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Extremely challenging year ahead for local off-shore industry- Mr. Mathavious

Managing Director of the BVI Financial Services Mr Robert Mathavious has predicted a very challenging year for the Virgin Islands financial off-shore industry, one of the main pillars of the Territory. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Managing Director of the BVI Financial Services Mr Robert Mathavious has predicted a very challenging year for the Virgin Islands financial off-shore industry, one of the main pillars of the Territory.

Mr Mathavious, speaking at a cocktail reception at Maria's by the Sea last evening January 29, 2013 in honour of Mrs Hélène Anne Lewis TEP being appointmenteds new Chair of the Society of Trust and Estates Practitioners (STEP), Mr Mathavious warned her that STEP has a hard task ahead of it as the off-shore financial services industry would be heavily challenged by European “forces”.

In fact, he said that this year was going to be an extremely challenging one also for the Virgin Islands and for off-shore centres like the Virgin Islands “because there seem to be forces that are teaming up to look at the industry and with greater intensity on the affairs of off-shore centre like ours” and STEP is likely to be in the firing line.

“I say this because what we are going to find is that the very, very thing that STEP focuses on, the matter of trust, will be brought under even greater intensity as the European Union intensifies its search for money and particularly under the presidency of Prime Minister Cameron of the UK.”

According to Mr Mathavious, STEP has worked closely with the off-shore industry and particularly with the BVI Financial Services Commission over the years in facing up the number of the “giants” that the FSC faced. He also noted that it was with STEP the Financial Services Commission provided the funding for the hallmark paper, which focussed on running a level playing field, “which was able to bring the excesses of the OECBs harmful tax competition to a halt and..and making them stop and rethink that bringing some degree of  fairness into the equation.”

The FSC Managing Director warned, however, that at each round initiatives get even more intense. “People regroup and they come with even more vigour, determined to reduce the attractiveness of these types of structures. And we are finding that particularly as the Cameron presidency comes we are going to find that those people from the Civil Law Jurisdiction, for whom Trust is an alien creature, something that they do not understand, are becoming even more rigorous in their hostility towards this Common Law concept and it would not surprise me if once again we find ourselves sacrificed on the anvil of other people’s Europeans agenda.”

Mr Mathavious said the challenges ahead were going to force the Virgin Islands off-shore industry re-examine what it does, how it does it, and to develop even greater strategic alliances, not only public sector/private sector but it will have to cross jurisdictional barriers and make sure that there is a joined up response that meets the legitimate concerns.

“...because I don’t think any of us want to see those structures or our jurisdictions being used for nefarious activities. I don’t think any of us want to see ourselves providing safe havens for what we call the ‘ethically challenged’. And I don’t think any of us want to see the reputations that we have worked so hard to build be destroyed,” Mr Mathavious remarked.

Turning to Mrs Lewis, Mr Mathavious said her work was cut out for her but the FSC was not only cheering her on but it was in the struggle with her, “because so much is at stake that we all have to do our utmost to ensure that the goose that has laid this golden egg for the British Virgin Islands continues to produce more golden eggs.”

28 Responses to “Extremely challenging year ahead for local off-shore industry- Mr. Mathavious”

  • critic (30/01/2013, 08:59) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    since he knows this then why is he paying marlon an additional $200 000?
    • -------------- (30/01/2013, 11:20) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      gimmee ah break from your ranring and raving on evey news site!
    • "Really" (30/01/2013, 11:58) Like (10) Dislike (19) Reply
      You have moved from being my daily comic relieve, to me feeling very sad for you. Your just a bitter jealous soul. Really what is your obsession with Hon. Penn? Can you confirm that the FSC is paying him $200,000.00? As I know for a fact, he is not making that kind of money. Yet your on here everyday scandalizing the Commission and the mans name. And If he was making that money so what? Once he's being paid at market value for his skills, what is the problem? If I was Hon. Penn, I would launch a lawsuit for libel.

      People come into our territory everyday and get ahead, while people like you focus on how I can bring down another Virgin Islander today. You really need to get a life, it is Virgin Islanders (If your a Virgin Islander at all) like you why Virgin Islands will never progress. This crabbe in a barrel mentality, everytime anything good happens for a fellow Virgin Islander. What disturbs me the must, is that you continue to display your ignorance for the whole world to see. Please get yourself together.
      • Biggs (30/01/2013, 13:07) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        Really, don't mind that idiot critic. When they give an unknown with no track record over $500k to do medical school study, the man take $300k out of it, subcontract to someone who know what they doing and take the $200k gravy for his pocket and I guess kick backs. they think we sleeping like ralph but we wide awake. If my people qualified and can perform, pay them TOP DOLLAR!! End of story! I understand they just paid some guys over $200k up Beef Island AIrport for soil testing which was a few days work. I'm sure they were paid that because they were qualified to do what they're doing. You won't hear that in the news, but if it was a local company involved you wouldn't hear the end of it. Look at the roof and railings work at the Complex a few years ago. Hundreds of thousands for what? Not a peep.
        • critic (30/01/2013, 16:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          why you fail to mention that $700 thousand what ndp paid to its big east supporter who was owed by that english firm for working on the airport...this money was not budgeted that!
          • Here you go Again! (30/01/2013, 17:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Why are you always trying to mislead the people, the money that was paid to them was paid from a performance bond that was secured from the company when the project started some 10yrs ago. The oprative phrase in your post is that the money was "owed to them..." That means the performed a service and deserve to be paid. Additionally, they were not the only firm that was owed money from that project and was paid.

            None of that money was taken from tax payers. What nonsense are talking about regarding budgeted funds. You need to stop your constant miseducation of the people. You're really a sad soul, I will pray for you every night.
            • Biggs (30/01/2013, 18:28) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
              HAHA!! I like how you fix him! They know better but always trying to miseducate the public for real and sadly some people falling for it. Since when did people getting paid what they're owed a crime. LOLOL!! Take that, facts facts facts!!
      • critic (30/01/2013, 13:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        i can tell from the way you spell crabbe, who you is and where you're from
    • paper boy (30/01/2013, 12:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lord ah mussy look where you all gone
  • egg face (30/01/2013, 09:19) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Truth be told!
  • qc (30/01/2013, 09:34) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Some debt forgiveness would be a good start from these first world countries

  • rings (30/01/2013, 11:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    big Mac is the NDp big dog..he ran rings around Uncle ralph
  • ABC (30/01/2013, 11:20) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Presently, I do not see any "Josephs" on board. Just who will prepare us for the seven years of famine. The seven years of plenty appears to be coming to an end. These $200,000 dollars [plus] salaries which appear to be common place in the service may have to be adjusted.
  • popeye (30/01/2013, 12:15) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    The writing is on the wall, the bvi is falling never to rise again, the days of living on hand out has come to an end. it's time to Produce or perish. Free paper burn out. Wickedness and bad mind can't hold back what is coming.The leaders of the darke age is holding on for their life hoping some good samariton would come to their rescue.
  • link (30/01/2013, 13:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    eggface and foxy, if u going respond to ur own post at least make it look good.
  • link (30/01/2013, 13:11) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    popeye we have been hearing about bvi falling off the map for decades and we still here strong as ever. as long as we remain proactive we will be fine. many around us and in our business already fallen trying to keep us down but we here fighting stronger than ever. not good to become complacent we need to keep driving but i got faith, we back broad.
  • Bracing for uncertainty (30/01/2013, 13:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK Government will sudenly find itself between a rock and a hard place once Cameron takes over as Chair of the EU. What will happen is they will be pressured to act due to the fact that many of its Territories have thriving Offshore Financial Centres, which are at the hard of issues that Mr. Mathavious eluded to.
    France as usual will be expected to lead the charge particularly on the matter of Trusts. They have long seen trust as vehicles that are used for no other purpose other than evading or avoiding taxes. I agree with his sentiments that the OTs (BVI, Cayman, and Bermuda) in particular will need to organize and work together as a group if they wish to weather the incoming storm. Needless to say, these jurisdictions are all competing against each other which could be an impediment to overcoming the challenges Mr. Mathavious spoke about.

    We as a Territory should be quite concerned and so we need to brace ourselves for the uncertainty that lies ahead.
  • wise-up (30/01/2013, 18:26) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    As a people we now need elected officials that have good vision and spend “our” money wisely...should that offshore industry begin to suffer, as a territory heavily dependent on the funds generated from offshore companies we will begin to encounter some hard-time.....the “5-blind mice” now need to spend “our” money on valuable projects such as the hospital, sewage, good roads and adequate water for the citizen of this country...although we definitely need bigger airport and sea ports, the money in circulation now should be sent on what we need and not simply what we want....when economic time get tuff big airport and sea ports will not be any help to our that !!!!
  • ABC (31/01/2013, 00:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are all calling for the completion of this new hospital. I fully agree that we need and deserve better medical facilities. That being said, I must caution one and all that we have not to date, identified the source of funds to equip and staff this facility. This is seperate and apart from the utility services and general maintenance of the facility. Our representatives who are calling for more and more borrowing don't have a clue as to what awaits us during the second half of this year.
    • wise-up (31/01/2013, 07:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      ABC;the big question if we have money to investing in the future of "our" country what will be your prefrence Air/sea port of medical facilities BUT i do agree with you;
      • ABC (31/01/2013, 15:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Leave the darn Airport as it is, extend the cruise ship doc , leave KMark with his Disney World and equip only the number of Hospital floors that are NEEDED.
  • extreme (31/01/2013, 07:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The NDP are a bunch of headless chickens, look out for progress over the next 4yrs, dismiss all the qualified and experience people and replace them with their foot shoulders to do their duty work, that's progress under the NDP. that's why this country economy is about to crash.

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