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Farmer should be compensated, Braithwaite should apologise – CC report

- Complaints Commission Reports states Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour should compensate 81 year old farmer for losses suffered
The Complaints Commission (CC) is set up to receive and investigate complaints levied against Government agencies. Photo: VINO/File
The report recommends that Mr. Brathwaite apologise to the farmer. Photo: VINO/File
The report recommends that Mr. Brathwaite apologise to the farmer. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The Complaints Commission (CC) found that the Agriculture Department is responsible for the losses a farmer incurred in 2010, and recommended that the Ministry for Natural Resources and Labour (MNRL) “proceed with all deliberate speed to remedy that failure”.

The report which was laid in the House of Assembly (HOA), revealed that an 81 year-old farmer on October 29, 2010 filed a complaint with the CC to the effect that the fence on his plot at Paraquita Bay was damaged in the hurricane, and that the farm animals, which belonged to the Agriculture Department, entered into his cultivation and destroyed a large number of crops.

The farmer also claimed that the Department had failed to compensate him for the crops and had refused to repair his fence. Moreover, the animals were still roaming loose, inhibiting him from using a poisonous chemical to clear the weeds on his lot.

The damage is estimated to be $2,810.

And though the fence was fixed, the communication with the Chief Agricultural Officer (CAO) Bevin Brathwaite and the Ministry was not forthcoming, the report stated.

“In my view, Mr. S [the farmer] demands and actions throughout have been reasonable. Once the matter was brought to his attention the CAO should have moved more speedily to restore the fence and mitigate further loss. He ought also to have arranged communication with Mr. S to advise him of where things stood.”

In light of this, the CC has recommended that the Ministry should compensate for the amount the farmer loss without delay; that Mr. Brathwaite should in a written apology explain the delay and that the Ministry carry out a thorough review of the Farmers Resettlement Project.

The report further stated that Government’s response is, on the whole, quite unsatisfactory, after the passage of more than reasonable time.

“There is little evidence that the Ministry is learning from what is uncovered in these investigations,” the report added.

12 Responses to “Farmer should be compensated, Braithwaite should apologise – CC report”

  • ooooo (10/07/2012, 13:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i feel for the poor old man...the minster aint got time for he...he's too busy trying to get the airport started which dont even fall under his ministry
    • So? (10/07/2012, 15:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Can you read? This is something ongoing from 2010, so the People's Man should have dealt with it.
      • dog meat (10/07/2012, 16:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        people's man did not deal with it so we voted him out therefore the Doc got to step up to the for that bevin...this is how he teat the elders who are farmers?????...he need to stop
    • LOL (10/07/2012, 16:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Fool, did you see the date, should have been settled long before the last election. Yet more mess the current administration have to clean up from before!
  • Bobby Green (10/07/2012, 14:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There has been a lot of drama going on and my prediction is that it has plenty more to come. That man Mr. Braithwaite has what is coming to him. The poor Minister Doctor Pickering does not even see that Mr. Braithwaite is pulling wool right over his eyes. And if he knows that Mr. Braithwaite's intentions are not good then he himself (Dr. Pickering) has something coming for when election time come around. I heard that since he (Dr. Pickering) took office he had never held a meeting with the farmers. But I know he will get in because he is District elected and not At-large. Dr. Pickering is not a street man, his street credit is done away with donkey years ago and that is why he cannot see that Braithwaite has the upper hand. People giving Braithwaite props for trying to get cattle off the streets but that whole thing seems to be scandalous. He (Braithwaite) pushing to get more money for loose livestock to do what with.... Why does he not manage his finances properly and show the Ministry that he can do more with less? How in the world these people get these positions? I smell a rat in this whole thing. If Maynard had that much complaint and she had to been transferred or moved what is the delay with Braithwaite. I SMELL A RAT! There may be some good to Mr. Braithwaite however that is overshadowed by all the wrong he does. If the farmers will only speak out there would be much worse to say than good. A sit of stuff he is doing wrong we the people believe that Dr. Pickering knows about it. When it boils down on who to blame…..I will place the blame on Dr. Pickering.
  • vince (10/07/2012, 16:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It does not matter who government was in, Mr. Brathwaite was and is in charge and he should have dealt with it. I have a chicken farm at parry for a few years now and never had a problem with the power, but the power was cut the other day without any warning. Now i have to use lanterns at night and pluck with my hands. The help is not there at parry at all. The green houses are there with bush growing inside, they need to give farms section inside and let them grow there stuff. They need to do something with them before the hurricane come and go with them. I had to pay $780. to get power back on, who is gonna give me back back that money.
    • hmmm (11/07/2012, 09:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      you are taking pure nonsense when you selling the chicken who is collecting the money, you right certainly not government so why should government pay for your lighting. The thing is everyone wants to reap benefits but no one want to pay. smh No one is responsible for paying your electricity bill but yourself.
      • hmmm (11/07/2012, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        my mistake talking not taking.
      • vince (12/07/2012, 07:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I didn't say they should pay for it, but give me some help. They always asking me to participate in the agriculture week every year. I asked them for help to fence the government property and did not get any help with the either. My crops were destroyed by weather couples years back and i got no help. Animal had came in my place as well and i did not get anything for that. The whole agriculture department needs restructuring.
  • respect (10/07/2012, 17:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    lawd ah mussy give the man some respect at 81 years
  • Movements (10/07/2012, 23:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bevin look like someone stole his crandall patty lmao!
  • land mass (11/07/2012, 01:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Elton finally found some work to do!!!

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