Fake election - Another nail in the children’s coffin
Trapped by a Minority of the Majority:
The shouting is over, the numbers have played… Once again, we swung the hammer and placed another nail in the Coffin of the Children … Some ask, ‘What’s next?’ and I don’t need to answer, for my opinions have not changed… We still avoid reality, and it’s unbelievable to hear people claim that the Governor did not want the present Government when all their past actions showed the exact opposite.
That is like dismissing the return of Colonialism when it is already here, for, how else can we explain the Governor and Premier resurrecting a dissolved and nonexistent Legislature for a trivial matter, without giving a plausible public reason for taking such an action? … How do we explain the willingness of 42 Candidates to accept such a move without question? … Seems we already accepted Might as Right.
Such failure may be a forerunner of things to come, and the question is, if they fail to fight for us now, why would they fight for us later? … Do we still not understand that Governors are not here to represent us?… These are senior UK Civil Servants with the task of representing UK Citizens, and there should be no doubt that this Election was not about us, but about UK and the greed and grievances of others.
For decades they taught us that Democracy meant Majority Rule, and we believed it wholeheartedly… We never realised that we were being programmed to be misled, for if we did, we would have reasoned that a significant part of the population is too young or unable to vote, and when the active voters are divided among candidates, it is impossible for any candidate, to win a majority of the overall population.
Choosing Colonialism over Home Rule:
Man’s greatest gift may be the ability to reason and look beyond the present to what could be and should be, and, if we choose to avoid facts or to become offended by inconvenient Truth, then we should not blame the UK for our failures… This may be her means of Self-preservation with Survival for the fittest, and if her Agenda requires fooling us in order to rule us, then she will do whatever she deems necessary.
Colonialism depended on keeping Natives quiet and docile, so this is their best mode of governance… They saw, Slavery as the most peaceful and profitable time for Oppressors, so once they puppetise and silence our Representatives they can fulfill their Agenda, and accomplish their Mission… This is their game, and their Election, - Not ours… They won and the results show that they got what they wanted.
Meanwhile, UK contends with her own social and political problems; inside and outside her borders… Just recently, we saw another Black Leader fired for speaking Truth… This Lady dared to mention that no other Race faced more discrimination and abuse than the Black Race, and although everyone knows this to be as true as rain, we are punished for thinking it aloud, and, rather than praise, she was fired.
No wonder that while Polls show 60% of American think of the US as racist, there is a general feeling that the UK is even more racist… She played a major role in Slavery, and would have continued for as long as the voices of Fairness and Justice were silent… This only changed when Slaves got a glimpse of reality, and finally realised that they were being abused and used as someone else’s means to an end.
Living in Hope or Dying in despair:
Voters got a rapid taste of Buyer’s Remorse, for to pretend that we are not in trouble, or, to expect the same Actors to change the Script, is like believing in Santa Claus, Tooth Fairies and Goblins… The few Good Leaders are outnumbered, and when they lack Self-discipline and Determination, all is lost. – We see Memories fade - Persons who love Trump, won’t accept Lincoln as a Republican Freedom Fighter.
Perhaps, the Sadness in the Air is Voters beginning 4 more years of Tears and Complaints, about coming Corruption, a Do-Nothing mentality, and the potential for Nepotism… However, this is of their own doing, and those familiar with recent Governmental Performances, from, Civil Servants, to Politicians to Law Enforcement, would recognise Corruption as a Trademark and the abuse of Power as Evidence.
It’s good to hope for the best, but better to prepare for the worst… We strongly hope it’s not an omen of bad things to come, for, when we had Covid-19 at its peak, we managed with one Funeral Parlour, but now we are running with two… Maybe it’s just a coincidence when we lost 2 giant political Commentators in the last week of April – Julio S. Henry and Carl Dawson – They will be dearly missed.
Thanks to Non-Voters for Refusing to Sell Out their Country:
These are rough times, and no one really knows what tomorrow will bring… Once upon a time, we were the envy of the Caribbean, considered as being rich, the America of the West Indies… Our Children had High Hopes and Big Dreams; Immigrants flocked to our shores for betterment, but, in less than a generation, we are broke, and best known for Corruption, and the gateway to somewhere else.
People now link our lack of progress to a Premier’s failure to get the Money Plane off the Ground… I hope that our fears are unjustified, but if it crawls like a Snake and hiss like a Snake, we shouldn’t be calling it a Duck… We struggle, and all left is a National Pride that may require a tightening of belts, and cutting back on essentials… We didn’t get here by accident… Bad selections by Voters brought us here.
Maybe we should thank every Non-Voter who realised that the same right you have to vote is the right not to vote… You should feel proud for not buckling to empty promises and threats… Take time to appreciate yourself as the real Majority, with a Responsibility, to watch and prepare for your role as a deciding Factor and necessary Difference, in the rescue of our People, after or before the next 4 years.
PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes
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[Lets lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes.]