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Face-to-face learning for public schools resume Jan. 31, 2022- Dr the Hon Wheatley

- some categories of students will be allowed back in the classroom as early as January 24, 2022
Students and teachers challenged by the online learning system put in place for public schools due to the COVID-19 spike in the Virgin Islands would be relieved by the news that face-to-face learning will resume as early as January 24, 2022 for some categories of students and for all students on January 31, 2022. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Dr the Honourable Natalio N. Wheatley (R7) has disclosed face-to-face learning will resume this month-end. Photo: VINO/File
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Dr the Honourable Natalio N. Wheatley (R7) has disclosed face-to-face learning will resume this month-end. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Students and teachers challenged by the online learning system put in place for public schools due to the COVID-19 spike in the Virgin Islands would be relieved by the news that face-to-face learning will resume as early as January 24, 2022, for some categories of students and for all students on January 31, 2022.

This was revealed by Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Dr the Honourable Natalio N. Wheatley (R7) while a guest of the Morning Braff Show on Tola Radio VI this morning, January 17, 2022.

"On the 24th of January, which is a week from today, we will have some groups return, mainly groups with children who have special needs and we have some categories of students who will be returning."

Dr Wheatley added," What we are going to do the following week, on the 31st, we are going to resume face to face for everyone."

The Education Minister also said there would be no mass testing of students for COVID-19.

"The week we are going to have an update on the testing regime that we will move forward with, [but] its not going to be mass testing. I can tell you that."

16 Responses to “Face-to-face learning for public schools resume Jan. 31, 2022- Dr the Hon Wheatley”

  • SicknTired (17/01/2022, 20:02) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Omicron is not as a mild as you all believe. Chec the worldwide stats people. Maybe you all have to see the reinfection effects to understand that the pandemic is not over. Why are we risking the chidren
  • Inquirer (17/01/2022, 20:11) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply

    Testing In Schools Important In Keeping COVID-19 Numbers Down – CMO January 14th 2022

    A little confused here.... if testing is so important and we are experiencing an outbreak (yes 800 plus in this little country is outrageous why the hell are schools opening on the 31st of this month?? Whose idea is it? The parents who want to club every weekend and party but having a breakdown that their kids have online school in this modern day world or is it the teachers who are feeling exposed because their lack of skills and some of their stank attitudes are on display for parents to witness from the comfort of their own homes???? This is beyond disturbing now...

    • answer (18/01/2022, 08:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      because by the 31st of the month numbers will be well below the 100 mark maybe below 30, so just wait and see
  • upset (17/01/2022, 20:16) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    First we saw a news release saying virtual school for lent term, now we are seeing month end? So, now in the midst of the outbreak parents must run out and purchase school supplies, uniform, etc? This is madness. The cases are too high. There is no contact tracing and no monitoring of positive cases so they are everywhere, Some of us are careful and we keep ourselves and our children out of the masses but school??? This feels like a set up. Ohhhhh... I forgot. If you are not vax it is your fault and you suck salt right?? Well, what goes around comes around people. The same people feeling invincible now may wonder what the hell happened when common threats like the cold and flu wreak havoc on your newly immunizedonlytocovid bodies show what time it is. We are not one people, not onebvi, notwiththisattitudeyouallhave
    • Funny (18/01/2022, 09:00) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      you should of already had all the school supplies you needed for school, always looking for an excuse as you sepnt the money in clubs ,clothes and a new phone instead of your children....
  • Everywhere (17/01/2022, 20:19) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    else in the world admitting that the all so mild omicron is hospitalizing and killing people, not just unvaxxed either. And online school is available. But here we are not even waiting for the cases to go down and making a very hasty, dangerous decision. Let us pray people for our leaders are beyond us now, we can only truly be led by HIM, our Lord, our Saviour. Yes, online school is a hassle for many but we have to do what is necessary at times. If not the whole term at least till midterm Geez!!! Give the children a chance here
  • Surveyor (17/01/2022, 20:21) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Was this action taken as the result of the survey parents and teachers took??? Just wondering. Ohhh and what about the concerned parents? Did their voices get lost in the translation? Are there options?? Or just dictatorship?? Then why survey people and waste time
  • nope (17/01/2022, 21:14) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bad idea and premature. 7 dead in BVI in less than 3 weeks and you want to open schools? Who to trust ?
  • I guess (17/01/2022, 22:45) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply

    The parents that is truly concern, got toss out with the wolves, their concerns don’t matter. I am done with this half @## public school system in the BVI.

    • ok (18/01/2022, 09:01) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      they go private or home school, pay for your child/childrens education.
      • @ok (18/01/2022, 11:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        That is exactly what I intend to do. Pay for my child Education. I am going to go the homeschooling route first and if that don’t work out, I am going to enroll my child in private school. When you pay for something you get better results, when it’s free, you have to take the BS and scraps.
  • Food 4 Thought (17/01/2022, 23:19) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Bad Idea (18/01/2022, 01:02) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please revisit this decision!!!
  • at least (18/01/2022, 15:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    wait till Midterm break to see if the cases and death toll goes down
  • Not Good... (18/01/2022, 15:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    So, teachers are being informed via the media? Teachers really don't have any value!
  • tola (28/01/2022, 11:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Face to face learning is the best. Students need to be in school. It is hard for teachers when students resume face to face after such long absence from physical class room. Although they were doing work virtually , many return blank. making teachers task harder.

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