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March 13th, 2013
The real killers of VI National Health Insurance

By Alred C. Frett

Are BV-Islanders wrong to seek Truth and Facts??:

Following our last article concerning perceived Dangers of National Health Insurance, I was accused of opposing this Scheme and I will not deny this but it should be clear that my opposition is based on their failure to provide necessary information concerning the Sustainability, Costs, Principles, Objectives and Bylaws governing this venture.

March 6th, 2013
Is VI’S National Health Insurance more problem than solution??

By Alred C. Frett

And they too shall fall from their High Pinnacles of Power:

Even as we depart Black History Month there is evidence that we are finally learning to let go of regressive practices of the past… There still remains a long way to go but indicators suggest that while this may be a rough year for us it is likely to be a much rougher year for the Wicked and Corrupt as they fall from their High Seats of Power whether by Will, Force, Sickness or Death.

February 28th, 2013
Leaving Black History Month & Marching to Freedom

By Alred C. Frett

Maintaining a Link with Black History Month:

As we leave this Black History Month I have tried to explain the realistic condition of things in the BVI with the hope that some would recognize Truth and realize the importance of change for the better… Any self-governing emancipated People should know there are no real winners when Politicians and Civil Servants become Oppressors and Tyrants just because they are in power.

February 19th, 2013
Seeking freedom from oppressive leaders and bottom feeders

By Alred C. Frett

Welcome to the Simplest Truths you will ever hear:
This is the 21st Century and still our People continue to suffer as those we employ and pay to be Civil Servants have instead made themselves Civil Tyrants. Many such persons masquerade themselves as Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, Allied Health Professionals and Heads of their Associated Clubs and Councils who take pride in systematically destroying our Country.

January 22nd, 2013
Are public service terrorists destroying their own children??

By Alred C. Frett

Playing Blind, Deaf & Dumb??:
Since Thursday, Jan 17th many Persons have approached me with endless Suggestions on whom I should beg in order to get ahead of the Unfairness & Corruption I face. Repeatedly I have had to remind them I seek nothing for myself unless everyone is entitled to the same; besides I have no Envy or Complaint against anyone able to progress in this Jungle of Civil Servants Obstacles.

January 15th, 2013

By Alred C. Frett

A Voiceless People is a Choice-less People:

Welcome to British Virgin Productions where Truth is selected & Lies rejected… Against all odds we still come to you ‘Live’ on Saturdays at 6:00pm on ZROD Radio 103.7 FM & ZVCR Radio 106.9FM…. In addition our Truth for the Youth Articles appear on BVI News OnLine, Virgin Islands News OnLine and ‘Alred AC Frett’ Facebook Page - Thanks for your interest.

January 9th, 2013
ARE YOU CRAZY?? - Kings & Queens do not give up their thrones!

By Alred 'AC' Frett

When False Tales turn Jackals into Jacka$$e$:

Persons claiming to be in the know have told me that the Big Ones have been listening to what I have been saying and things will be corrected very soon so I should ease off the B&F Building’s Case and the mishandlings within the Labour Department especially since the Judge’s decision regarding the High Court's Judicial Review should be delivered this month.

December 31st, 2012
Picking Sense Outta Nonsense - Somma Dis & Somma Dat

By Alred C. Frett

There are some things persons don’t know and wish to know or in some cases may know and wish not to know. Then again there are those who just don’t care whether they know or don’t know. Whatever the case, you can find most anything on the internet and I thought it would be different if I dropped the ‘serious’ and provided some useful/useless information this old year.

December 24th, 2012
What happened in 2012? - Why was Christmas cancelled?

By Alred C Frett

A look back at 2012 some may feel nostalgia but for too many it has been a year not worth repeating. At home and abroad disasters and deaths have formed long chains of sorrow as we became forced spectators to a parade of Coffins. Far too many found themselves trapped in social cycles of Greed and Corruption where who should do better won’t do better.

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