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November 30th, 2019
A Virgin Islands Treasury note - Part A

By Dickson C. Igwe

A Virgin Islands treasury note for specific projects is an effective means of finance and development, in a world of low-interest rates. A Virgin Islands Bond, well managed and trusted, could become legal tender for business deals internally, and on the international money and stock markets.

November 16th, 2019
Jack the super wealthy & the working poor

By Dickson C. Igwe

Austere trickledown economics has created a world Oligarchy. The world is ruled by the super-wealthy. A great irony with globalization is that it has re-established the exponential social inequalities inherent in both ancient and recent history.

November 12th, 2019
Swifter processing & approvals with new Planning Authority Board- Hon Fahie

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says the development of infrastructure and commercial property in the Virgin Islands (VI) post-Irma and Maria of 2017, has been progressing well, so much so that government recognised the need to enhance the process and expedite the projects.

November 7th, 2019
'Tremendous economic potential on Virgin Gorda' - Premier Fahie

VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI - With the return of physical banking services to the sister island of Virgin Gorda (VG) after over a year of being without, Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says the island has tremendous economic potential now and in the future under his government.

November 2nd, 2019
Trump, Brexit & the working class

By Dickson C. Igwe

Austere, trickledown economics has created a world Oligarchy. The world is ruled by the super-wealthy. Now this Old boy has been labelled a racist for his pointing out the fact that politics in the USA and UK today is driven by race, ethnicity, and social class, principally.

October 26th, 2019
Trump, Brexit & a New World Order

By Dickson C. Igwe

Nationalism has been superseded by globalism. The world is changing significantly and rapidly. The screams of fear and anger, from western citizens, especially blue-collar whites in the USA and Britain, will not change that.

October 24th, 2019
Premier Fahie mulls establishing regional ocean freight route

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) says with economic reform on the way in the Virgin Islands, local and regional businesses should prepare themselves for the new opportunities that will come as a result of a diversified local economy and a new ocean freight route the territory is looking to develop.

October 19th, 2019
BREXIT: A mess with no end

By Dickson C. Igwe

In spite of Boris Johnson’s supposed breakthrough deal, Brexit remains an eternal conundrum: this is why -

Now, Boris Johnson’s Brexit Deal of October 17, 2019, has been described by the Anti-Brexit Crowd as a Theresa May Deal ‘’Lite:’’ a worse version of the First Theresa May deal.

October 12th, 2019
The Balkanization of Great Britain

By Dickson C. Igwe

Brexit has entered an expected phase. The UK is becoming balkanized.

The Brexit Civil War has generated divisions in the United Kingdom that cannot be bridged unless the two sides talk and settle and it will be unwise for any ''expert'' to predict the trajectory and final outcome of the Brexit war at this stage in the conundrum.

October 5th, 2019
Vocations are critical for Virgin Islands youth

By Dickson C. Igwe

A workforce that possesses appropriate technical and vocational skills is critical for the Virgin Islands economy, and the welfare of the country’s youth

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