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‘False information that I was assaulted’- Ag CoP Vanterpool

Acting Commissioner of Police (CoP) Jacqueline E. Vanterpool, right, has denied reports in the local tabloid, Guavaberry Media, that she was assaulted by Assistant Commissioner of Police Pam Trevillion, left. Photo: GIS/X/File
Guavaberry Media has a history of reporting false information. Photo: Internet Source
Guavaberry Media has a history of reporting false information. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola VI- Speaking briefly to our newsroom moments ago, February 10, 2025, Acting Commissioner of Police (CoP) Jacqueline E. Vanterpool denied reports in the local tabloid, Guavaberry Media, that she was assaulted by Assistant Commissioner of Police Pam Trevillion.

When pressed for more information, Ms Vanterpool said she was in a meeting and would release an official statement following her meeting.  

Ms Trevillion, who applied for the CoP post, is alleged to be favoured by the Governor, Daniel Pruce, and former embattled disgraced police Commissioner Mark Collins.

Many police officers from all ranks have told our newsroom that Ms Trevillion, a UK national, is “hard to work with” and some have accused her of “not knowing how to speak to fellow police officers”.

Always fact check

Our newsroom understands that there was a heated exchange between Vanterpool and Trevillion, but the Ag CoP is denying any assault took place.

It is unclear what is the source of Guavaberry Media's information; however, residents are on guard to always ‘fact check’ information coming out of that tabloid.

We will bring you more information once the official press release is received.

50 Responses to “‘False information that I was assaulted’- Ag CoP Vanterpool”

  • jack (10/02/2025, 11:22) Like (34) Dislike (8) Reply
    Cindy always trying to be first without the full information
    • Madussa (10/02/2025, 22:25) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let's get real. If she was assaulted, the offender would have been arrested. Miss Vanterpool is too nice to be physically hit in any way, and the so-called offender would have been tarred and feathered and chased back to where she came from because we the people would not allow her to live here in peace.
  • hmm (10/02/2025, 11:23) Like (9) Dislike (9) Reply
    slowly trying to change the face of the VI.
  • lord o. (10/02/2025, 11:25) Like (46) Dislike (5) Reply
    Guavaberry media may not be 100% correct but never wrong, Its aways some truth to their reportig, time always vinidicate Guavaberry media..No need for war ladies, that's Governor's call.. Accept it and live in Harmony.
  • Diamond SVG (10/02/2025, 11:30) Like (33) Dislike (9) Reply
    Ah hear it was a heated argument de woman try to demean Ms. Vanterpool because Vanterpool is her boss and don't want tek instructions. She better leave from here. Jackie Vanterpool for Commissioner of Police.
    • fight (10/02/2025, 13:36) Like (24) Dislike (18) Reply
      Jackie not ready to take up that role as commissioner of police. Very bias.
      • Blind Man (10/02/2025, 15:27) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
        @fight well we know who you are but we had enough of your kind just coming here for sun and rum like Trevillion
    • kemmie (13/02/2025, 15:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The officers from the UK always fell and behave as if they are inferior to local officers and they display aggression and disrespectful behavior towards locals officers especially if the local officers are above in rank over them.
      After lying on their resume s that they have all of the experience in the world they come to our police forces empty and fake their way through by underminding and sucking up to the governor because of the color of their skin.
      Sadly for counties like Turks and Caicos they come with the mentality that the entire police force is corrupt and illerate and went they see the potential of officers they do all they can to keep them back to secure their vacation. All of the UK officers are friends of each other. I am surprised that there isn't a white deputy commissioner so that this UK officer can report directly too. That's how it is in Turks ,UK officers looks down on local officers
  • 2024 (10/02/2025, 11:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cat Fight
  • lodger (10/02/2025, 12:22) Like (35) Dislike (27) Reply
    Pam is a racist she got to go!!!
    • @lodger (10/02/2025, 14:09) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
      It’s not about Pam being racist, it’s about two female Cane Corso fighting for the position. Waste of time signing petition.
    • the real lodger (10/02/2025, 18:50) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
      To “lodger” why are you still using my name? Get your own!
  • Well Me Boy (10/02/2025, 12:32) Like (23) Dislike (11) Reply
    Both of them need arrested. They fighting for COP position
    None of them can't do the job None of them qualify, None of them deserve that posy.
  • Madea (10/02/2025, 12:36) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    If it had been the other way round would it have even made the news?
  • Assaulted (10/02/2025, 13:06) Like (38) Dislike (4) Reply
    Yes it seems you was verbally assaulted it doesn’t have to be physically and if Cindy didn’t say anything we would not have know such toxic things happen
  • i am not superman i am spiderman (10/02/2025, 13:16) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    IF yall got to fight for rank then none of yall deserve it!

    that shows both are power hungry and will be irresponsible with it

    we need a calm level headed understanding but smart cop who will have integrity and honesty not two cat hungry emotional wannabees
  • Talking Rubbish (10/02/2025, 13:27) Like (25) Dislike (25) Reply
    Collins was not disgraced. He was the most successful Commissioner we have had. Delivered and didn’t take the bull s**t
    • @ talking rubbish (10/02/2025, 14:46) Like (18) Dislike (9) Reply
      A man with 55 charges brought my his own officers for corruption and other crimes? Go from here if that was Vernon or Frazer they would have faced a firing squad
      • @talking Rubbish (10/02/2025, 19:08) Like (8) Dislike (15) Reply
        Facts wrong again. There were no charges. Just speculation and jealousy from those who couldn’t get promoted. They got the petition signatures by lieing. There was no fighting under Collins
  • My opinion only (10/02/2025, 13:56) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    So please don’t come for me. I look at it as two women fighting for the top spot. May the best woman win black or white.
    • Quez (10/02/2025, 20:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What’s the qualifications to become ACoP or DCoP? Who was the last ACoP? Did former DCoP or the Governor decided to fill the position? Was that position advertised regionally or internationally? Who were the other applicants? Is there a freedom of information act? Where do the public submit an application to information on the above questions?
  • Hmmmm (10/02/2025, 14:09) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cat Fight the force in trouble stop the nonsense and try work together. Everything takes time gosh man.
  • WTF (10/02/2025, 14:22) Like (7) Dislike (13) Reply
    RVIPF are obligated to enforce the Cybercrime Act on Guavaberry Media as law enforcement. Guavaberry refuses to make a correction. Enough is enough.
  • BRAD BOYNES (10/02/2025, 14:35) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    It will be a good thing Trevillion et al, to keep your dam hands off Jacqueline Vanterpool.
    • @Brad Boynes (10/02/2025, 16:27) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Get your facts correct.Ain’t nobody put their hands on Jackie or have their hands on her. The names you mentioned in your post what?because they are black?

      • BRAD BOYNES (10/02/2025, 20:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @@BradBoynes...I said what I said. Do what you do, get what you get.
  • damage control (10/02/2025, 14:47) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Whether or not this is true she may not want to admit it publicly.
  • lmao (10/02/2025, 16:21) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    2 female cats fighting for turf and domination. Meowwwww.! You all be hearing how the cats be getting down at nights when the claws come out.

  • cay (10/02/2025, 16:28) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Cindy has shamed media houses in the bvi no integrity with her fake news self
  • Stealth (10/02/2025, 16:47) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Clearly,,” Mount Olympus wants another White Briton to man the CoP. This is not speculation, for his demonstrated actions have shown his preference. He is putting not just his thumb but his whole two fists on the scale. For example, he stopped the recruiting when he probably didn’t see his fellow Britons making the cut, then lying that he was not interfering with the process. UK- appointed guv Pruce, don’t piss on us and tell us it is raining.

    Moreover, don’t be surprise that this supposed fake story was not deliberate, malicious disinformation information. Disinformation is false information which is intented to harm, tarnish, etc.. Does this fit the definition of a Trojan Horse? Mount Olympus has assessed that the people of are deeply divided so it can do whatever it wants with impunity. The people of the VI are Neville Chsmberlin-like appeasers,,Benedict Arnolds, and afflicted with the Stockholm Syndrome, and wide open to and embrace and accepts meritorious manumission. Meritorious manumission may benefit the individual but suppresses group effort, goals,,etc..The divide and rule conditioning devised by Willie Lynch is alive and well after over 500 years. Virgin Islanders wake up from your deep slumber or when you are awakened you will be back in slavery. Keep believed these people give a rat’s ass about your interest. If you believe they do, I have some very cheap,,mineral -rich land on Fallen Jerusalem for sale. All others look out for their own save for Virgin Islanders who has the crab-in-bucket syndrome really bad, bad, bad. They are specialist in bring cum carry. Who bex, bex. Truth is painful and hut.
  • As a man (10/02/2025, 17:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I’m staying neutral. Not getting in the cat fight, don’t want to get clawed and scratch up by 2 female fighting cats.Female cats is more vicious than ram cats when the claws come out.
  • 2024 (10/02/2025, 17:55) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Honestly Speaking, some of you were led to believe by governor that Vanterpool was doing a good job just scroll backwards on this site

    there are something that you can change and some stuff you just have to live with because if the other woman comes in charge not one thing can be done
  • Earl (10/02/2025, 18:01) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hear ye, Hear ye, the buck tooth bandit has struck the drum of in accurate news again. Journalism is a profession of pride and honor. The Bucktooth bandit cause trashed it. Using ‘sources’ which are always incorrect. How emboldened can the Rosan Komatsu be, to make false, and slanderous allegations against a law enforcement officer. I bet you will see that Buck tooth bandit try to sue the same cop, for discrediting her BS story because the cop used factual information.
  • Lb (10/02/2025, 19:01) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    What is she going to say on her live? the same shameless bs laaa la la I no longer supporting Jacky or vino is against me!

    Cindy the more you talk and write the more your downfall is near
  • Gumption (10/02/2025, 19:03) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Somewhere probably enjoying his popcorn.
  • From the outside (10/02/2025, 19:16) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    What is the obsession with Cindy? You guys are so obsessed with Cindy. Cindy is a local celebrity.
    • HMMM (10/02/2025, 21:17) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      @From the outside- what type of celebrity? What really purpose is her status? And if you are a supporter of hers why she’s still look for $2,548? You’ll need to hold a fundraiser event. Until then 0.
    • @From the outside (10/02/2025, 23:22) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      I said the same thing myself. Seems like every news article they manage to insert her name thrashing her. Seems like the radio man can’t start his day on the radio without having something to vent about on Cindy.
  • hey (10/02/2025, 22:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If she gets hired over ms.vanterpool you know there'll be reactions
  • This is just to funny (10/02/2025, 23:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Seems like everyone be it male or female fighting for the alpha man and alpha woman position. The cats sharp claws is coming out and the dogs fangs is showing
  • 2024 (11/02/2025, 05:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    for real, this is some serious allegations to conjure up against members of law enforcement: inside information or breaking news….welcome to the new British Overseas Territory
  • round rock (11/02/2025, 06:06) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply

    I am in full support of Jacquiline Vanterpool for the post of Commissioner of Police. Apart from being a local officer she knows the Territory well. Because of her Christian background she has many relatives and friends who are willing to assist her to fight the criminals and maintain law and order. As you would have noticed recently that the force was able to arrest and charge many persons for being in possession of arms and ammunition. The British officer cannot command the same level and respect as ASS. Commissioner Vanterpool. One cannot use color and white supremist attitude to impose influence on the local officer. Now is the time for unity and show the British that we can govern ourselves. Massa days are over, and we do not have any inferiority complex for the British officer.

  • Stealth (11/02/2025, 08:05) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    If there were an issue between CoP(Acting) Jacqueline Vanterpool and Pam Travillion and an investigation is in process, Acting CoP Vanterpool was right not to comment on an issue under investigation. That said, it is apparent or so it seems that Pam seemed to be handpicked by the UK cabal to be the next CoP Has she not had been given preferential treatment to ensure she is the front runner and shoe -in for the job. For example, she was selected over more experienced officers to act as CoP of Montserrat, UK -appointed Governor Daniel Pruce suspended the recruitment for the VI’s vacant CoP( what was the purpose of the suspension?), the governor used his reserved powers to extend Pam’s tenure in the RVIPF by 6 months. Is it not clear Mount Olympus want a fellow White Briton for the CoP .? Was this piece of supposed disinformation deliberate, malicious and purposeful?

    What is the purpose of disinformation? It is intended to muck tings up and to harm. Was this disinformation purpose was to cast a negative light on Acting CoP Vanterpool, dirtying her up to tarnish her reputation, reducing her competitiveness for the position. Is this piece of disinformation a Trojan Horse?

    Moreover, the VI is a divided territory, afflicted by Neville Chamberlain type appeasers, Benedict Arnolds, Stockholm Syndrome, etc. The divide and rule conditioning devised by Willie Lynch is alive and well. The crab-in-bucket affliction is flourishing..There are a 120+ different nationalities residing in the VI and all of them look out for their own being proud of who they are. Virgin Islanders though behave differently; they relish disunity, favoring others over their own. Mount Olympus capitalizes on this disunity, division, to take hold and do what it wants.

  • Listen (12/02/2025, 20:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Y'all know them set a hog man can't take no woman tell them what to do much less a white one.Facts facts facts
  • KYC (18/02/2025, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Were the proper checks undertaken when she was recruited?

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