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March 28th, 2015
VI on US 'money laundering' list- Report

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The Virgin Islands features on the latest United States’ Department of State International Narcotic Control Strategy Report: Vol 2 – ‘Money Laundering and Financial Crimes’, which alleged that there are significant money laundering risks due to the exploitation of the territory’s financial services and lack of mandatory filing of ownership information.

March 24th, 2015
Works Minister goes @ length to assure 'Govt deserves a clap'

POCKWOOD POND, Tortola, VI – Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) yesterday March 23, 2015 delivered a campaign style address to the workers of the BVI Electricity Corporation and other officials on the launch of Phase 5 development programme, extolling the efforts of the Government and urging the audience to clap at the achievements.

March 19th, 2015
‘Premier Smith influenced Governor’s decision!’ – Hon Julian Fraser RA

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) has expressed concern regarding the decision by Governor John S. Duncan OBE not to put in place a Commission of Inquiry for the Cruise Pier Development Project and called into question his making a decision based on a study that Premier Dr the Honourable had a hand in commissioning.

March 18th, 2015
Gov Duncan knocks both VIP & NDP

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Governor of the Virgin Islands His Excellency John S. Duncan OBE has called out both the current National Democratic Party (NDP) and the former Virgin Islands Party (VIP) governments for paying scant regard to procurement procedures in their rush to see projects to completion.

March 14th, 2015
Hon Fraser & Premier Smith clash over bounced Gov't cheques

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – A clash of words ensued during the Fourth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Second House of Assembly yesterday March 13, 2015 when Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith sought to set the record straight after Representative for the Third District Honourable Julian Fraser RA spoke of having a bounced Government cheque.

February 18th, 2015
‘Are non-balanced accounts to blame for Govt’s bad cheques?’ – Hon Fahie

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith refused to say whether the issue of ‘bounced’ Government cheques stemmed from the National Democratic Party (NDP) Administration's failure to balance accounts in a timely manner.

February 18th, 2015
‘BVIPA will provide balance of $$ for cruise pier project’ – Premier Smith

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – As Representative for the Second District Honourable J. Alvin Christopher broke his silence in the House of Assembly regarding questions he demanded answers from Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith on funding of the cruise pier development project.

February 14th, 2015
‘Premier’s answer misleading & insincere!’ – Hon Fraser

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) and Representative for the Third District Honourable Julian Fraser RA has hit back at Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith for his response regarding the Opposition member’s concerns about the renumbering of the Order Paper.

February 13th, 2015
VIP pressure forced Dr. Smith to pay increments to civil servants!

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - After three years of pressure, questions in the House of Assembly and speeches by Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Opposition members Hons Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Andrew A. Fahie (R1) over the unfair decision by the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government to withhold the hard earned increments of civil servants the Dr. Orlando Smith led NDP Administration have surrendered to the will of the Opposition and announced that they will pay the increments due to the officers.

February 13th, 2015
‘We will not be deterred by political bullying!’ – Hon Fahie

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Representative for the First District and senior member of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Andrew A. Fahie said that the Opposition will remain focused and will not be deterred by political bullying.

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