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July 6th, 2020
'Gov't never limited the church' to 1hr meetings - Hon Fahie

DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI - Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has shut down claims made by some local pasters that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) administration, at some time, limited church gatherings to one hour.

July 5th, 2020
Carey Olsen acts in VI's first major virtual trial since COVID-19 lockdown

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Lawyers from Carey Olsen's Singapore litigation team have acted in the first major trial to take place remotely before the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court since the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) introduced emergency court measures in late March in response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

July 5th, 2020
WINAIR begins limited commercial flights

SIMPSON BAY, St Maarten– As airlines across the region and the world begin to resume limited operation, WINAIR restarted commercial flights on Saturday, July 04, 2020.

July 5th, 2020
2020 BVI T20 Cricket Tournament remains on hold

GREENLAND, Tortola, VI- Cricket action in the 2020 BVI T20 Tournament has been placed on further hold until further notice by the BVI Cricket Association (BVICA).

July 4th, 2020
The Pandemic Economy

By Dickson C. Igwe

COVID-19 will determine the length of recession, the trajectory of recession, and the type of economic recovery the world experiences, not any type of stimulus.

July 2nd, 2020
2020 Hon Fraser League cancelled!

DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- With the Virgin Islands not quite ‘out of the woods’ as yet despite being COVID-19 free for well over a month, some sports organisors are taking the necessary precautions and have delayed staging events or tournaments.

July 2nd, 2020
Beaches close @ midnight; Curfew remains the same – Premier

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Virgin Islands will have another two weeks under the current 12:00 pm to 5:00 am curfew, while beach hours have been extended to reflect the same timeframe.

June 30th, 2020
Creating a new beginning in the tracks of COVID-19

Alred C. Frett

Face to Face with Cruel Fate or Wasted Opportunities in the Year 2020:

When Lockdowns are all over and Curfews have all ceased there will be empty spaces in our lives of many who left us without the privilege of their Last Rites… A lonely passage made still lonelier without the dignity of that last chance for fond memories or sad good byes… Years from now may find us searching for those we never knew had died or encountering those we thought long dead.

June 29th, 2020
BVI News erroneous article left local mother 'distraught'- Kenneth G. Gladstone

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - On the heels of an erroneous and sensational fake news article published by local tabloid BVI News, one mother was left very worried and upset, according to radio host and social commentator, Mr Kenneth G. Gladstone, adding that some media houses will end up in the courthouse for irresponsible journalism.

June 28th, 2020
Fake News! 2 returning locals test negative for COVID-19

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Contrary to reports erroneously published by BVI News on June 27, 2020, that two returning nationals were COVID-19 positive, Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Honourable Carvin Malone (AL) has said the two persons have both tested negative for the virus but are still undergoing the mandatory 14-day quarantine.

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