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November 17th, 2012
The unforgiving global workplace

By Dickson Igwe

The global workplace suffers neither fools nor the mediocre. And the right governing environment, attractive social and physical infrastructure, and globally oriented national education and training model, are critical for survival in a highly competitive and integrated world. These Virgin Islands sit on an ever shrinking planet, where governments are limited in what they can do to protect local jobs and national markets.

October 27th, 2012
ELECTION USA, 2012: A nail biting countdown

By Dickson Igwe

Before the First US Presidential Election debate on October 3, 2012, President Barack Obama appeared to be coasting to a second term. Victory appeared assured. But after a disastrous performance by the Leader of the Free World, watched by tens of millions of American voters, all bets were off.

October 20th, 2012
Putting the feet of the Virgin Islands politicians and policymakers to the fire

By Dickson Igwe

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Christmas is on the horizon and some voters in these Spectacular Antilles view their Senators as the veritable SANTA CLAUS. Apparently, a vocal and influential minority expect their Senator or Elected Representative, in addition to meeting the normal and reasonable requests of Joe Public, to pay also for vacations, home extensions, mortgage arrears, roof repairs, even lingerie. This is absurd, unbelievable! But apparently true.

October 6th, 2012
Mitt Romney: The Big Business President

By Dickson Igwe

President Barack Obama is believed to understand the needs of America’s middle class; much more so than a multi millionaire venture capitalist named Mitt Romney. The President’s values are seen to be more approximate with those of people on middle incomes, living from paycheck to paycheck, and he is presently enjoying a huge lead in this category; 20 points, according to the latest polls.

September 29th, 2012
King Global versus Big Government

By Dickson Igwe

Banker Extraordinaire, and Thinker on globalization, Alan Greenspan, in his Book, ‘’THE AGE OF TURBULENCE, ADVENTURES IN A NEW WORLD,’’ described how the power of free markets and globalization to influence even the most totalitarian type regimes was clearly evident in the CHINESE MODEL.

September 22nd, 2012
Riding the powerful global horse

By Dickson Igwe

Two assertions made by vocal voices in the local press over the issue of Foreign Investment in the Virgin Islands are these: ‘’the Virgin Islands are too dependent on Foreign Investment; and a good swathe of the national economy is in the hands of foreigners, which are putting Virgin Islanders on the back burner.’’

September 15th, 2012
The wealthy global investor & job creator

By Dickson Igwe

One of the allusions made against the Beef Island airport expansion is this one: ‘’it is a project meant to cater for the private jets of multi millionaires and billionaires; a facility for the global jet set.’’ That is a naïve assertion, however.

September 8th, 2012
Paul Ryan's America

By Dickson Igwe

Mitt Romney announced Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate on the morning of August 11, 2012. This was a very interesting choice. Ryan is an intelligent man born into a wealthy family, and further, he married into wealth. But more to the point, he is the architect of the RYAN BUDGET.

August 30th, 2012
The Singapore-Hong Kong models of globalization

By Dickson Igwe

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - A snapshot of the thinking on globalization and foreign direct investment of Martin Wolf: Wolf was Resident Economist at the Financial Times: a global economics and finance daily. This article is part of a series on the benefits of Foreign Direct Investment for the Virgin Islands.

August 18th, 2012
Prosperity, free markets, and Virgin Islands development

By Dickson Igwe

Alan Greenspan, in his rendition on globalism and free trade, ‘’ THE AGE OF TURBULENCE: ADVENTURES IN A NEW WORLD,’’ believed the free market was supreme in determining the trajectory of the global economy.

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