays even when it means avoiding lessons that improve our lives… Now is the time to look even deeper at our Basic Traditional Practices.

June 29th, 2022
When reading is fundamental & seeing is believing

Alred C. Frett

In a Quest to Return to the Badness of the Good Old Days:

Seems like the whole world is falling apart – Not just our Premier chasing bones in the brook but a constant beat of conflict and confusion… Russia vs Ukraine, UK vs EU, America vs America and Everywhere against Anywhere… Even Hell and Heaven claim Domestic Violence as Rain pours and Sun shines… They took us out of Africa and since we are not going back, Africa’s Sahara is coming to us – dust by dust and grain by grain.

June 9th, 2022
Still wondering what’s next for government

Alred C. Frett

I thought my last article in VINO had made things simple and clear but there still appears to be some persons seeking answers… Many would like us to be dumb and quiet but we should not, so, I hope this helps:

May 30th, 2022
What’s next for government?– Expecting a fix

Alred C. Frett

Opinion or Facts?

After 400 years, we still live in denial of our own denials and, because we refuse to think for ourselves, we are back to putting our trust in Colonial Masters… We reject Truths that challenge our intellectual laziness and would rather pretend to be so special that life owes us more than we owe ourselves… In this way, we ignore opportunities, misplace priorities and are misguided by emotions rather than led by reasoning.

February 24th, 2022
Beware the sons of Solomon & the wisdom we spurn

Alred C. Frett

Why Repeat the Mistakes of Others?

We live and learn so, it would be nice if we could say or hear something just once and that would be enough – However, in Today’s World of conspiracies and propaganda; once never seems to be enough for although we claim to search for Truth, yet, when we find it, we still reject it… Subsequently, our Lives and World are ruled by many who regard lying as talent and find it as easy to lie as to breathe – In this, Trump is not alone.

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