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October 21st, 2015
A political promise to talk is no commitment to listen

By Alred C. Frett

Even where Blind leads Blind, Folly is no Legacy:

As the New World remains filled with Old Practices, those in Power continue to create Conditions and Laws to have the Less Fortunate destroy each other on their behalf… While some recognise this others refuse to see, so it is refreshing when South Africa’s ANC resolves to leave the International Criminal Court because they see powerful nations use it to "trample" the human rights of weaker ones.

October 12th, 2015
When good people speak & bad leaders refuse to listen

By Alred C. Frett

…And the Baggage of Slavery continues to weigh us down:

There is no doubt the global effects of Slavery remain high and Systemic Discrimination and Injustice within most Societies continue to diminish Human Rights while increasing the undue imprisonment of African Descendants… Meanwhile we are trained to downplay these wrongs by telling ourselves that they will pass with time – They never do and our Children are left to carry burdens we create.

October 5th, 2015
B&F Medical not signing on to NHI now – Alred C. Frett

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Owner of B&F Medical Complex Mr Alred C. Frett has stated his institution has not yet signed on to the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme as a health care provider and will not be doing so unless certain concerns are adequately addressed.

September 29th, 2015
Is National Health Insurance really Social Security?

By Alred C. Frett

Practice makes perfect even to those skilled in Deceit & Destruction:

If we lose ourselves it’s impossible to lead others – However, as indoctrinated Descendants of Slaves we are conditioned to accept wrong as right and regard ourselves as Lazy & Violent when Historical Facts show Europeans as the ones who stole America from Mexicans & Indians, robbed the Resources of others, enslaved Africans, slaughtered Indians, Muslims, Blacks & Japanese.

September 28th, 2015
'Gov’t trying to commercialise health care' – Edmund G. Maduro

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Talk Show host Mr Edmund G. Maduro is convinced that the Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) is trying to commercialize the health care system of the territory, giving root to the opinions recently shared by columnist Alred C. Frett.

September 25th, 2015
'The Governor is a man like everybody else'- E.G. Maduro

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The ever vocal public activist Mr Edmund G. Maduro has turned his attention to Governor John S. Duncan OBE as he continues to publicly voice his disagreement with the controversial National Health Insurance (NHI) which is to come into effect on January 1, 2016.

September 24th, 2015
Calling Gov’t an ‘ass’ will be disrespecting grandfather’s donkey- E. G. Maduro

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Concerns as it relates to the National Health Insurance (NHI) continue as a hot topic across the territory and popular talk show host Mr Edmund G. Maduro continues to take every opportunity afforded him to admonish the government to go back to the drawing boards before implementing the scheme.

September 21st, 2015
Turning hippocratic oath into hypocrites come forth

By Alred C. Frett

Perhaps your own Answers are wiser than you think:

Over the years I have fought many Battles alone and Persons continue to ask why struggle against Forces so much bigger than I?… The answer would be easy since all my Battles have been on behalf of others when no one seems to care. But you already know that so let’s change the script and have you answer some questions that may better reveal your need for or against the struggle.

July 27th, 2015
Weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth from political pains

Hating ourselves enough to hurt ourselves:

If one didn’t know better they could easily think all the Noise Makers are innocent and justified in making a Racket about NHIS and other Complaints but these Problems are not new and no alternate solutions were offered by opposing Candidates… Thus, if this Snap Election was to create a Population of ‘Walking Dead’ who would be seen and not heard, it partially succeeded.

July 6th, 2015
Can blacks progress without religion?

By Alred C. Frett

Our Ancestors possessed Intelligence but were denied Knowledge:

Some say Life is a Journey but in fact it’s more like a Road and we are Travelers on a Pilgrimage - There may be Hills and Valleys, open Fields and flooded Plains, well-paved Streets and rugged Tracks and as different as we are - for better or worse - we all end at the same Finish Line… When it’s over it’s over and what really matters is what we withdrew and what we contributed along the way.

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