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May 26th, 2015
What boycott? – Failure to read is failure to lead

By AC Frett

Reading is Fundamental:

Emancipation took place a long time ago but our People would still rather spend a lifetime listening to the Lies of others than spend a minute reading and researching Truth for themselves… We look at the written word and tell ourselves it’s too much to read so while Missionaries ceased to exist the lessons they taught our Ancestors are still being used to handicap our Children and Grandchildren.

May 11th, 2015
Defeating bad intentions of snap elections

By Alred C. Frett

When Politicians fire the People’s Representatives:

Bad Leaders still regard our People as programmed to follow without thinking and suffer without crying so they keep on taking advantage of this in their quest to fool us and rule us… No wonder World’s Day of Prayer was used to call on God to provide Leaders who would deliver more Money through whatever means necessary, without concerns about Caring, Sharing, Fairness or Justice.

May 9th, 2015
‘Boycott June 8 snap elections!’ –Alred C. Frett

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Political and social commentator Alred C. Frett is calling on the territory to boycott the upcoming general elections on June 8, 2015, saying that people would be signing their own death warrants if they support such a move.

May 4th, 2015
Why snap elections are never in the people’s best interest

By Alred C. Frett

The Tricks of Slavery are still with us

As Corruption consumes Leaders and Police Officers kill unarmed Black Men, we find mothers publicly beating their Sons to prevent them from resisting the wrongness of Authority for fear they too may be killed… Mothers do what comes naturally without understanding the effects but this is the same technique used by Slave Masters to prolong Slavery and keep the Youth in shackles.

April 21st, 2015
Children crushed by carry-over effects of slavery & colonialism

By Alred C. Frett

Political Ponzi Schemes & Willing Victims:

Persons shouldn’t act surprised when Preachers, Lawyers and Politicians are featured as the stars of Ponzi Schemes and American Greed because History has always shown Religion as the most wicked, Politicians as the most anti-human and the Courts as the worst dispensers of Justice… While these Systems promise great hope they often deliver the root causes of Society’s problems.

April 7th, 2015
Will there ever be 'time to give our children a chance?'

By Alred C. Frett

Why Snap Election & Why be an At-Large Candidate??

Election Selection is in overdrive based on a fear that Government will call a Snap Election long before its time… If this is so, we must realise that there are only two reasons why Governments call Snap Elections - #1 Because they know they are doing wrong, plan to do more wrong and wish to cover it up, or, #2 They regard the Opposition as being ineffective and too weak to win at that time.

March 16th, 2015
From Selma to Ferguson to the BVI

By Alred C. Frett

A recent Department of Justice Report resulting from the fatal shooting of Ferguson’s unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, shows his complicity in the incident but also details a pattern of racial discrimination and stereotyping of Blacks among Police, Prison and Court System… These included Police using excessive force against Blacks and undue harassing of Black Drivers.

March 3rd, 2015
Liberating our people from themselves

By Alred C. Frett

Shackling our Children to Lies of the Past

In the beginning, long before Adam and Eve or Steve, the ‘God of Nature and Laws of Balance’ decreed that all living things were created to coexist even while ensuring the perpetuation of their own species - as such there is no need to hate others while loving ourselves… Unfortunately, we have been coerced into adopting manmade Gods of those seeking racial supremacy.

January 27th, 2015
When the sins of Seniors become punishment for the Youth

By Alred C. Frett

Martin tried but we failed him:

Appreciation for Martin Luther King seems past & forgotten except on his Holiday when Persons are forced to acknowledge that his famous Dream of Equality is still a non-reality… Things he fought for & against appear unchanged Half a Century later - Instead of Sweet Dreams, those he fought for still suffer the Nightmares of Racism, Corruption, Oppression and Unjustified Wars.

January 6th, 2015
Are we back to selling our birthrights, hospitals & people?

By Alred C. Frett

Just last month we sang ‘Peace on Earth and Good will to Men’ and we started off the New Year with John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’… These both bear strong messages but many would prefer if we acted out ‘Silent Night’ and remain still… They wish us not to proclaim the real messages of Truth, Love and Possibilities… They would rather prefer we followed misleaders and deceivers.

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