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Female allegedly stabs man @ nightclub

- victim rushed to Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital with stab wounds to abdomen & elbow
A man is allegedly hospitalised at Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital with stab wounds, including to his abdomen, allegedly inflicted by a female at a night club. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A man is allegedly hospitalised at Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital on Tortola with stab wounds, including to his abdomen, allegedly inflicted by a female at a night club.

Reports reaching our newsroom indicate that the incident occurred in the wee hours this morning, March 7, 2021.

The man was allegedly rushed to hospital with a gaping stab wound to the stomach and a wound to one of his elbows.

It is unclear if the female perpetrator has been arrested.

21 Responses to “Female allegedly stabs man @ nightclub”

  • Lawlessness (07/03/2021, 09:41) Like (27) Dislike (0) Reply
    The place had gone to the dogs. Did ya'll see the fight with the 2 women??
    • @ lawleneeness (07/03/2021, 10:51) Like (7) Dislike (30) Reply
      thank god NDP is not in power or else it would have been gone to the grave yard
    • @ Lawlessness (07/03/2021, 11:48) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
      The one acted like she owned the other one the way she questioned her off demanding answers giving orders assaulting her then want to talk about being enslaved ...own worst enemy.
    • @ Lawlessness (07/03/2021, 19:16) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      immigration is the key to a successful country anyone can now arrive to spend 7 days ending up spending 3 years: so many unemployed in the place no money so pressure high: sex and money
  • Village (07/03/2021, 09:44) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh lord send help
  • Shut them down!! (07/03/2021, 10:09) Like (65) Dislike (9) Reply
    We should have curfew from midnight to 05:00 and shut down the bars and strip clubs
    • ... (07/03/2021, 10:57) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
      cause ur bread secured...bars closed rum sellers out of business that a lot more unemployed...bartenders doing nothing, part time securities out of their second job or the one that hardly allowing to meet their rent requirements..

      rents not being paid, hungry people, labour can't collect, government have to give hand outs. Beware of the chain reactions.
  • Well geez man (07/03/2021, 10:31) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    Aren’t these people tired of the same nonsense over and over? Why everything always have to end in some type of violence? AND PLEASE DON’T USE COVID AS THE BLAME FOR THE ANIMALISTIC BEHAVIOR. SOME PEOPLE JUST DON’T KNOW HOW TO ACT LIKE HUMANS OR CONDUCT THEMSELVES WHEN THEY ARE OUT.
    • Will Agree (07/03/2021, 14:01) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      The untrained animals don’t seem to know how to act once they are let out of their cages. Who want to get mad, oh well. TRUTH IS TRUTH.
  • Clubbing (07/03/2021, 11:22) Like (46) Dislike (5) Reply
    Time to shut down these RINKY DINKY hood rat places they call nightclubs. People just doesn’t know how to go anywhere and act decent.
  • omg (07/03/2021, 14:43) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now I see why Khoy Smith has want to get in power to shut down the clubs like he had said lmaooo
  • old (07/03/2021, 15:23) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    We need to get rid of these bar and night clubs. To much violence.. This is not the time for these thing. Bvi need help. To much things happening.
  • I would say (07/03/2021, 17:04) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply
    Only low lives frequent the low class night clubs in the BVI. Example, Sea Cows Bay have some of the most low class dives where only the SANTOS AND THE LOCAL VILLAGE DRUNKS HANGS OUT. NO DECENT PEOPLE LIVING IN SEA COWS BAY DON’T HANG OUT IN THOSE DISGUSTING GERM CARRYING HOVELS.
    • Concerned (09/03/2021, 09:11) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      It appears to me that you been in these disgusting germ carrying hovels in order to have came to this conclusion. So I would presume that you are a low life frequent visitor to the low class bars in Sea Cow's Bay!!
    • Oh How Sway. (09/03/2021, 09:30) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Oh. So I may presume that only Sea Cow's Bay consist of this blasphemy that you describe. Well ensure that your significant other better yet that's IF you could acquire ONE are not found within these same establishments. That would look quite terrible on your resume SINCE you have superb standards to uphold on the behalf of the residents of Sea Cow's Bay.
  • Night Clubs (07/03/2021, 19:53) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    these clubs are owned by born-here people who simply import women for entertainment: a vote in the territory is important therefore those clubs will never be closed. Why you think the curfew went to 2AM.....
  • Well Sah (08/03/2021, 09:00) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of those night clubs are open to ease the tension of some men who doesn't get the attention at home...75% of the people in bvi are working men which I prefer they go to clubs rather then hustle school children and teenagers..

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