‘False premise’ that Gov’t didn't come to people ahead of VI/UK talks– Premier Wheatley

The Premier appeared as a telephone guest on the Monday, June 20, 2022, episode of Tola radio's ‘Da Morning Braff’ radio show with host Floyd Burnett aka 'Heritage’.
“This concept that you have not come to your people first, is a false premise. The first order of business was to maintain democracy so that the people’s voice can be heard in the process of implementing reform,” he added.
He said despite the status of the territory, the VI can still achieve more on the road to having full democracy.
“What we need to understand is that, with our present status, if we want full democracy we can have it and in fact, Sir Gary R. Hickenbottom in his report actually states that the implementation of these reforms will assist us in our march to whatever form of self-determination we so choose.”
Stop complaining - Premier Wheatley
The Premier stated; however, that the people of the VI must be willing to do the work and stop complaining about the current situation of the territory.
“It doesn’t make sense in my view for us to complain about our status, complain about the powers that the United Kingdom has if we are not prepared to do the work, to prepare ourselves to take whatever steps need to be taken to achieve a full measure of self-Government,” he said.
The Premier said consultations now are to inform persons of what has taken place and to share the UK/VI proposal in detail, “and the people must know that in the process of implementing the reform, that they must play a central role,” he said.

20 Responses to “‘False premise’ that Gov’t didn't come to people ahead of VI/UK talks– Premier Wheatley”
“It doesn’t make sense in my view for us to complain about our status, complain about the powers that the United Kingdom has if we are not prepared to do the work, to prepare ourselves to take whatever steps need to be taken to achieve a full measure of self-Government,” he said.
Why are we in no way told of your decisions before going through with them first?
If you were jumping up with the few persons on reparation, Independence, self rule and our own control, how come you are so tight lipped now to the governance being dashed on us like when you are feeding pigs?
You first need to get real so that in due process you could deal with real real people.
That position you pulled for yourself is not all that Prestigeous,so stop patting yourself on your back and perform the duty we expect of you.
Check we out before check you out..
By the way, if it's one good you did, THANKS, getting rid of CARVIN.
even Fraser should not accept him on the opposition
Blatantly untruthing...jeez man!!!!!
We waited and still waiting for you to stop your one man show.
The Unity Government at best is a tenuous pact. At this critical juncture, the territory needs stability. Consequently, the HOA needs to be dissolve and a general election held. But I’m not holding my breath. This needs to be about the public interest, not self-interest. Let’s stop the political spin.
It is safe to assume that Wheatley Group is under scrutiny by the people and by the UK.
Yet n still he spewing blatant l**s and preventing live press coverage of meetings he has scheduled after the fact.
Question" which of the two will complain, the thief or the one that was stolen from?
It is normal that those that have been hurt, and still several hurting complain.
How is it wrong in your opinion to see it as wrong for them to continue complaining,when in fact those, especially the former VIP Cabinet lead by the former Premier Andrew A. Fahie, Deputy Premier Dr. Natalio Sajande Wheatley and the other cabinet members expect the people, your employer's, expect a silent of complaining, when in fact misconduct (mismanagement) of our finances, your boss the people, finances are accounted for, possible hundreds of millions or possible close but maybe not a billion dollars Unaccounted for, current Premier of the BVI?
I have no personal hate from me against you. It is a money that is the center of our displeasure, that is the main cause of our continuing complaining. We need credible answers, and positive recovery, as much as possible, of our unaccounted finances. The unity government owed us a positive respons within a limited time. or our current Governor John J. Rankin will run out of patients with the present unity government, for sure.
The BVI people is left a bitter pill to swallow, these late meetings are simply to pressure the people to buy in! By all measure it’s a done deal, governor Ranking in charge, the people have little to no say over the next 6 years!
I can almost bet there will be no elections in 2023 on the basis of the COI and the governor recommendation!
BVI unity government, get you knees off of our necks, if you don't quickly, you will know for yourself why we are complaining continuingly.
"Righteousness exaults a nation sin (greediness) is a reproached to any (all) people.)
BVI people, wake up from your slumbering sleep.
Need to March every day until it’s done.
hon Natalio Wheatley, that is a bold face, unnecessary l**. Stop insulting us. You are weakening the case for your being the man the job. More and more you are earning the reputation of being Peter Principled. You are supposed educated and knowledgeable lad so surely you can communicate a better, truthful explanation for what you did and why.