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April 28th, 2012
Gordon Gecko bites the dust!

By Dickson Igwe

The following story is part of a series of articles on the changing face of global capitalism. Gordon Gecko’s demise marks the end of decades of a credit driven, casino culture in the West. His end is also the beginning of an era of austerity, and an avant garde Western culture of thrift.

April 21st, 2012

By Dickson Igwe

A short preface to a narrative on a multibillion dollar social networking phenomenon is appropriate. And it is a tidbit taken from the leader section in the Economist of March 24, 2012, an article titled ‘’ an I Popping phenomenon.’’

April 14th, 2012
The Liberalization of Virgin Islands electrical power: taming an 800 pound Gorilla!

The British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation, in the near future, may have to be privatized, and simultaneously broken up into a number of smaller energy type businesses owned by BV Islanders, and Citizens, if this tiny country is to proceed towards a renewable, and cheaper and cleaner, energy future.

April 7th, 2012
Green and renewable: the new buzz words for British Virgin Islands

A ‘Source’ for this Village Square Thinker, on the afternoon of April 3, 2012, at the Road Town Public Library, told of a major yacht and marina owner on the island who was ecstatic at the prospect of long distance commercial type flights landing at Terrance B Lettsome International Airport, Beef Island.

March 31st, 2012
The St. Thomas factor in Virgin Islands travel and tourism

The owners of Last Resort, a romantic restaurant nestled luxuriantly on Bellamy Cay at Trellis Bay in the British Virgin Islands, are skeptical of Government’s ‘’good intentions’’ as regards the proposed and now imminent runway extension for Beef Island’s Terrance B Lettsome International Airport.

March 24th, 2012
A Virgin Islands ‘GANGSTA' Wannabe

By Dickson Igwe

Second article in a three article series, and word of caution for the British Virgin Islands, about a state of denial that fails to see the threat from overspill of a violent and deadly antisocial subculture prevalent in the neighbouring United States Virgin Islands.

March 17th, 2012
‘GANGSTA’ - alive, well, and thriving in the British Virgin Islands

By Dickson Igwe

St. Thomas and St. Croix in the United States Virgin Islands, neighbouring islands of these British West Indian Virgin Islands, are two enchanting isles that have long been plagued by gangland type criminality and violence. The gang culture, rooted in many parts of St. Thomas and St. Croix, claims scores of lives annually: from stabbings to shootings, with many innocents caught in the hellish crossfire.

March 10th, 2012
Virgin Islands taxi drivers, the country’s national ambassadors


Visiting a supermarket in Road Town, capital of the Virgin Islands, is a great source of news material. The retail environment and shop floor is a pot of gold for any enthusiastic, resourceful and imaginative storyteller and writer. A Saturday morning at Bobbys or Riteway, and One Mart and Supa Value, for instance, will reveal a unique dynamic of Virgin Islands society not available at settings such as the Sunday morning church service, the school sports day, a working day at the office

March 3rd, 2012
Idyllic West Indian island of Anegada as 5 star resort destination and global airline hub

By Dickson Igwe

It is requisite to note, before the start of this article, that a very influential voice in these Antilles, one of those men with his fingers on the social, economic, and political pulse , and who wishes to remain anonymous, has informed this Observer that he believes the pristine and idyllic island of Anegada is the most desirable place to locate a hub type jetliner facility. This is owing to cost considerations: apparently it will be a lot cheaper than building an extra terminal at Beef

February 25th, 2012
Powerful Virgin Islands taxi drivers and their public transportation hostages

by Dickson Igwe

A wonderful and delightful Native Virgin Islander, and popular writer, Sandra Philip Hodge, also known as Ndigo Naka, in an article written months ago, May 31st, 2011, to be precise, on BVI News Online, and a story headed ‘’ get public transportation on the road,’’ described how ‘’ public transportation involves a full time scheduled bus service, island wide, that is dependable and reliable, for a fixed fee.’’ She also rightly indicated that ‘’ up to now, there is no such system; but talk

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