EZ Shipping slams Hon Turnbull for 'double standards' around Auditor General's reports

The Company in a statement said as it pertains to the debate of the Auditor General’s report on the Examination of the House of Assembly’s COVID-19 Assistance Grants, members of the House have since criticised the report.
EZ Shipping calls out Hon Turnbull's 'double standards'
“Including the Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull, who was cited in the report. Mr Turnbull told the Assembly that the processes adopted by the Auditor General failed to meet the international industry standards and were woefully lacking.”
EZ Shipping added, “Yet in March earlier this year, Mr Turnbull championed the flawed Auditor General’s Static Marine Platform Report and criticised other members of the Assembly who had challenged aspects of the report. Mr Turnbull has changed his tune after becoming the subject of the Assistance Grants report,” it added.
The company pointed out that the legislator has since dismissed the efforts of the AG stating, “I also will not be hypocritical in allowing certain things to be reported that create a narrative for the public to make an interpretation when the details which were submitted depict otherwise.”
Independent accountant found AG's report 'defective'
According to information, the company EZ Shipping has since commissioned an independent forensic accountant to review the Auditor General’s Static Marine Platform Report, which found that the Auditor General’s work was defective and further failed to meet international standards and was inadequate.
“We have been the subject of rumour, innuendo, and reputational damage from a flawed report process where we were not asked to provide evidence before its publication. We were then attacked on the floor of the House of Assembly by Members, one in particular who now pivots on his view of the work of the Auditor General when he is in the spotlight,” a spokesperson from the company detailed in the release.
Company calls for fair & objective assessment
EZ Shipping called for facts to be fairly, objectively and independently assessed, “which we are confident will show that we fully complied with our contractual obligations,” the company detailed.
Since the release of the Auditor General's Report on the House of Assembly’s Covid-19 Assistance Grants given out by Members of the Fourth House of Assembly, the report has since been slammed as inaccurate.
All elected Members who spoke at the Second Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly on Thursday, July 13, 2023, when the report was laid on the table of the House, agreed that the Auditor General “took issues way out of context and left the wrong impression with the public that elected members did something illegal or wrong”.

35 Responses to “EZ Shipping slams Hon Turnbull for 'double standards' around Auditor General's reports ”
I use to support **** but I find he is challenged with the truth and all he wants is power. He will do and say anything to bring down anyone he thinks should not be in power or who is standing in his way to power. He and his dad lived by the Governor carrying news.
&&&& and a few of his close family as well as Mar*** worked hard to get rid of the premier by carrying all kind of false news in their many behind the scenes meetings with the colonial masters. They are very bad minded people proclaiming they are saints.
Mitch needed to be called out as when the elephant was on his foot with the audit, he said it lacked sufficient information to conclude what negative claims it was saying but when it is anyone else like the government or EZ Shipping then he agrees with the report and states it is factual and claims he will stand for what is right even if he has to stand alone he will stand for what is right. What a fraud.
1) Wrongfully discrediting of others to make him and who with him look good at their exoense.
2) Betrayal behind persons backs.
3) Total confusion.
4) Others will always be blamed for his mistakes or wrongdoing.
5) Never have factual information but always speaks as if he does.
6) Send others to do his dirty dealing so he can always deny any involvement.
7) Talks down to others and disrespect them in attempt to belittle them & make them afraid of him.
8) Will always sell out others but you will never know it is him. (Certain parts of Auditor General report).
9) Use people & then throw them away when he has no more use for them.
10) Speaks as if he is the poster boy for integrity when it is further from the truth.
Thinking about it , if EZ shipping did intact do something worng there would have been some sort of an arrest..right?
That episode was just an attempt to tarnish names and company.
That’s all ayo tolians good for. You to ignorant. I am willing to bet you owe or ask to borrow. SMH
EZShipping doing there job too
What your problem is what we need to figure out.
Mitch crying now against the report from the same AG that he championed.
Let me know you problem because I don’t see any from EZShipping
You all ways Bi$tching
Your body shape like a girl
I guess you the daughter they didn’t have
Get your narratives together and come again