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May 31st, 2016
This is all about you & you – For better or for worse

By Alred C. Frett

Finding yourself:

Over the years I have taught and told you many things but whether you are Black, White, Green or Purple nothing matters unless and until you know yourself… You may swear that you do but evidence shows that you remain consumed by the Self-hatred instilled in you from infancy and we still base our worth and our values on imitating others while ignoring ourselves.

January 26th, 2016
Was the Bible written for blacks, whites or conservatives?

By Alred C. Frett

Good Governance means holding Government & NHI Accountable:

As we approach the end of the 1st month of 2016, NHI Experiment is underway and we all will be able to assess its function and dysfunction for better or worse… I have been ridiculed for not railing against its arrival but I don’t mind because we should all be fair in our judgment and take time to compare and contrast similar situations before jumping to hasty conclusions – I shall take that time.

December 21st, 2015
Rescuing NHI from itself & accepting our own history

By Alred C. Frett

Oops! NHI has come too far to fail so soon:

Rumours that B&F Medical Complex has yet to sign on to NHI may simply be a lapse in journalist delivery by the Media… We thought we would have been the last to sign on but no one’s Memory is so short not to remember that B&F Medical Complex made History by being the first to sign with NHI – even before Government’s own Medical Agencies - Seems they had doubted themselves.

December 8th, 2015
When politicians radicalise the world & saying yes to NHI

Alred C. Frett

As we continue to settle for Injustice:

Everyone is crying out for Peace but no one is crying out for Justice… As Nations wage more Wars, kill more People and waste more lives and opportunities, Leaders meet in search of solutions they dutifully ignore as they create Problems they could easily avoid… Through it all, they remain so fixated on blaming others that they see the wisdom of introspection as a sign of weakness.

October 29th, 2015
‘Govt creating atmosphere of slavery with NHI’ – Winston E. Nibbs

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Talk show regular and social commentator Winston E. Nibbs aka La Fontey declared that the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government is creating an atmosphere of slavery by compelling employers to sign up their employees to the controversial National Health Insurance (NHI).

September 21st, 2015
Turning hippocratic oath into hypocrites come forth

By Alred C. Frett

Perhaps your own Answers are wiser than you think:

Over the years I have fought many Battles alone and Persons continue to ask why struggle against Forces so much bigger than I?… The answer would be easy since all my Battles have been on behalf of others when no one seems to care. But you already know that so let’s change the script and have you answer some questions that may better reveal your need for or against the struggle.

August 9th, 2015
‘If you think things hard go back to Africa’- US Pastor

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- If we focus on our troubles we are sure to start going under just like Peter in the Bible when he started to notice the storm when he was walking on water. But if we keep our eyes on Jesus things are going to get better.

April 21st, 2015
Children crushed by carry-over effects of slavery & colonialism

By Alred C. Frett

Political Ponzi Schemes & Willing Victims:

Persons shouldn’t act surprised when Preachers, Lawyers and Politicians are featured as the stars of Ponzi Schemes and American Greed because History has always shown Religion as the most wicked, Politicians as the most anti-human and the Courts as the worst dispensers of Justice… While these Systems promise great hope they often deliver the root causes of Society’s problems.

November 26th, 2014
When Culture of the Present Battles Culture of the Past

By Alred C. Frett

Do you really know your Culture?:

Traditionally, customs of the day result in behaviour patterns which different places & races commonly refer to as ‘their Culture’ - Amusingly, November that commemorates the execution of Guy Fawkes was chosen as BVI’s Culture Month… However, as a displaced People who evolved from Freedom to Slavery to Freedom it may be time to carefully decide our own Culture.

September 2nd, 2014
'Know what you're celebrating!' - chides Donald E. De Castro

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Commentator Donald E. De Castro wants people of the Virgin Islands to make the clear distinction between emancipation and abolition and to aid in this he has penned an article which he hopes will clear up the misconceptions between the two terms and help people to understand their history and celebrate it more appropriately.

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