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February 2nd, 2013
A Virgin Islands tale Robin Hood

By Dickson Igwe

WELL SIR! The story is on the highways and byways: JUICY GOSSIP rising out of WHOREHOUSES, and OUTHOUSES; STRIP JOINTS and RUM SHOPS, not to forget METE at the SUNDAY MORNING WELL.

January 26th, 2013
Tales of the Virgin Islands

By Dickson Igwe

Now your Wannabe Admiral Horatio Nelson is dumbstruck. The anger of a cross section of the Virgin Islands public appears to have reached boiling point: it has gone NUCLEAR. And it is a very palpable epiphany indeed. Many a Virgin Islander today ambles about seething, filled with wrath; the smoke of Hades visibly coming out, from nostrils, ears, and other places unmentionable. Why?

January 19th, 2013
Missing dads and neglectful mothers

By Dickson Igwe

There is a social malaise in the Virgin Islands that can be termed THE PARENTING DEFICIT. It is one overt and highly visible feature of adult irresponsibility. And it appears to be the progeny of a new and potentially destructive material order.

January 5th, 2013
On exotic yachting destinations, and Virgin Islands shopping

By Dickson Igwe

Now, your wannabe Admiral Horatio Nelson was recently invited to be ‘honorary co skipper’ for the day on board a yacht owned by a delightful, brilliant, and extremely well traveled Canadian couple. Paul and Joanne Strome own a yacht moored at Nanny Cay, and for a sum that would pay the annual mortgage of many a home, they berth their vessel in the British Virgin Islands.

December 29th, 2012
On international airports, cruise ship villages, and state of the art ferry terminals

By Dickson Igwe

The beginning of this medley cum commercial story is an admonition to Virgin Island’s leaders not to ignore the improvement needs of the West End Ferry Dock. That facility is as critical to Virgin Islands commerce and tourism, as is the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport.

December 22nd, 2012
It is time to slay the Death Beast called Gun Madness in the USA

By Dickson Igwe

Christmas was spoiled for many this December 2012. And for this lover of December, the news that innocent children continue to die at the hands of evil men has made this a month to reflect.

December 8th, 2012
The Virgin Islands Parental Deficit: a social diatribe

By Dickson Igwe

Poor parenting, and the lack of a positive male role model and father figure, for thousands of Virgin Islands children and youth, is creating enormous social and educational trauma in this small country. Neglectful parents and missing fathers are at the root of the emergence of a new VIRGIN ISLANDS UNDERCLASS.

December 4th, 2012
UPDATE: Igwe fires back at alleged ‘anti-globalisation’ detractor

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Commentator Dickson Igwe has fired back at a detractor, reiterating his position that globalisation clearly needed to be embraced by VIslanders in order for the Virgin Islands (VI) to move forward.

December 1st, 2012
Lessons on globalization from Africa

By Dickson Igwe

Now, a few words, before embarking on a continuing series of stories on the fact of globalization and its effects, whether beneficial or not, on Virgin Islands community. The preamble alludes to a response to an anti globalization commentator in these Lesser Antilles. The response was from an anonymous reader to a story in Virgin Islands News Online of November 29, 2012, a story titled, ‘’ COMMENTATORS CLASH ON GLOBALIZATION IN THE VIRGIN ISLANDS.

November 24th, 2012
Dangers for small West Indian States

By Dickson Igwe

Sir Ronald Sanders, Caribbean Diplomat and Journalist, made a crucial assertion in a November 16, 2012, Op ED piece, in the social news media, Caribdirect. The story was titled: ‘’CARIBBEAN IN GREATEST CRISIS SINCE INDEPENDENCE.’’

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