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December 22nd, 2014
If Our People are to Survive Silence Cannot be an Option

By Alred C. Frett

Some say I brag too much about things I accomplished while others say I do not take enough credit – Whoever is right or wrong I see my Mission as simply to deliver Truth which we all have found to not be delivered or to be willfully distorted by others for their own benefit or agenda… For too long we have suffered in Silence and our Children will not survive if this continues.

December 9th, 2014
Recognizing the Efforts of our People in Protests and Names

By Alred C. Frett

A Major Reason why we continue to give over 20-Book Scholarships per year:

Slave descendants have the highest level of Information Retention in the World and while that should be a Blessing we have allowed it to become a Curse… This all started when Masters learnt the best way to rule us was to fool us and their greatest method was to block us from learning to Read & Write so as to prevent us accessing independent information & knowledge.

November 26th, 2014
When Culture of the Present Battles Culture of the Past

By Alred C. Frett

Do you really know your Culture?:

Traditionally, customs of the day result in behaviour patterns which different places & races commonly refer to as ‘their Culture’ - Amusingly, November that commemorates the execution of Guy Fawkes was chosen as BVI’s Culture Month… However, as a displaced People who evolved from Freedom to Slavery to Freedom it may be time to carefully decide our own Culture.

November 12th, 2014
Preventing our Leaders from Courting Health Care Disasters

By Alred C. Frett

Welcome to Another Example of US Thanksgiving:

Sometimes just surviving is tough especially when attacked by Politicians, Preachers & Courts simply for telling Truths. Nonetheless, I still try avoiding Conflicts whenever possible and, as explained, these attacks on me actually serve to put these very Systems on trial – I may be battered & bruised but most of you are finally seeing the underbelly of the snake.

October 29th, 2014
What if things changed for the better?

By Alred C. Frett

As the World struggles with man-made confusion too many still make excuses and ask Why? When they should be recognizing the consequences of their actions… Simply put: If we glorify Guns & dispense Bullets instead of Bread then People will be shot, and, if we offer examples of Wars & Violence as Solutions in order to sell Weapons then our Youth will become radicalized.

October 7th, 2014
When Monkey See & Monkey Do The People Often Suffer

By Alred C. Frett

As Leaders mislead and Locals lose again:

It is easy to destroy anyone & everyone by keeping them in Mental Deprivation or Controlled Ignorance so the likelihood of where we would be without ‘Truth for the Youth, a Voice for the People & Your Personal Efforts’ should concern us all… Furthermore, the willful Suppression of Information by Governments, Individuals, the Media & Social Systems are equal to Hate Crimes.

September 23rd, 2014
From Scotland to the Virgin Islands – Who Will Save Us All?

By Alred C. Frett

When Bible toting religious fanatics complain that I repeat the same messages over & over it is almost laughable since they are the same ones that congregate at least once a week to receive Religious Fixes or Top-up of the same Fairy Tales of Imaginary Friends… Meanwhile, my Messages are real Lessons necessary for the Survival & Progress of this & future Generations.

September 9th, 2014
Investigating the Stench of Corruption

By Alred C. Frett

Persons say that I shouldn’t repeat what I’m about to say but I have always been honest with you and I have no plans of changing that… Fact is I have no hunger for Power, & never chased the Dollar & I have no burning desire to run for Public office… Nonetheless, we can see what is happening to our People & Country and if we all relax in our comfort zones it simply gets worse.

August 26th, 2014
Are We Dreaming Up Our Middle Class But Living Down Ourselves?

By Alred C. Frett

The Celebrations are fast becoming distant Memories but Emancipation has yet to arrive - How do we know? - Because very few BV-Islanders knew of the killing of the black teenager, Michael Brown and most blamed Blacks for not following orders & behaving themselves… No one chose to read or research the associated information & some even said such research was unnecessary.

August 18th, 2014
If We Celebrate Celebrations Then Why Not An Insurance Scheme?

By Alred C. Frett

Celebrating a Celebration without having a Success:

We have just expended gobs of Money & tons of Effort celebrating a Celebration while the real reason for the occasion eludes us… Instead, whether in the Caribbean or across the World we see the victimization of Slave Descendants by Police & others involved in Law & Order Systems in which the Poor are used to destroy Poor in order to safeguard the wealth & power of the Rich.

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