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December 19th, 2023
Confronting conspiracies & Fantasies with basic reality

Alred C. Frett

Being Held Accountable for our own Responsibilities: Best Wishes & a Merry Christmas to All!. Whether or not we accept it as the Birthday of our Imaginary Friend, it has become our Traditional ‘Family Day’ for the making of Memories, and we should grasp the opportunity to care & share, even if there is not much to share & care about… Maybe I’ll make this a short one in order to give you time to eat Ham & Tart, drink some Guava-berry, and do a little Caroling.

November 21st, 2023
Borrowed coat strings don’t last long

Alred C. Frett

Minimum Wage or Maximum Rip-off:

Some say Good things never seem to last, and some say, the good Lord giveth and the Good Lord taketh away... I do not have all the answers but I may have a few, and just as Day follows Night, Night follows Day, and, not all Days are bright, and not all Nights are dark... However, even with all the differences between our Ambition and Ability, the God of Nature and Laws of Balance still brings equality for one and all.

November 7th, 2023
And then we blinked & all was lost

Alred C. Frett

It’s not Magic – It’s Basic:

We label ourselves the Information Generation, but the only things we were born knowing is how to eat and poop… All our knowledge was picked up from others, so if they are wrong then we are also wrong… Nonetheless, even as we follow their hand-me-down teaching, we still think we know more than they do, so we call ourselves special, and regard others, as fools and infidels, when we may really be the idiots.

October 24th, 2023
Divorced from justice but not separated from the people

Alred C. Frett

I am Forever Grateful, & Offer Thanks to you the People:

It may be flattering for persons to praise my last Articles as Master Pieces, but the truth is, the things I am saying now are what I have been saying all along… It’s merely a matter of speaking Truth to Power, in order to provide Truth for the Youth... It’s also okay for those who differ with me and call me a Hypocrite, because I promote the full employment of V-Islanders, even as I support the Rights of employed Non-Belongers.

September 26th, 2023
Losing a country & turning bread into stone

Alred C. Frett

The Promises & Projections of Politics:

Thanks for your comments about the Broadcasts and Articles... It is good to know that you read and listen, even if you disagree... The subjects are always open for debate, and it’s always good to spread the Word and hear the opinions of others... For Centuries, those in Power replaced Truth with Lies and we suffered for it... Perhaps Today will be a brand-new beginning, and a time to finally release our Chains.

September 5th, 2023
Explaining the parables & fulfilling the word

Alred C. Frett

Full Speed Forwards & Bird Speed Backwards:

Hindsight is 20/20, and things I say are neither to hurt, harm, or hinder, but to heal and help before it is too late... I stand rock solid behind my statements, and you may doubt the Messenger, but never deny the proven facts, and you have already seen the proof... UK’s Fake Electors are Non-functional, SanTis and Judge Thomas are bad for Blacks, and Trump, the criminal, is more difficult to get out than to put in.

August 14th, 2023
The parables of Governors, Civil Servants & Representatives

Alred C. Frett

We should beware of a Youthful Immaturity that is unconcerned about long-term Acts & Consequences, but quick to feed the Heat of the Moment… Instead of learning from Yesterday, how to make plans of Today, in preparation for Tomorrow, they are quick to join the Herd and squander their Today and then claim someone else’s Tomorrow… They’ll take Water and Electricity for granted until all is gone.

July 31st, 2023
Emancipation celebrations & fake representation

Alred C. Frett

Still awaiting the Promise of Freedom:

We have a conditional allergy to Truth, so it took me endless months of explaining that CoI is an unfinished Fiasco, and, it was only because we were broke, and the UK was broke, that we were having Fake Elections… Now that you finally heard these admissions from the Governor and Government, there should be no doubt that we exist under Fake Representation, and they are now squandering real Money and Time.

May 23rd, 2023
The value of being woke - Progressive & Awake

Alred C. Frett

When Being Wrong Would Make Things Right:

Once we put trust in Leaders, we never want to be wrong, so we tolerate many difficulties before admitting failure… Election is over, but I remain concerned that their view of success is the wholesale ripping off and raping of the People, rather than trying to exhibit the virtue and character needed for saving our Country and rescuing our Children… I have zero trust, but I would much rather be wrong.

May 16th, 2023
Coronation or just another nail in the children’s coffin?

Alred C. Frett

Preventing our Children’s Tomorrow from being their Grandparents’ Yesterday:

Our need to move forward is long overdue, and it is painful to watch as Leaders re-deposit our Children back into 21st Century Slavery… The more we cry for change, the more things worsen or remain the same, and we are afraid to imagine Long-term effects, because we are already seeing the short-term damage in the forms of Strokes, Deaths and Murders… Funerals have been too frequent and unbearable.

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