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May 5th, 2020
COVID-19… Too close for comfort

Alred C. Frett

Are we wiser than we look?

Most of us share a common wish; that the actions of all Governments are based on whatever is in the best Intentions for their People… Unfortunately, we sometimes lose sight of this when faced with Trumpism designed to make us doubt our own eyes and ears… However, the Coronavirus is a real and present danger, requiring true leadership in the way it is approach and the decisions are made.

November 25th, 2019
Britain & the Overseas Territories: Toward soft colonialism or modern partnership?

By E. Benito Wheatley

As the United Kingdom (UK) General Election approaches, the country’s ongoing political turmoil over Brexit continues to overshadow the strained relationship between the Overseas Territories’ (OTs) and UK.

August 19th, 2019
For better or worst- The deal breaker

By Kenneth G. Gladstone

The NDP administration may never recover from the fatal blow delivered to them by the Virgin Islands’ electorate. The full-blown dissatisfaction of the territory was unreservedly expressed at the polls, and everyone including those who had no interest in local politics, ensured that the handsome gentlemen above will never be allowed to sit in the House of Assembly as government heads again.

May 6th, 2019
Premier Fahie attends UN meeting on 'eradicating colonialism'

SAINT GEORGE‘S, Grenada – With external regulatory pressures mounting on the Caribbean region and especially on British Overseas Territories (OTs), Virgin Islands (VI) Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said he had a productive meeting when regional and other global leaders met at a UN Special Committee on Decolonisation seminar held in Saint George’s, Grenada.

May 24th, 2018
Tales from Tortola- Part V: Up yea mighty people

Thomas C. Famous

“Didn’t my people before me slave for this country?” Bob Marley

Over the course of the last 500 years of European colonial oppression, persons throughout the Caribbean have taken up arms or more recently, placards, against unjust and inhumane policies.

May 8th, 2018
They who do no evil should fear no evil – If only this was true

Alred C. Frett

The Wicked flee when no one pursues:

My last Article was a teachable moment for Ms Jane and Mr What – This Article returns to our Bi-monthly Schedule at a time when the prospect of natural and man-made disasters rest heavy on our minds… The Hurricane Season is barely a month away, Government has not started their own recovery and the state of our Economy appears to be under direct threat from inside and outside.

May 8th, 2018
Tales from Tortola- Part IV

Thomas C. Famous

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years. For 400 years?! That sounds like a choice.”

May 1st, 2018
Messages of love & anti-racism to Sister ‘Jane’ & Brother ‘What’

Alred C. Frett

This is no Secret so you are allowed to spread it:

Sincere thanks to VINO, BVI News and CBN Radio for carrying my ‘Truth for the Youth’ Messages and extra special thanks for those choosing to listen, read, learn and respond to the Information… Typical Blog Responders are invisible Persons with fake identities, loud opinions and a deep fear of being recognised so I avoid responding to them unless it can be used as a ‘teachable moment’.

March 29th, 2018
Preventing the destruction of our country

Alred C. Frett

Government to enforce Insurance Obligations but what about the others?

For more than half a year we have argued that Government should ensure Insurance Companies meet their obligations to Clients and we are finally hearing of steps being taken in that direction… That would be good but it still leaves the Price Gouging and Unfair Practices that have been perpetrated by Landlords and Suppliers on Hurricane Victims or just about every VI Resident.

October 6th, 2017
Are leaders holding us back from recovery??

Alred C. Frett

Learning to Recognise Hindrance from Help:

In less than a Month New Leaves are everywhere confirming Nature’s ability to rebound and barring any new Natural or Man-made Disasters our own Re-birth and Recovery are just as possible… Again, thanks to all those helping to make this happen - At the same time we must recognise and beware those Stumbling Blocks and Parasites from without and within who use this as an opportunity to rob others.

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