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Explicit materials featuring high school students being illegally circulated- RVIPF

Police said it was recently been alerted to a video featuring high school students that is being shared through digital platforms. Photo: Internet Source/File
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is issuing a stern warning to the public about the illegal circulation of explicit material involving minors. Photo: VINO/File
The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is issuing a stern warning to the public about the illegal circulation of explicit material involving minors. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI — The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is issuing a stern warning to the public about the illegal circulation of explicit material involving minors.

Police said it was recently been alerted to a video featuring high school students that is being shared through digital platforms.

The RVIPF emphasised that the possession, transmission, or distribution of such material is a serious criminal offence under the law.

Using a computer to “distribute, transmit, disseminate, circulate, exhibit, deliver [or] procure” child abuse material, which includes child pornography, is a serious crime under the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act 2014.

Severe penalties 

Chief Inspector Kenrick Davis, head of the Criminal Investigations Department, also highlights that the 2025 amendment to the Act has expanded the definition of the term “computer” to include cellular telephones, digital video recorders, and closed-circuit television systems. This means that individuals who use their mobile cellular devices to share or store child abuse material are equally liable under the law.

The penalties for violations of this Act are severe:

• Summary Convictions (Magistrate’s Court): Offenders could face a fine of up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) or seven (7) years imprisonment, or both.

• Indictment (High Court): Offenders could face a fine of up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) or up to fourteen (14) years imprisonment, or both.

Zero-tolerance policy

The RVIPF said it has adopted a zero-tolerance policy regarding child abuse material and will take uncompromising action against individuals who create, distribute, or engage with such content.

“We urge the public to act responsibly and refrain from sharing or possessing explicit content involving minors. Anyone found in violation of the law will be held accountable to the fullest extent,” DCI Davis stated.

The RVIPF encourages individuals who have received such material to refrain from circulating and delete the content. Parents, guardians, and educators are urged to have open discussions with young people about the dangers of engaging in or distributing explicit material.

22 Responses to “Explicit materials featuring high school students being illegally circulated- RVIPF”

  • WE ALL KNOW (03/02/2025, 14:25) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
  • hmm (03/02/2025, 15:11) Like (20) Dislike (8) Reply
    I wouldnt want to see it anyway but if they are high school students how can it be called child abuse. Unless they were actually hurting each other? That is why the world is so backwards there is no reality. I have not seen it or got it but if everyone who did get one were arrested how many hundreds would that be? Instead of offering a stern warning to the public of $200,000 fines go in the schools and tell the kids to behave and put away the cameras.
    • @hmmm (03/02/2025, 18:54) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      If they’re underage it is. That’s distribution of child p0rn.
      • Linda (04/02/2025, 13:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @hmmm, you are correct. High school here goes from age 11 to 18. If they are attacking real minors, that is child abuse, and not only that, the older ones are acting out what they see on the internet and are abusing innocent children here. There has to be some prosecution for that! Parents should ask their children what they see is going on because this has to STOP!
    • @hmm (03/02/2025, 19:53) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
      You do not see anything wrong with harmful content of children being circulated? I truly hope there is no one else like you in this country. If there are OTHERS who think like you, we are finished.
  • jack (03/02/2025, 15:35) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    If those content have been seen don't you think action should be taken to the person who recorded the porn?and if they are under age some sort of punishment should be given or a fine,I think the parents have those responsibilities because the of comcent is 18 but your are under your parents responsibilities until you're over 21.
    • student (03/02/2025, 19:16) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      crazy cause the student recording is 18. he admit it, & despite knowing the girl’s age, he done express heen care. gah investigate that yute. tola gah a serious preda+or culture mehn.
      • @18yr old who allegedly admitted (04/02/2025, 08:31) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Would he want someone to do something like that to his sister our female cousin, if he has one? No matter how much hate you have for an individual, doing something like this is not cool and believe when I say what goes around comes around. As a mother, it is just disgusting to think that someone did this to a young girl. What a substandard human being! If the arm of the law does not get you, I hope Karma comes knocking with a stern fist at your door.

        I have not seen the video and DO NOT want to see it and would not want to be responsible for sharing either. All who are sharing, would you share if it was your sister? You are all just as guilty and lack empathy.
  • Real (03/02/2025, 17:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sorry to late .it has already reached Australia already from last week
  • This is new? (03/02/2025, 17:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    How long have cell phones with video cams been around? This is not new though for sure illegal since they are minors and cannot sign consent forms.
  • J (03/02/2025, 18:20) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    The children that willing participate in and circulate the videos need to be addressed as well. They are not innocent. They need to be held accountable too.
  • Shhhh!!! (03/02/2025, 18:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    If thexarticke stated that there was legal action taken against those jnvolved,if the,article identified the precisely that it is about recorded explicit sexual act..and that offenders are/ were being held accountable...instead of the hushed hushed " figure out if you can but tis a secret" then the warnings might have the wanted results.....
  • bvibuzz (03/02/2025, 18:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    so what will be done? who will be locked up?
  • question (03/02/2025, 19:57) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is so sad! Who is to be blamed?

    The parties (assuming is the male) are the ones recording themselves act and then sharing with their friends. Why are these school children behaving in such a manner? Times have really changed. Parents take control of your children, especially the female child, speak with them and stop having the streets/friends or school be their parents. It start with the home!
    • Really? (08/02/2025, 10:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don't target just females cause it takes two. Both boys and girls need to be targeted. In our day some boys would skip school, drink, smoke, use profanity, etc. Today the girls matching and out running the boys. They doing weed, they drinking, using profanity, etc. And some of them when you report them to their parents, the parent quick to tell you you lying on their child. This is why so many of our youths are in trouble. It takes a village, but the village don't feel the need to help because of the type of parent the child may have. Some parents will curse you out in front of their children.
  • NezRez (03/02/2025, 22:47) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    The disturbing thing is why these high school students feel so comfortable doing this and sharing it with the public. Where are their family values and self-respect? These are children! SMDH!
  • Asking For Myself (04/02/2025, 00:54) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    How come no one sends me these videos>
  • @Jack (04/02/2025, 01:58) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Age of consent is 16 and some parents get rid of their children at 18 only some countries they are responsible to 21 not here.
  • Mike (04/02/2025, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    @@jack. You are missing the point.
  • Every fn thing (04/02/2025, 08:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is to record ppl are sickening now
  • hmm (04/02/2025, 08:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    You two need to live in reality. When we were in school it was on us not to make dumb arse videos that would get us in trouble. The teachers told us the truth which is there is no recalling a embarrassing video by the nature of internet technology. In reality no one is going to be fined.

    You probably saw it and know more than me. However when the kids graduate and start killing us out and being in gangs and posting it. You see a 22 year old soon sentence in connection with the gass station murder. Look around will you wonder where did they learn there are no consequences for their dumb arse behavior? Back when I went to college they did continue their crap at hlscc as adults.

    You want to tell me the consequences for these kids is to punish the public who they released a obscene video upon, and we all play our part to sweep it under the rug. The kids have to know you do crap making porn, or laying with everyone and spread it then they are ultimately responsible. They will graduate to record grown people and spread it & we wonder who the scumbags that leak pics are. Reading the article the pressure is on the public but I bet the kids share more than anyone.

  • Really? (08/02/2025, 10:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So we will be putting our children in jail? Because the wild fire spreading of the particular video is not just being done by adults, but the same school children too.

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