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August 16th, 2017
‘Saying we can’t go independent is weakness’ – Radio show caller’

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – On the heels of a senior pastor in the Virgin Islands describing the VI as a grown child that wouldn’t leave his mother’s home, a caller to a recent local radio show said the notion that the territory can’t go independent is a sign of “weakness.”

June 7th, 2017
‘We can’t sit back & let the Brits take over again’- Radio show caller

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The issue of United Kingdom nationals taking up top positions in the Virgin Islands (VI) was expressed by a disgruntled caller to the Speak out BVI show aired Tuesday June 6, 2017 on ZBVI 780 AM.

March 22nd, 2017
Rescuing ourselves from political treason

Alred C. Frett

When Their Good ‘Ol Days become Our Bad 'Ol Days:

With so many local issues begging to be addressed it becomes frustrating when international matters far beyond our control suck all the Oxygen out of the room… Nonetheless we can no longer block out the World by sticking our Heads in the sand... Whether Friend or Foe, Child or Adult, Local or International; we are not alone - The Shenanigans of Mr Trump will affect us all.

January 31st, 2017
Resistance to being enlightened is agreement to perish

Alred C. Frett

Bad Elections carry Dire Consequences:

For generations we were conditioned not to Read and Research so we became programmed for Gossip… As a result many like to hear about Obama in the Virgin Islands (UK) or Injustices done to me by the Courts in relation to my Properties and, while these may be important, they pale in comparison to crucial matters affecting all Humanity that must be addressed before it is too late and all is lost.

August 17th, 2016
Colonialism a no-no - Doug Wheatley

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Host of the radio programme, 'Speak out BVI' on ZBVI 780 AM, Doug Wheatley has added his voice to the discourse on whether the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) should seek independence from Britain, saying that there is nowhere in the international law books that says small dependent territories like the VI should remain colonies of other countries and the Brits know this.

July 26th, 2016
The British are coming to impose direct rule - Hon Mark H. Vanterpool

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Minister for Communication and Works, Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) has said, while “some” would prefer him to be silent, the territory’s freedom is under threat by the United Kingdom.

June 27th, 2016
Brexit or Trump – It’s all about you – Part 2

By Alred C. Frett

Selling out & making Deals at the expense of our People:

More and more Persons are talking to me about Politics and asking me not to say the things I do because, although they acknowledge them as truth, they want me to go along with what others are saying so I can be elected… Somehow they totally fail to understand that the only interest I have ever had in Politics was to make things better for those we serve so this Nigger is still not for sale.

May 31st, 2016
This is all about you & you – For better or for worse

By Alred C. Frett

Finding yourself:

Over the years I have taught and told you many things but whether you are Black, White, Green or Purple nothing matters unless and until you know yourself… You may swear that you do but evidence shows that you remain consumed by the Self-hatred instilled in you from infancy and we still base our worth and our values on imitating others while ignoring ourselves.

July 20th, 2015
‘We were @ bitter end of colonialism with Grant in Aid’ – Hon RT O’Neal OBE

MAJOR BAY, Tortola, VI – Former Chief Minister and the first Premier of the territory, Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal OBE said it was good that the late Chief Minister Dr Willard Wheatley got the Virgin Islands out of Grant in Aid, as it left the citizens “at the bitter end” of colonialism.

April 21st, 2015
Children crushed by carry-over effects of slavery & colonialism

By Alred C. Frett

Political Ponzi Schemes & Willing Victims:

Persons shouldn’t act surprised when Preachers, Lawyers and Politicians are featured as the stars of Ponzi Schemes and American Greed because History has always shown Religion as the most wicked, Politicians as the most anti-human and the Courts as the worst dispensers of Justice… While these Systems promise great hope they often deliver the root causes of Society’s problems.

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