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Fahie Trial: VI Gov’t says it respects role of court in administration of justice

February 9th, 2024 | Tags: Andrew A. Fahie Virgin Islands travel US court guilty
Following a verdict of guilty on all charges, in the trial of Ex-Premier Andrew A. Fahie, the Government of the Virgin Islands has released an official statement saying that it respects the role of the court in the administration of justice, however, acknowledges the role of the verdict on the Family of Fahie. Photo: GIS/File
The Government of the Virgin Islands has said it has accepted the verdict of the court that has found ex Premier Andrew A. Fahie guilty on all charges. Photo: GIS/File
The Government of the Virgin Islands has said it has accepted the verdict of the court that has found ex Premier Andrew A. Fahie guilty on all charges. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Following a verdict of guilty on all charges in the trial of Ex-Premier Andrew A. Fahie, the Government of the Virgin Islands has released an official statement saying that it respects the role of the court in the administration of justice; however, acknowledges the role of the verdict on the family of Mr Fahie.

Fahie, yesterday February 8, 2023, was found guilty of all charges in his high-profile drug trial that commenced on Monday, January 29, 2024, in Miami, Florida, after being charged with several counts of drug smuggling, money laundering, and racketeering.

The then Premier was arrested at Miami’s Opa Locka Executive Airport on April 28, 2022.   

The Natalio D. Wheatley Government in a statement said, “The Government of the British Virgin Islands has noted the verdict which was reached today in the case before the Miami Federal Court involving former Premier, Andrew Fahie.”

It added that both the Government and people of the Virgin Islands respect the role of the court in the administration of justice and, as a jurisdiction, the Virgin Islands is committed to good governance and upholding the highest standards of integrity in public life.

“We will continue the ongoing process of strengthening the relevant systems and institutions of government to ensure that the integrity of the Territory is maintained and international reputation upheld. We acknowledge the impact of the verdict on the family,” it added.

Sources told our newsroom that Mr Fahie is awaiting sentencing on April 29, 2024, after having been already remanded to prison. 

After the roughly two-week trial, the jury found Mr Fahie Guilty and he now faces potential fines amounting to US$10 million and a possible life sentence for the various charges.

28 Responses to “Fahie Trial: VI Gov’t says it respects role of court in administration of justice ”

  • juice (09/02/2024, 10:35) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yea for now lmaoo. I going hear about ayo
    • l (09/02/2024, 16:39) Like (19) Dislike (50) Reply
      So sorry this happened. The UK fought hard to remove him from office. Now they can carry out their more heinous dirty deeds in the BVI without interruption from Mr. Fahie. Just watch and listen from now on because we know they aren't any better, but worse and on a much larger scale. They will come with money to buy all your properties from the weak-minded ones who cannot see into the future, and then you will be homeless being charged BIG rent until they force you out because you will not be able to stay on what used to be yours. WAKE UP!
      • Toddy (11/02/2024, 09:36) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        To I:

        Why do you think the U.K. wanted Fahie out as the Premier? If Fahie’s hands were clean, we would be on to something different now. Have you taken a look at what Fahie did to us? Fahie is/was one of us and look what he did to the country.

        You are only speculating what will happen if the U.K. takes over. You don’t know for a fact those things that you mentioned would happen. So for now I would say that nothing that the U.K. comes with is worse than what our own did to us. For heaven’s sake, we have MANY of our young men in their graves, MISSING from the BVI all because of Fahie and his greedy, wicked and dirty dealings.
        Then you want to come on here with your crap because you lived off of Fahie. You have not suffered as others have during his reign. One day you’ll wake up. Maybe!!
      • @I (11/02/2024, 20:52) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        Do you wake up paranoid or does it come over you as the day goes on ?
  • Needed that laugh (09/02/2024, 10:45) Like (92) Dislike (7) Reply
    "the Virgin Islands is committed to good governance and upholding the highest standards of integrity in public life."

    What Fahie did is nothing new in BVI culture, he just happen to get CAUGHT.
  • The watchdog (09/02/2024, 12:11) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    The premier should have stay out of this
  • round rock (09/02/2024, 12:22) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    In times such as these, we should not rejoice because no one is aware of the future. Many of us have children that we don't know what they are involved in. As I was reading VINO earlier, there was a robbery in Road Town and four men who are related to someone was involved. We should be careful with our judgements. When the dust is settled, it might be a relative or relatives of someone. Any crime anywhere should not be tolerated, and we should try our best to ensure that crime is minimize or eliminated. Our peaceful Territory is slipping away from us.
  • Styles. (09/02/2024, 12:30) Like (59) Dislike (11) Reply
    What an extremely weak response from the Government.

    Not once, NOT ONCE, did Natalio or his friends distance themselves from Fahie, the now proven criminal.

    If you do not distance yourself from criminals you are probably part of the payroll.
    • @ styles (09/02/2024, 13:25) Like (36) Dislike (6) Reply
      Then the Government want to announce a Prayer and Fasting right before his trial then attribute it to something else.

      He was still calling the shots while awaiting trial.

      They think we’re gullible.
    • jack@$$ (09/02/2024, 13:53) Like (12) Dislike (14) Reply
      When have you seen them with him since his arrest? I think your post is contemptuous and baseless. The man was part of their party then he got arrested and tried for something he was conspiring to do without them. Which one of them did you hear implicated in the case? You know that the police force has also had officers charged for drugs, but you don't condemn the entire force do you......there was even a governor here years ago who was rumored to be involved in the drug trade but nobody brings that up b/c he was a UK citizen and left but locals have to be stigmatized by political association forever. c'mon man the country is too small for that sort of behaviour.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (09/02/2024, 12:38) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    I am surely not happy that three of our locals have caused the people of the BVI to be further shamefully exposed to the rest of the world that the British Overseas Territory that we have advertised, as "Nature Little Secret" is in facts a bridge of shame because of past, present, but hopefully not, future politicians greedy mindset being encourage by many that are living among us posing as Honorable leaders.

    Wrong doings, called sin, in a worldwide desire of the majority of that humans to draw attention to self by means of material possession at the experience of others, especially the poor. For a time it works, Reference: the Topic Issue.
    However, the BVI former Premier and the other two are but a drop in the bucket, so to speak, of this Godless behaviors, worldwide.

    In closing, in spite of what have occured, I hope that a measure of mercy will be granted to the former Premier and, Andrew Fahie and Mrs A. Manard-Pickering. on the day of sentence to prison, etc.
    We all have sin, but sin is not without consequences. Just will be served, sooner or later, to all wrong doers, worldwide.

    Present Premier and other leaders, tread carefully, communicate wisely, minister justly to all, serve unselfishly the people of the BVI.

    L. O. V. E

    T. O

    A. L. L.
  • The earth DID RUN RED! (09/02/2024, 14:04) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    The downfall of a lot of them was the murder of ONE innocent soul cause God can never ignore the cry for justice. Every single one of them that was involved will suffer a downfall one way or the next.
  • coi (09/02/2024, 15:20) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    So get cracking on the COI reform and clean up your act Premier. Thank the UK for exposing the rot and stop bad mouthing them or your turn may come. UK intelligence has a long arm and the CIA and DEA even longer.
  • facts (09/02/2024, 15:23) Like (10) Dislike (34) Reply
    This country misses Andrew Fahie he is the leader for we
  • News Flash (09/02/2024, 15:37) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    The moniker" Head Coach " is now available !
  • Blind (09/02/2024, 16:05) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    They were all warned what was happening, and they all knew. But they did nothing apart from side with their boss Fahie. Shame
  • Public Minded (09/02/2024, 16:19) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply

    The house Mr. Fahie. was trying to finish building should be turned into a halfway house to help people recover from drug use.
    It would be a positive step forward and we need somewhere for these people to recover and get off the streets.

  • Manjack (09/02/2024, 18:18) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yesterday was a Black Letter Day( as a side note, it seems every thing bad has a Black connotation) for the [British Virgin Islands(VI), for its former Premier Andrew A. Fahie was found guilty in a Florida court for involvement in a drug scheme, using his position,, influence and authority to position the VI as a safe and smooth transition point for conveying illegal drugs to the US. His conviction was a severe gut punch, body blow etc , for the VI. The Premier’s behavior was akin to a Benedict Arnold, ie, traitor. The Premier was at the apex of VI leadership but his egregious action has dragged the VI and its people to the lowest depth through the mud, bringing shame, embarrassment to the VI and its people, along with family, friends, colleagues, etc.
  • Moesha (09/02/2024, 18:24) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
    Why don’t you public minded go and build your own house to harbor your homeless. Not because you all see that man building a big house it has to be drug money. Remember his father had money and sure enough his in laws. Come on man. What if and only if his father left him a good inheritance. Should they take his inheritance from him. Be careful what you all ask for. Do not rejoice in another man’s down fall but pray for him. He was wrong yes but that doesn’t mean you have to stomp him down when he’s already on the ground. Just saying.
  • Squeal (09/02/2024, 19:10) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Maybe he’ll flip and rat out his buddies for a lighter sentence.
  • sad day (09/02/2024, 20:39) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you try to hold God in one hand, and the devil in the other, you will always louse. Mr. Fahie over the years did insult the British Government, while he preach and fool people about GOOD GOVERNANCE, HONESTY, INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY, while he was not doing as he preach. Mr. Fahie worst insult to the UK, was when he rejected the security ship, during Covid, but chose to pay big bucks to barges, while drugs was possible passing those said SECURITY BARGES. He simple told the UK then, my security is better, and they will not stop the fast boats with a load. That was very suspicious and did raised a RED FLAG. The UK must have ask themselves, what’s going on in The BVI with this man? If a stranger comes and offer big bucks to allow drugs to pass through your hands, and you agree, you guilty. You didn’t say NO or run, you simply allow yourself to be FRAMED, because of greed, you frame yourself. Video and audio don’t lie. Hope others learn from his mistakes. Throwing away one’s life, for fast money is not a smart. Blaming others for your wrong deeds is worst. Don’t bite on fish line. You will eventually get caught. Who in their right mind go on a plane to INSPECT and approved of so much “MONEY”? to be flown to the BVI? Wake up people.
  • @ MOESHA (09/02/2024, 20:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • hmm (09/02/2024, 21:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is this press release. The release should be noting that the matter related to the local crimes is a matter for the COP and that no effort will be spared to stamp out the scourge of drugs and corruption in the BVI.

    The fact the man was convicted of attempting to import cocaine, racketeering etc from the BVI to the US and clearly stated “not my first rodeo” is a clear indication of local BVI crimes and co-conspirators.

    The DPP should be shortly getting a case file for the same charges plus breach of trust in public office to bring before the courts here in the BVI.

    The Government at this time should be doing all it can to ensure that the image of the BVI is not a narco state and everything is being done to stamp out drugs and corruption. Not this apologetic nothingness.
  • island man (10/02/2024, 19:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ning , Nature Boy, LB Stoutt campaign Marshall Country Boy " Mr Forbes" and other deceased warriors of velour have got to be rolling in their Graves. Corruption was always rumored, but we are left speechless at the level of greed and lack of decency of our high echelons. We need to hold our tongue against all peoples and use it to sincerely repent and urge others to be named to surrender an enable us to heal and move on.
  • Forbidden Truth (11/02/2024, 03:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Would the conviction of Andrew Alturo Fahie really change anything?
  • Big Slick Willie (12/02/2024, 18:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    His family? I'm sure they can visit.

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