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Fahie’s advice: Don’t get caught up with the post

Hon. Fahie being interviewed by ZROD at the NDP’s official ceremony. Photo: Andre ‘Shadow’ Dawson.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Andrew Fahie, the former Minister for Education and Culture, advice for the newly appointed National Democratic Party (NDP) Ministers of Government is not to get caught up in the post instead they should “get caught up in the purpose”.

Being one of two Virgin Islands Party (VIP) officials to attend the official swearing in ceremony held at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall on Wednesday November 9, 2011, the humble politician told Virgin Islands News Online, “They should be humble in this business at all times.”

“I would not give individual advice because the Ministry of Education was not mine. I don’t get attached to post I get attached to purpose. If I was in any Ministry, I would have worked the same way...take the highs with the same grain of salt with the lows because this business turns on you very quickly,” he stated.

Newcomer Myron Walwyn now takes over the keys for the Ministry and when Hon. Fahie was asked what initiatives he hoped his successor will continue with, he answered, “I will never box in a new Minister on what I will like to see continue”.

“The problem with Caribbean governments is when they take over in general, not this government, is that they look for all what was going wrong to give a little buffer for time to say that they are going to try and fix that, whether its finances, education something to cast a doubt and then come out with their programmes to say that they fixed it. That’s Caribbean politics so I expect that to come out in this political scenery. That’s how it is. If our Government [the VIP] had taken over the Government they would have done the same thing,” he bluntly stated.

However, he is optimistic that Minister Walwyn will do the best for the children.

Proud of his accomplishments

As for his four year stint in the Ministry, Hon. Fahie said he is pleased that “he gave it his all” as the Education Minister. “Even though I may not have been able to get everything done how people would have liked, I knew I got a lot done that helped a lot. I know for sure I give it my best and I could walk around pleased,” he said with a smile.

16 Responses to “Fahie’s advice: Don’t get caught up with the post”

  • billyb (10/11/2011, 13:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you really did a good job, no disagreement there!!!
    • kevin (10/11/2011, 16:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      yes he did at underminding Dancia and Alvin
      • Lilly (11/11/2011, 07:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Awwwww, someone now talking about that and the 8th district people found out. And he wants to become the leader? I feeling for the VIP more thanever... I aint know how he's goin to get the 8th district people to trust he now when he comes to them district. But watch carefully he don't roll.
    • lt (10/11/2011, 18:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • loveann (10/11/2011, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yeah Andrew you are quite right you did your best. I only wish you had another term to complete your mission. Thanks for everything you did for my daughter.
  • Great Job (10/11/2011, 16:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Fahie you did your best. And you will be rewarded from God for the good things you have done for our children.
  • so so (10/11/2011, 16:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    andrew tis a crook
    • Lilly (11/11/2011, 07:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      People in the 8th district and the rest of the country understood now what Alvin was talking about and see what he made the VIP lost the election. He dugged a hole for Dancia and Alvin but open a black hole for the party instead..!!
    • Lilly (11/11/2011, 07:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hmmmm, dugged a hole for Dancia and Alvin but it back fire on the entire party by falling into a black hole!!! Dam shame..
  • please people (10/11/2011, 18:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • Seeking Truth (11/11/2011, 01:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you had half a brain you would know that Andrew is there because he won his seat. You must be living on the moon or something. No where do the people choose the Premier. Next think you might say is that the people should determine who gets a particular ministry. Imagine the chaos there would be in trying to get the people to determine who should be the leader. If you wanted Andrew to stay there you should have voted back in enough VIP candidates to form the government. Andrew's time is past until such time as his party gets a majority of the seats. You all are correct, Andrew did his best but his best just wasn't good enough. From those comments it is evident that you all have very low standards. The system of education in the BVI is broken and badly needs some improvements. Our children should not expect mediocrity as their goal and that is what Andrew was doing. Why aren't our children doing more than 5 CXC subjects? Andrew boasted during the campaign claiming that he started the first School Lunch Program in the VI. What exists is not a School Lunch Program. This hodge podge of vendors selling food to the children is not a program, let alone a School Lunch Program. If he wanted to have a School Lunch Program he would have built a decent cafeteria on the grounds of Elmore Stout High School and have a structured program that included healthy meals for the students. A collection of vendors is not a School Lunch Program.
  • Agree (10/11/2011, 18:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You did a lot in that ministry Andrew. We know you will be back in government and not only the opposition one day. Until that time, be a good and strong opposition and represent us well.
  • Candy Cane (10/11/2011, 19:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This guy has potential but he is still green and he makes a lot of bad decisions. If he can mature and learn to think things through more he would be our best choice for VIP leadership.
  • dem leader (11/11/2011, 06:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so is the bronx bummer the new oppersition leader? inquring minds want to know
    • weed (11/11/2011, 15:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      the VIP members and supporters in the 8, 2, 3 and 4 will never allow that for fraser

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