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Face masks no longer mandatory by law from June 15, 2022– Hon Penn

- BVI Gateway Portal to be discontinued as pandemic heads to endemic stage
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) said following Cabinet briefings on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the ease of COVID-19 public health measures has been considered following a continuing trend towards milder COVID-19 infections, fewer cases of severe disease, and reduced hospital admissions locally. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Persons, however, are being strongly encouraged to continue wearing well-fitted masks or face coverings if they are COVID-19 positive' if you have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person and at mass gatherings or in communal transportation. Photo: Internet Source
Persons, however, are being strongly encouraged to continue wearing well-fitted masks or face coverings if they are COVID-19 positive' if you have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person and at mass gatherings or in communal transportation. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) said following Cabinet briefings on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the ease of COVID-19 public health measures has been considered following a continuing trend towards milder COVID-19 infections, fewer cases of severe disease, and reduced hospital admissions locally.

“All of these metrics suggest that we have transitioned away from an acute, or emergency phase of the pandemic. If these trends continue, this virus will eventually become endemic in the Territory,” he said in a video statement released via social media.

Restrictions eased 

As such, the minister said adjusting to the local public health measures has been made and beginning on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, "persons traveling to the BVI, regardless of vaccination status, will no longer need to register for entry clearance on the BVI Gateway Travel Portal, and will not be required to show proof of travel insurance.

“Day-trippers, such as travellers who had been away from the Territory for less than 24 hours, or persons remaining in the Territory for less than 24 hours will no longer need to present a COVID-19 test result upon arrival.”

For travellers over the age of 5, regardless of vaccination status, persons will still need to provide a negative rapid antigen test, or rt-PCR test, taken up to 48 hours before entry. 

Alternatively, a person may present a document issued by a licensed medical professional certifying COVID-19 recovery within 90 days prior to arrival, in place of a negative test.

COVID-19 screening continues 

The Minister said if persons are unable to present a test result or a recovery certificate, the person will be tested upon arrival in the Territory, “A person who tests positive on arrival will be required to adhere to Ministry of Health protocols and instructions for COVID-19 positive persons.”

He said the entry protocols will be kept under review to determine any changes to be made in the future, however, travellers entering the Territory will continue to be subject to COVID-19 screening, and persons exhibiting signs of the illness may be tested at the port of entry.

Effective June 15, 2022, Cabinet has also decided that the wearing of face masks or face coverings, whether indoors or outdoors, will no longer be mandated by law, but will be allowed as a matter of choice in public spaces.

Mask mandate lifted 

“Even as this mask mandate is being lifted, any private establishment or service provider may institute its own policy on mask-wearing. The same will apply to the Public Sector, and the Deputy Governor will develop a policy on the areas where mask-wearing will still be required, such as in agencies providing health and social care, border protection services, and other front-facing departments where the risk of exposure is higher,” he added.

Persons, however, are being strongly encouraged to continue wearing well-fitted masks or face coverings if they are COVID-19 positive, have been in close contact with a COVID-19 positive person, and at mass gatherings or in communal transportation.

“The Ministry of Health will also be ending all mandatory isolation of cases, quarantine of contacts of cases, and contact tracing,” he said.

32 Responses to “Face masks no longer mandatory by law from June 15, 2022– Hon Penn”

  • Get rid of Covid (13/06/2022, 20:31) Like (71) Dislike (19) Reply
    Covid Malone must be fuming that all the mandates are being lifted after he done fear mongered so many people. We outside Mr Alone. Get over it. Stay in the woods where you belong and watch those cows
    • Carvin is too nice of a guy. (14/06/2022, 05:20) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
      Carvin top nice to make tough decision, wants to be like to upset people that he needs to upset. The people giving bad advice for their own agenda and to maintain their control or power. Hope Marlon don't fall in that same Trap. Give us the fully Vax some advantage. Why do we need the same negative test as the unvax. Aim making sense..Been fully Vax must have some advantages..
      • hmm (14/06/2022, 08:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        You sound like a rock.
        • @LOL (14/06/2022, 08:38) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
          I wonder if the person realise its just a flu. We caribbean people know how bush medicine. I know quite a few vaccinated people that got sick and it did them worse than the unvaccinated so let them go ahead with their nonsense.
  • NezRez (13/06/2022, 20:37) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    This is the best news EVER! I will still be careful in certain places with groups of people, but I can again breathe the fresh air we have here. Thank you Honorable Penn. YAHOOOOOOOO!
    • @NezRez (13/06/2022, 21:41) Like (24) Dislike (15) Reply
      So another man had to tell you that’s it’s okay to breathe fresh air ? Do they tie you in a barn and make you eat grass as well ? Smh sheep
      • NezRez (14/06/2022, 07:19) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        @@NezRez. You are so stupid. All I stated was that I am happy we don’t have to be harassed everywhere we go now about wearing a mask. I wore it only In places it was required just like you fool. You just wanted to say something just to insult me without seeing what I was saying. Get a freaking life and think of your own topics to write about.
    • Secret Bear (14/06/2022, 09:15) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      You could already breathe the "fresh air" since masks have not been required outdoors for some time. I wouldn't call the air in Rite Way or the DMV "fresh."
  • Cookie Monster (13/06/2022, 21:16) Like (19) Dislike (6) Reply
    We Are Not Out Of The WOODS AS YET ????????????
  • Yessss (13/06/2022, 21:16) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    So you basically saying I can go rock for my KFC direct & head back up tola nowwww????
  • Katherine (13/06/2022, 21:40) Like (39) Dislike (8) Reply
    Why aren’t the BVIs ready to stop requiring Covid testing into the county yet?
    • Rubber Duck (14/06/2022, 03:36) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
      No where else requires these tests. Our tourist competitors do not require tests. But the power mad ignoramce that is the BVI government couldnt care less about tourism.
    • @Katherine (14/06/2022, 05:45) Like (6) Dislike (23) Reply
      IT needs to stay.
  • Real Talk (13/06/2022, 21:42) Like (28) Dislike (13) Reply
    Thanks for dropping the indoor mask but I never wore any mask outside ever no matter what fear mongering stories they had. But I’m thankful I don’t have to argue with those brain washed security guards anymore.
    • @ real talk (13/06/2022, 22:02) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
      Not so fast!

      “Even as this mask mandate is being lifted, any private establishment or service provider may institute its own policy on mask-wearing. The same will apply to the Public Sector, and the Deputy Governor will develop a policy on the areas where mask-wearing will still be required, such as in agencies providing health and social care, border protection services, and other front-facing departments where the risk of exposure is higher,” he added.
      • Secret Bear (14/06/2022, 09:19) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
        If you don't want to wear a mask, take your business to somewhere that doesn't require it. If they lose enough customers they will adapt. It's called the "free market," and it's great.
  • J (13/06/2022, 22:22) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please remove the required for proof of a negative test.
  • Outsider (14/06/2022, 06:10) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    When can we move on?
    Still needing a COVID test to enter…
    The UK dropped this months ago. As did most countries.
  • Silent Majority (14/06/2022, 06:24) Like (23) Dislike (7) Reply
    We demand to know why yet again we are so far behind the rest:
    Antigua - no test for fully vaccinated
    Barbados - no test for fully vaccinated
    Jamaica - no test
    St Lucia - no test for fully vaccinated
    St Maarten - no test for fully vaccinated
    USA - no testing
    UK - no testing

    We are bleeding. Do we have to wait to be the last country in the world requiring testing before we drop the testing requirement?
    • Crazy joe (14/06/2022, 09:51) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
      It has long been evident that the BVI government hates tourists and will do anything it can to discourage them from coming.
    • @silent majority (14/06/2022, 10:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Is the usa testing requirements for both vaccinated and unvaccinated?
      • Young concerned citizen (14/06/2022, 12:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        For both vaccinated and unvaccinated provided you are a US Citizen.
  • Secret Bear (14/06/2022, 09:16) Like (4) Dislike (12) Reply
    A lot of mini-Hitler security guards crying today. They've lost their sole purpose for living.
  • 7% tax (14/06/2022, 09:59) Like (16) Dislike (8) Reply
    we need this 7% tax on monies at the western union and money gram STOP ASAP so we expats can breath a sign of pocket ease
  • Cedar Parent (14/06/2022, 10:34) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Please can government direct Cedar School to cease its silly requirement for children as young as 3 to wear a mask in class? This nonsense has gone on long enough. In no other country have children as young as 3 been forced to wear a mask, Cedar is now refusing to lift this requirement until at least the end of the current term.
    • Secret Bear (14/06/2022, 11:33) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      If the indoor mask requirement is dropped, presumably that would apply to schools as well?
      • The DG (14/06/2022, 12:16) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        Decides... govt offices, schools, etc... still to adhere to mask wearing etc
  • Interested (14/06/2022, 11:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just purchased a whole set of them online wow!
    Souvenirs now?
    • right (14/06/2022, 14:19) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      me too
    • Linda (15/06/2022, 20:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Interested. Keep your masks handy, another virus or the same Corona or Monkey virus will raise its ugly head. People will become careless and the whole scenario will start all over again.
  • Arnold (14/06/2022, 12:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Stop some bvi companies from asking job applicants if they took the jab in an interview for a job. Show some balls and stop disadvantaging the young people.

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