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Exonerate Alred C. Frett

- Letter to the citizens and residents of the democratic territory of the VI
Jefferson J. Knight. Photo: Provided
By Jefferson J. Knight

The Holy Spirit had led me to exonerate Alred Frett:

My dear brothers and sisters [children of god] we were created by one God, and the Lord-God created each and every one of us in his own image; and he instilled in each and every one of us different attitudes and behavioural characteristics and, as expected, we all have different approaches to social issues.

Jefferson J. Knight was created DIFFERENTLY!

God created me this way: Mankind WILL NOT change me to THEIR WAYS:

Our society is structured under a Constitution, from the owners of the VI. The names, titles and Kingdom-owners, of the ROYAL persons; who own the VI are:-

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors.

In that Constitution, Her Majesty BESTOWED upon the Peaceful Citizens and Residents, Laws and Rules, which define what is Authority, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and other mechanism of Government in our Free, Democratic and Beautiful Virgin Islands.

In this LAW [The V.I Constitution], Her Majesty declared that the Person known in the Her VI as Jefferson Knight, BELONGS to Her VI.

In that structuring of Her Constitution, is a section of LAW declaring the practice of free Religion: Section 21 (1) of the VI Constitution; which protects and guarantees that Every Citizen/Residents of the VI has the guaranteed Right to Practice his or her Religion in Public:

Many of us do not practice our Religion in Public!

With this Right and Freedom to practice Religion publicly; I hereby declare that my Religion is Catholic and I practice the Faith and Doctrine of the Catholic Church:

With the power of that faith and the authority of Her Majesty’s Constitution, I wish to read from my Catholic Bible, an Encouragement Chapter to the Citizens/Residents. 

PSALM Chapter 5 verses 2 to 7:-

[“ 2.-  O lord, listen to my words and hear my complaint:

3-  Give heed to my sighs, my King and my God:

4-From day-break you hear my voice, from dawn, I am in your presence watching for you:

You are not a God who delights in Wickedness; Evil has no place in you:

5- The Arrogant cannot stand before you. You hate all who do Evil:

6-You destroy all who speak falsehood, who thirst for blood and live on lies. All of them the Lord detest”] End of scripture.

The Holy Spirit  Led  Jefferson Knight to Exonerate Alred C. Frett:

My dear brothers and sisters [“children of God”]

When I read the Public News, which headlined: “Alred Frett in Hot Water” for an “ALLEGEd” Publication he had made in the Free and Democratic VI, I was drawn to the “Story”:

Because for 27 years I associated myself with the Peaceful Citizens of Her Majesty, I never knew Mr Frett to be reckless, in his Freedoms of Speech.

After reading the “News” in its Entirety, and realizing that Mr Frett; a  fellow citizen, had NOT committed a Criminal Offence in the VI:

The Holy Spirit told me repeatedly to do or say something to EXONERATE, this citizen of Her Majesty:

I knew right away that NO ONE else would explain the LAW


The Catholic Doctrine teaches the [“Liturgy of the Eucharist-Communion RITE”]

With a Spirit of Reconciliation, the people of God make Final preparation for the Eucharistic meal.

In Communion, they fully expressed their oneness with Christ.

The Facts and the Law Exonerated Alred Frett:

You have read the MISLEADING “news” about Alred Frett.

You had read my article to Vino on the LAW: Her Majesty’s LAWS!

I now call on His Excellency, the Governor, who is the Queen’s Representatives in these peaceful islands to Exonerate Mr Alred Frett, a citizen of the Queen, on the following grounds:-

(1)  Alred Frett did NOT commit a Criminal Offence in the VI, according to LAW.

If he had committed an offence he would have been charged by the Police, according to LAW.

(2)  Alred Frett did not appear in Court on a Criminal Charge brought against him by the C.O.P or D.P.P, according to LAW.

(3) Alred Frett was not Convicted of a Criminal Offence, according to LAW.

(4) A Criminal Conviction for Alred Frett Will NOT be recorded as being Convicted in a Court of Law, according to LAW.

Alred Frett is now Fully Exonerated from wrong-doing in the VI, according to LAW.

Let’s make peace with each other now:

For those of you upon whom I may have brought some embarrassment by applying the law to the facts, let me say that I am sorry for embarrassing you: The embarrassment was in good Christian-Faith. But I was led by the Power of the Holy Spirit to Exonerate an Innocent Citizen of the Queen.

The Spirit told me that the same thing could happen to my friends, family, relatives and any good and loving person in the VI.

In this Earthly Life we all make mistakes and the Lord God sent his son Jesus to save us from our sins [our mistakes].

Please, tell the Public “We made a mistake with Alred Frett”.

My mission is now accomplished: Live in PEACE!

May the good lord continue to bless and protect the people of the VI.

40 Responses to “Exonerate Alred C. Frett ”

  • peace (23/08/2013, 10:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I want peace,but there will be no peace until we get equal rights and justice from our justice system and our media
    • Mango Monkey (24/08/2013, 08:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Boss Knight Rider let’s hope whenever you visit Tola again the people dem aint find something and arrest you for...They cannot be trust with power!
  • Is he a lawyer? (23/08/2013, 10:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have some issues with the court so I need some advice. Is Mr. Knight a lawyer? Does he work for a law firm or does he have his own practice? He would get my business hands down if I knew more about what he is doing now as I am not getting any help from others lawyers I have gone to. Lord send help!!!!
  • What Freedom? (23/08/2013, 11:07) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    I don't know where Knight lives but there is no TOTALLY FREE & DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY on this planet. Your right to free speech does not give you the right to malign others. Knight just needs to go read up on Wikileaks, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden and he will get the message. When you jump in fire you always get burn. Obama took away Edward Snowden's passport for his foolishness; because all passports are the property of the government who issues them; we are just allowed to use them as citizens of a country. And about Knight's practising catholic religion, he should go talk to those priests who won't leave the little catholic boys behinds alone. Or better yet, he should stop paying tithes so the catholic church won't have money to pay off the accusers.
    • What Freedom? (23/08/2013, 22:53) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      don't hurt your head about him.he might be on the phone just talking to many people at one time and they would just be laughing at what you say about him,as if to make others laugh at you. alot of people befriend him but he is just calm;he takes pleasure in making people like you get upset,because as he always say,only god determines his life and not man. He likes people to blogg on him,so he can read their mind.please,dont hurt your head.This is my blogg but he is next to me laughing over your blogg. he know you all are upset,but he laugh over it.don't hurt your head.All of you know him,he made a lot enemies as a police officer but his philosophy is 'you wish he fall,you will fall too'. and over the years,he identify to us all who wish his downfall;he watch them fall.he stayed up today in this life because he wish good & up for every you realise he does not curse people in bloggs,but he welcome others to curse him;so he would wilfully publish an article with his name and picture. it's like a bait.i see you take the bait,well keep on biting at him;until your teech can't bite anymore.he has scares in his hand from bullets;he is not ashamed to expose his scared hand.he not ashamed of yr blogg: it takes one accident and we are down and cannot predict the future. (THINK) and keep(THINKING)heehaa
    • @ What Freedom? (23/08/2013, 23:31) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      I think many people here are missing the point of this article
  • open mike (23/08/2013, 11:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    So impress we still have a country where people can speak their minds…if it’s up to some we will be worst that North Keria
  • vex (23/08/2013, 13:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are not running a patty shop legal system and if the government continue to run rough shod over
    organizations eg media and people to get their way there will always be this brouhaha.
  • Totally amused. (23/08/2013, 14:51) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    Freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution, but is is pretty annoying in reading an article where I have to hear about your religion and what you practiced. If you are going to write an article I would advised you that you just get to the point and say what you have to say. Not everybody is religious so reading your prAyers is just a big TURN OFF. I have no problem with your post but for heaven sake just get to the point. Just my opinion.
  • under the bus (23/08/2013, 17:14) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    suck it to um Knight dem to dam power hungry!!
  • Totally Amused (23/08/2013, 22:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    keep your life on and wish well,but do not turn it off
  • dont stop my son (23/08/2013, 23:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    someone call me to read what they blogg to say.but i am saying to you;dont stop jeff. you said you taking this case all the way to u.k and you said why,so dont stop.i read your article jeff, to see if i see any insult or desrespect to anyone.I approved it as your views only and as i told you, i know you like to express yourself openly and i can't control you on that;your spiritual belief is strong and i must admit,you are not afraid of dictators as you say and they will fall one day.i am just happy that you didnt insult anyone in your article;so if they want to insult you my son;just stick to what you always practice.their wishes will return to them. jeff i am so happy you are joyful while others go made over what you sing,write and say.dont stop my son.if you stop,i will be very disappointed.let them see,that god still have you alive after all your injuries.i see your topic is ''exonerate mr frett'' i dont see them blogg on the topic,if they agree or not. like because you didnt hide your name & picture,they get gas.oh,well let them attack you,i know you faced worst than you tomorrow.bye.
  • close to the case? (23/08/2013, 23:55) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    totally amuse,you are now the subject for us.touch one,touch all. we now understand; you are close to the case,and those involve and you dont want him to say much and to explain to people.yeah,.So you want people to believe that the gentleman mr frett was convicted?Hell no.The man was not charged,and what happen to him in court was an abuse of power dont want to be rough on J but at the same time,you had hoped that everyone stay believing that mr frett had done something wrong.well you caused all of us to read would prefer if the former prosecutor had just stay quiet? well i dont think he would have fallen asleep knowing that the justice system did wrong to someone AGAIN"and reading the publication on news.for some unknown reason he prefer people be his enemy than his friends.he knew some of you will feel bad over his first article,but he had to do it. and if they do wrong AGAIN in the court system and you publish the wrong,he will write AGAIN,again,again.what you say about him is wind in the are more worried than you want his #?is better if cal to say why you defending this matter so him,he'l talk to you.He has more to write AGAIN.How many times he complain to the governor about this kind of behavior? Ask the Governor yourself.
  • bbc news (24/08/2013, 06:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You this guy in the article saying to 'exonerate' alred and clearly you have some opposition on the topic, but the bloggers seem not to be opposing you on the topic 'exonerate' alred.i can see,is you and yr belief they addressing. you wrote english for all to understand and read. .in uk and usa i hear muslims talk in tongues,and write in languages of foreign.people are really free in the caribbean. you curse at or insult each other because one person chose to talk religion inpublicly. That is a very bad practice. clearly i sense a personal focus on you the writer;and not the topic 'exonerate'. as a muslim,i like how you started out your story.i am happy that in bvi,reporters post all bloggs but in other country,it would not be allowed for bloggers to curse or insult another in response to that person declaring their religion.clearly,they focus on yr bravery to say openly where you worship,because we all have our looks bad from a big countries,there might have been protests if one insults another,simply because he publicly say before a topic what is his happen in bangladesh the other day.
    On the story itself,i dont think many people will jump and blogg for you.we in uk and usvi read about the case with alred.all of us felt from the headline that alred in 'hot water' for true but after reading your first article i learnt something from you on the law and the justice system and how all citizens should be treated in court and now you here again with 'exonerate' alred. we found out alred is not a relative or friend of yours.that is good,to defend him for what they did to him and yr belief.we got your point.Like yu ready for the insults; you must be some kind of past soldier or military background.I would probably hide,but yu didnt.
    some may feel,why you dont leave it alone because its just alred and who is alred. if it was a politician who they like, and who gave them goodees ; you will get support if you defend justice for a corrupt politician.
    I can sense in your articles that you are well prepared for public criticism,because yu put your name and picture and you look determine.
    I get your point. they treated alred like a criminal and they even publish how he was treated. they were all 'amused' by the story alred in 'hot water'. you took it on your own as a lone ranger, to challenge them all,on the application of the law,and how it should apply to all citizens,including yourself.
    clearly,they want you to 'hush it down' and let everyone forget. but we should not forget,the court case was publish in the news alred 'in hot water'. sir, don't leave it alone.
    I would like a public official to tell the public if you are accurate on the law,in your first article,which we all read. dont be discouraged by their insults,as i now see,the focus is now on your religion.
    should we just forget about what the justice system did to alred? as the gentleman said it, tomorrow might be me. let those involve come forward and dispute the legal points the writer raised.'exonerate'
    I read his scriptures and I enjoyed his introductory speech,the way he crafted his grammer. God gave him talents and if he chose a way to express himself,we can't insult him for how he does his thing.
    No one is stopping you bloggers to do a story or write an article.what he did is very appreciative.
    He is exclaiming publicly that base on his interpretation of the law in bvi, alred 'did not commit a crime' you all have not disputed his claim; and that is why I believe the gentleman, and I support his story to 'exonerate' alred because alred 'did not commit a crime'.

    Did alred commit a crime? Was alred convicted of a crime? Listen to the questions he asked.

    Alred should bring a civil class suit against them or ask for a judicial review,to determine in the Privy Council in UK if alred was lawfully processed and lawfully convicted by the courts system.

    . focus on the topic. dont insult one's religion.bvi in uk.
  • policeman (24/08/2013, 06:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Specky you still brave man. i'm still here serving late shift. well sah. i know you brave physically. you block cutlass with your bare hands to save a life,you was in shoot out,yrs later,you get shot and injured in bvi trying to save another life of an innocent man,you went down d.a to pray and recuperate for 2 long yrs and still determine to serve in bvi force, so you come back bvi and did a dam good job for us on the law, before you decided,its time to quit. man i didnt know you still brave enough to challenge wrong. i know the truth and all dem know what they did to mr frett was wrong.but you see specky,your openess criticising wrong in the system put you in trouble with these people before. i know your belief is you are protected by the power of the holy spirit but as you know sir,these people dont like you to speak truth to public. who don't know u will never understand you. but i know for sure, if frett was your partner; you would have done pay a lawyer in bvi for him,without he even know. you would make the first down payment. I enjoy reading your articles.(smile)you just will not change inspector knight.. let them koss you;i know you enjoying de kossing but show them law. is the dam law.they not above the dam law.
    Dem just fraid you show people their rights.
    keep them in check.dem tink u fraid of what dem say bout you.good to read from specks.
    according to you (dem too lawless)
  • VOICES (24/08/2013, 07:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The topic is not religion.
    Dont focus on religion. knight read the news,he giving his views on a case in the news.

    he say the holy spirit led him to do can you disagree his his belief. you all to ungodly.

    what is the difference when pastors and bishops hold public mass in church and open air service.

    look we seeing on TV how preachers say they healing and curing sickness.right here in bvi...
    long time you all after knight but his belief is strong and rewarding to him.

    During festival,they keep gospel night in the village for all of us to we curse them.

    we are to hypocrites and shameful:

    all during easter,I see diferent pictures of churches worshipping for easter,and say to us come join my church,it does preach better.
    the man tell you what is his belief and what church he belongs to.I am a methodist, and we have a similar but different doctrine and teachings.

    The topic is ""Exonerate"" Alred Frett.

    The man did not retract his oath of office as a retired police who maybe holding secrets for the state.He is not writing about a past case the he prosecuted for the state,to tell us in details about any past cases he investigated or prosecuted before.

    I respect him for that;he swore to secrecy and i heard him say that before.swore to secrecy.

    The case on the news Now in August 2013 is ""Alred Frett in hot water"" is a fresh news that was publish on internet last week.
    knight is no longer a police so he can now comment on all matters.Court matters,police matters.
    But I get the impression from 'totally amuse' in knight previous article,that because he was a prosecutor;if he read about a corrupt case now on news, he he must shutup and not explain how the justice system works.
    That is what i getting from 'totally amuse' and the rest who dont like him personally.
    The man continue to say, because you all put it in news for him to read, he read it and based on his knowledge and what the news reported, ""Alred Frett didnt commit a crime and alred was not convicted""So Alred Frett should be 'exonerated publicly by those who make us believe that alred was convicted. pressure them mah boy.

    That is what the topic is; and he is saying to the officials, to ""exonerate alred frett""

    If knight is wrong with his asertions; how comes none of them can come forward to say that he wilfully misinterpreting the law. Tell us the truth please. was alred convicted or not convited.
    He dont have to be a lawyer to read and understan law. He is no wikyleak. He is only writing about that one case about Frett in hot water.

    Dont let it go knightee ; is they who put it in the news, now you writing on it they trying hard to slow you down.
    you read what mr frett write to say


    The topic is"""EXONERATE ALRED FRETT""" because he did not commit an offence, and he was not convicted for the offence.Why make us believe he convicted. liars and deceivers of the truth.

    They must stop abusing people they dont like,using power and title. HOT WATER. turn COLD, like ice.
    Shame,shame shame..wicked people..
  • bless (24/08/2013, 08:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    thanks for speaking turth to power young man god will bless you
  • hard times (24/08/2013, 10:56) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just get to the point. We are not all so religious, and in fact find the hypocrisy here is stunning. Child abuse in the name of correction, extra marital affairs, bad manners, racism, all in the name of god.
    • Real Estate (24/08/2013, 17:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So because you not religious that should stop someone else from declaring their religion? If you don't want to see it "close yuh eyes". The man's religion is part of his life. If he wants to preface his commentary on the topic with 3 pages of preaching, he has a right to do it.
  • Knight disappointed with Bloggers (24/08/2013, 17:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hello VINO:
    I know you are a democratic news site licensed under media laws to publish articles and bloggs in this free and democratic news site,in Her Majesty's Democratic Territory of the B.V.I.

    But i wrote an article to the EDITOR of VINO, and in that ARTICLE; I call on ["H.E The Governor"] to ["EXONERATE"] Mr Frett for the ["FALSE REPRESENTATION'"] of a PUBLIC-NEWS published on a BVI NEWS Website,saying that ["Alred frett in hot water"].
    I understood that headline [Alred Frett in hot water] to mean Alred Frett was CHARGED by the police for an OFFENCE and as a CONSEQUENCE of that CHARGE,he was CONVICTED in court. That's how I interpret the NEWS! It was PUBLIC NEWS with LIES!

    My topic is NOT about RELIGION. "It's about a False-News ON ALRED FRETT"
    I now say,that



    So,I called on the GOVERNOR to "EXONERATE" Mr Alred Frett, because he is NOT a convicted criminal

    I just decided to talk about my Religion! I LOVE my Religion,and I LOVE my people who I worship with.What is so wrong about a Spiritual Speech before the TOPIC? A reading from the Psalms...Ehhhh??

    No one is blogging to say if Mr Frett was Convicted for a Crime or Not:

    The Legal Team is saying that Mr Frett was NOT CONVICTED for an OFFENCE:
    Bring EVIDENCE to dispute he was convicted.HE WAS NOT CONVICTED..

    I DON'T CARE what you say about me in a BLOGG..I am a ["SINNER'] of the WORLD. Don't tell me about other people's SIN: Since I am 16 years old I experienced ["FAM DOO"] which is a PATOIS TERM for ["Sweet Woman"].All my life in BVI,I experienced ["FAM DOO"].

    What the hell,you blogging to say, who MOLEST young boys. I never molest boy or girl? Who don't want ["FAM DOO"] that's their business:

    "Totally amused", if you want me to ["sheeee-hush"] say that o.k?; but stop following me on VINO,every where I go on VINO with an ARTICLE you BLOGGING on ME:L.O.L. Go and blogg on the topic which read [" Alred Frett in Hot Water For Publication on VINO"] LoL You part of the CONSPIRACY? Ehhhhh?

    Give your views on the FALSE-NEWS. Alred Frett was NEVER IN HOT WATER! That's the ISSUE.

    OBEAH SEEKERS: You evil doers; the next time you catch a same liat flt on which I was a passanger from BVI to Dominica, and you visit D.A again,saying you looking for OBEAHMAN to get your son out of JAIL;I will call D.A Police for you. De obeahman eat all your money and your son still in jail,for LIFE!

    Do like ME,use the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to defeat the evil forces.That's what I used to defeat those who set trap in BVI for me to fall-in.They fell in their own TRAPS!:I send a Spiritual Drone to repel the attack and their evil wishes.


    I am a Young-BVI Pensioner-Retiree, PRAISE GOD FOR THAT; and the good people of the BVI are taking good care of Her Majesty's Citizen-Knight rider PENSIONER [as my mom usually say"Jeff well all right and they taking about Jeff-l.o.l]

    I am just an unemployed FREE-LANCER-WRITER,just having fun: But some of you are NOT reading what I write: From the time you see the name ["KNIGHT"] you just forget TOPIC and attacking ["KNIGHT"] WHO CARES what you blogg about "Knight Rider"? L.O.L ["SacKway-Sort!"]

    Hurt your HEART and your BRAINS over what I write,and if you fall-down with STRESS blame me. ME? SacKway Sort.

    BLOGG ON THAT NEW TOPIC ------["SacKway Sort"!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • big show on vino (24/08/2013, 18:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    well vino, you take the sportlight with this freelancerpensioner.heeehaaa look jokes, today saturday. that hot water must be burning hot me son, feeling hot hot hot, on vino, the hotter the water the stronger the steel. freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmmmmmmmm
  • BVI lawyer (24/08/2013, 19:03) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    good thing colleague,just as good old days. you have me laughing away.i like your spirit,you will never change your joyous attitude.
    good for them who kuss and fuss over your spiritual belief.
    You are a real calypsonian and stageman.. should i come to court to defend you bro? well it sound like you in 'hot water' like alred for your religious publication on vino.
    they all are missing the legal points..
    exonerate alred frett
    alred frett was not charged for a crime,relating to his publication on vino
    alred frett was not convicted for a crime relating to a publication on vino
    so alred frett should be exonerated by the governor on the media. you are just a fun guy.
    that is the legal point. read the article charge so no conviction on media.
    alred is only convicted in the news but the court didnt convict alred.
    what is so hard to understand this point.oh my ppl,stop faking.the man is legally correct.
    they are missing the point my bvi bro.
    read me another scriture.i love it..
  • v.g man (24/08/2013, 19:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    oh son of north sound.i hear your prayers and I read your scriptures.very inspirational.
    you again?pillar will like this one, they just can't stop de rider. exonerate alred. woow who vex get lost down at the baths or beef island bluff.
    son of north sound v.g is back.
    knight rider come home to v.g and leave tortola people business alone.
  • Well said (25/08/2013, 07:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is true that BVI ppl lack the ability to speak their mind as they should. This limits them in so many unfortunate was that the only how they can focus on issues is to say who born where and look and try stand only for the "who born where" rights. It is ironic to see the way the legal system focuses on online media articles to make judgement on others...very sad.
  • former BVI Detective (25/08/2013, 07:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Detective Knight A.K.A 'Rico' (is a national hero in the rvipf and in bvi.) These are the words of governor Frank Savage,when he addressed a meeting at road town police station in october 1999.the governor was talking to us to inform us,that detective knight who bravely and single handedly intercepted an armed robbery attack on the propeietor of bobbys supermarket at about 10pm in august 1999,was shot during a shoot out with the armed robber,and detective knight may be out of service for about a year,because his hand injuries are very serious.
    When I read this article from detective 'rico' and how he started out with his usual spiritual belief,I called on my family to let's all read loudly. Because since 'Rico' and I were detectives,before we would go on a dangerous operation 'rico' use to say 'let us pray to call on the lord to send an angel to guide and protect us and for the power of the holy spirit to repel the BULLETS that may be fired at us.He was always passionate about his belief in the Power of the Holy Spirit.That's the man's belief.He use to say 'we are all sinners on earth but we are also children of god'. he believed that the holy spirit protected him.
    'rico' was involved in many,many incidents as a detective in the bvi,saving peoples' lives where he himself put his life in danger to save others.He came close to violent death on about 5 occasions.
    I believe him,when he wrote and say that he was guided by the 'holy spirit' to write to shed light on the case of alred frett to explain to the nation that mr frett was not convicted in a court of law and there is no conviction against his name,so he is not in hot water.'rico believe in justice for all.He always to tell us,anyone of us can be accused of a crime,and we must fair to all criminal we arrested..
    It is rather shameful that some of you don't know about the many murders cases and armed robberies cases this detective rico investigated and solve in the history of the bvi police force.
    c.o.p Malone in 1999, rated 'senior detective rico' as one of the three top detectives in the major crime unit /cid unit of the rvipf; with over five COMMENDATIONS for saving the lives of bv-islanders in bvi.
    Today,the man retired from the service, enjoying his pension and enjoying freedom of the media,freedom to write an article, and just because some of you,as always have some personal score to settle with him; you all come using blogname to ridicule him.shame on you people.
    How can you ridicule a detective whom governor frank savage declared to be a 'National Hero' for bravery in the b.v.i? Some of you will never be so brave like this man. he look simple in the photo, and you know him on stage as a calypsonian knightrider,but as a detective serving his b.v.i people,detective knight is,
    The most Outstanding Police Officer that has ever walked the streets of the b.v.i.
    I heard minister Ralph O'neal and Chief Minister Lavity Stoutt talk on radio in the 90's,saying that detective knight is indeed a national hero.
    Today,just a few years later, he blogg on a corrupt court case they wickedly publish for all of us to read you trying to shut him up.
    Is the media that publish the corrupt case about alred frett. rico did not publish the corrupt case; they set up on mr frett.
    Now you all want to hide the truth because of who involve in 'setting up mr alred frett'. alred frett was clearly SET UP,to be humiliated in public.make sense of the topic in the man's article. 'rico' is a religious person since i first get to know him in 1986.He does predict things happening,before it happens.. former detective.
  • truth be told (25/08/2013, 11:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    IF YOU READ AND ANALYSE CLOSELY MOST OF THE ABOVE COMMENTS WERE WRITTEN BY THE SAME PERSON. The voice is the same as well as the style of writing. Pay attention also to the use/ misuse of punctuation marks. Why do people call themselves out ultimately labelling themselves as unstable with their knowledge of law and religion and all that? The public cannot be this gullible. Really....
    • Truth be told-same person? (25/08/2013, 22:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      Jefferson Knight don't care if its the same person or a team of the same persons.The bottom line one person Jefferson J Knight put his picture there with his name for YOU and all to see and identify,while some hide behind blogg names;witheir EVIL.
      I dont care,if its me or a friend using different bloggs or is me blogging 20 times.

      The most important thing is that I came boldly forward to say. That the SYSTEM CONSPIRED with the MEDIA to Falsely accused an innocent of being convicted in a COURT,When HE WAS NEVER CONVICTED FOR AN OFFENCE!,then THEY parade him to the world as a Criminal!
      YOU Be the teacher correcting the paper on blogg and who is same blogger.
      I AM NOT IN PUBLIC LIFE,SO I DON'T HAVE THE PUBLIC FOR ANY INJUSTICE.I am a free man reading the news like any body else in BVI;and I will write articles and bloggggg! I will IDENTIFY MYSELF. Because I am not afraid of the EVIL people of the WORLD.

      When I Jefferson Knight write to the GOVERNOR officially tomorrow; to make a Complaint,about this INJUSTICE in PUBLIC;you will bring your EVIL and your OBEAH to stop the POWER OF the HOLY SPIRIT..Come stop Jefferson John Knight.

      Hide behind your bloggNAME;you COWARD,and wish your EVIL for your family too.
      TRUTH BE TOLD;show yourself like me; go and ask the person who shot me; how did that person left the world to ETERNITY? His EVIL intent to kill me came to him at his doorsteps.
      I am advising YOU to think? Before you write!
      I do not want any body's praises; I hate their praises,because,this article is not to praise is to tell the GOVERNOR TO EXONERTE AN INNOCENT MAN!

  • A song Mr Alred Frett (25/08/2013, 22:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    1.Oh, the love of my Lord is the essence
    of all that I love here on earth
    All the beauty I see he has given
    to me
    and his giving is gentle as silent
    2. Every day,every hour,every
    have been blesed by the strength
    of his love.
    At the turn of each tide
    and his touch is as gentle as
    3. There've been times when I've
    turn from his presence,
    and I've walked other paths, other
    But I've called on His name
    in the dark of my SHAME,
    And His MERCY was gentle as
    Dear Mr. Frett,I want you to be assured sir,that those who conspired with the Media to hurt you with such disrespect and humiliation in the Public,will face their own Evil plans.Their evil will go back to them.
    Sir, continue to educate the public in the media with your decent social commentaries. Mom does not know you,and you are not my personal friend,but mom feels your pain,and she said hold on strong.
    Knight Rider.
  • never again (26/08/2013, 00:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    very informative piece..keep them coming brother man
  • Alred Frett in hot water for publication on vino! (26/08/2013, 08:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    Breaking NEWS:

    In the news of: August 16,20013-2. and updated August 17 2013 11. 55pm to BVI & the World:
    The world-wide news registered under media laws in bvi reported to the bvi public and the rest of the world,saying:-

    ["Alred Frett in hot water for publication on VINO"] Go and read that news before you blogg about me.

    Having read the public-news, and using the talent and knowledge given to me by GOD, and because of my background and my expertise on BVI CRIMINAL-Laws;I discovered the following: .I discovered and realized:-

    1. Alred Frett DID NOT Commit a Criminal Offence in bvi

    2.Alred Frett DID NOT Commit an offence in bvi

    3.The police DID NOT charge Alred Frett for an offence or Crime

    4.The DDP DID NOT Prosecute Alred Frett for an offence or a crime

    5.Alred Frett was not brought to court,on a Charge before the Court for an Offence or Crime

    6. Alred Frett DID NOT plea Guilty in a court of law for an offence or crime

    7. Alred Frett was NOT CONVICTED by a Magistrate for a crime or offence

    8. Alred Frett was NOT Sentenced,as a REPRIMAND or a fine or imprisonment; for a Crime or Offence.

    9.There was "NO CRIMINAL-COURT-CASE against Alred Frett!"


    The NAME and PHOTOGRAPH of Alred Frett should NOT have been Published to the BVI & outside WORLD!

    And this IS my case to the PUBLIC OFFICIAL who are involved.

    I am NOT addressing you, the little person in B.V.I Society.

    Stop hurting your head over Knight Rider!

    The power of the Holy Spirit have,before and will continue to protect me from my enemies and their EVIL.

    But I wrote TWO articles on the Alred Frett matter to say to the PUBLIC OFFICIALS,involve That:-

    The headline news ["Alred Frett in Hot Water"] IS:-




    4.Disrespectful to Alred Frett


    6.Invasion of privacy

    7.Humiliating to Human Pride and Dignity.

    8.Abuse of Power and authority

    9.Abuse of the Court System

    10.Abuse of due-process under section 16 of the V.I Constitution.

    11. Abuse of the Human Person, under the V.I Constitution!

    What happen to Frett TODAY WILL hapen to others TOMORROW:

    What goes around-comes around?

    I decided to campaign on This case;because of my economic ties,my friendliness to my people,my residency in BVI and citizenship to Her Majesty's B.V.I, knowing I also write articles and give views,and I respect BVI Laws.

    If I break B.V.I LAWS, I expect to be TRIED Fairly in a B .V .I court of LAW!

    That is what I want for ALL Citizens and residents including ME!

    This case is not ABOUT who Blogg under different Blogg-Names. I don't WANT ANY SUPPORT!

    Go back to the NEWS of August 16 & 17,2013, and you will see how they PUBLISH the Picture and NAME of Alred Frett to the WORLD:
    But according to what I read in the SAME NEWS HEADLINE, I have said before and I am saying NOW:

    They TRICKED the NEWS to Publish news to Humiliate Alred Frett. BUT,

    Alred Frett is INNOCENT,because he was NOT FOUND GUILTY for a Crime/Offence.

    The NEWS LIED to me and MISLED the PUBLIC and WORLD!!!

    That is the REAL ISSUE.They are liars and deceivers in the NEWS!

    Go on the other News Site; and Blogg on the Topic ['Alred Frett in Hot Water for Publication on VINO"]

    Go and Blogg on that TOPIC and defend an INNOCENT MAN-ALRED FRETT:You know the truth--------------

    BUT Some of you are too EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fear No More.Fear no Man... We have a POWERFUL V.I Constitution!

  • the catholic hail mary (26/08/2013, 10:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    give them the hail mary.

    hail mary, full of grace,the lord is with thee;blessed are thou among women,and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus.

    holy mary mother of god,pray for us sinners,now and at the hour of our death.

    when you do wrong and evil to others who you do not like,the doctrine teaches that you call on the hail mary to remind us of the hour of our death.

    because in this life, many of us do not think of death,or sickness or illness or falling down and never to rise up again with social fame.

    sickness,illness,death and public shame can come to not condone it when its the justice system that do wrong to the citizens

    you think of wealth,social education,university degree and power of the law over others and hatred and revenge for the enemy.

    these are your daily thoughts.


    we think of love,compassion and giving to others in good name

    all those who feed on the bait of hatred and revenge will be eaten as bait of their hatred and evil.

    the attack on mr frett was a bait of hatred and evil,your own attack, it will return to the evil doers and haters of justice

    the intention was for his private case to be in the news for all to see and read

    now it remain in the news so let all see and read

    The evil returned to you,when you did not expect.

    you never thought that your wickedness would be identified by a child of god to send back your wishes to you.

    This was your wish.

    (alred frett in hot water?)

    but he will not burn!


    your evil will lead you to your evil.
  • on a point of law (26/08/2013, 10:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    well i blogging like you to,i want dem to say is you put alllllllllllllllll dem blogs from top to bottm

    let dem tek dat in dare ???????????????????? on a point of law-- according to law

    dem law less jak a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ sssssss
  • TO C.O P AND D.P.P (26/08/2013, 11:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am on retirement-pension,so have a lot of time on my hand and to blogg.let them say is me alone blogging.This is my case: Mine alone.

    VINO,call the C.O.P and asked Him,

    "was Alred Frett ever charged for an offence under section 94[1] [G] of the Public Criminal Code,1997,LAWS of the B.V.I?
    VINO,call the D.P.P and ask Him,
    "was Alred Frett ever prosecuted IN MAGISTRATE'S CPURT for an offence or crime,under section 94 [1] [G] of the same Code?
    When they will have said ["NO"]!

    Ask them;

    ["Who Authorised that the NAME and PHOTOGRAH of A PRIVATE CITIZEN to be PUBLISHED in Public-News; in ASSOCIATION with an "APPARENT" court-case; that was NOT a criminal TRIAL?"]

    Who Authorised the,


    Publication, to make readers like me,believe that
    "Alred Frett in Criminal Hot Water,for a Publication he '"AALEGEDLY" made on VINO"

    Find out from the C.O.P and D.P P, who orchestrated the UNCONSTITUTIONAL PUBLICATION of Mr Frett.

    I worked with these two Crown Counsel before:They are very Competent on BVI Laws.
  • FINALLY-THE LAW (26/08/2013, 13:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    VINO;Call the News site,COP,DPP,Magistrate and ALL others to read this blogg from the Pensioner.


    ["When any offence against paragraph [g] of sub-section [1] is COMMITTED in [VIEW] of the [COURT] , the [COURT] may cause the offender to be [DETAINED] in custody, and at ANY TIME BEFORE THE RISING OF-THE [COURT] on the same day may take [recognizance] of the [OFFENCE] and summarily sentence the offender to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month"]

    Ah,The LAW was made by parliament and assent to By His Excellency;THE governor, on behalf of Her Majesty-The Queen!

    The B.V.I LAW directs, that ONLY IN CIRCUMSTANCES; when the OFFENCE is Committed by the offender; in ["VIEW'] of the ["COURT'"] [in the presence of the court] that the Magistrate has the LAWFUL-AUTHORITY to Deal with the OFFENDER,right there and then! That's what BVI Law directs.

    But if the "alleged" "offence" is committed OUTSIDE the perimeters of the COURT in ["PUBLIC"] the Police MUST be informed and the Police MUST investigate and the Police MUST charge THE OFFENDER for the OFFENCE in Public and the Police MUST take the Offender to Court,Charged with a CRIMINAL OFFENCE!

    And when the DEFENDANT is Brought to Court, [BY THE POLICE] The Charge will be read to him and He will enter a Plea of either GUILTY or Not Guilty, and the rest goes on......

    But what I actually READ on the MISLEADING NEWS,is that [" Mr Frett allegedly wrote an article, and the article was PUBLISHED by "VINO" on Vin's News Website.


    That statement [sledge hammer TO court], "INFERS" to me that The MAGISTRATE,was NOT on the BENCH in court, when she read the ARTICLE in the PUBLIC NEWS ON VINO.And THE news INFERED that the MAGISTRATE was [very upset with what she read] The news site infered that she was upset!
    I never said that

    We saw in the News [In a Photo] of Mr Frett; that Mr Alred Frett was walking UP STEPS,and the little writing under the photo said ["mr alred frett making his way into the magistrates court"]

    Up to the time when Mr Frett was walking,he was just an INNOCENT, PRIVATE CITIZEN,going to render parental Support to his Son:

    But here you have a PHOTOGRAPHER, taking the Picture of a Private Citizen walking to Her Majesty's Court!! Let's Move-on.

    Now take Judicial Notice, that Alred Frett Did NOT Commit any Offence in ["VIEW"] [IN THE PRESENCE] of the ["COURT"] which would have given the Magistrate the Lawful Authority to deal with him,Right There in the Court.

    He is "alleged" to have committed this offence in Public! Not in ["VIEW or PRESENCE"] of the COURT.

    Now,from how the NEWS inferred it to me; ["The Magistrate and the Public Prosecutor"] were patiently waiting for the ["BAIT"] Alred Frett, to either EAT the bait, or TEACH him a lesson, in the PRESENCE of the MEDIA!

    So they UNLAWFULLY utilized Sub-section (2) of Section 94 (1)(G) of the Criminal Code,laws of the B.V.I and they Commenced a ["KANGAROO COURT-CIRCUS"] on a well-respected Citizen of Her Majesty-The Queen.

    I call their actions UNLAWFUL,because the B.V.I Law, DID NOT make provisions iN sub-section [2] of [94] (1) (G) to hear or see a related offence ["IN PUBLIC"] and wait UNTIL the person comes to Court,to DEAL with HIM! That sub-section, is ONLY for offences Committed in ["VIEW"] of the Court!

    Insult to Injuries:

    Then here comes, the ["Breaking News"]

    [" Alred Frett in Hot water For Publication On VINO"] Was it a SET-UP or A CONSPIRACY?

    You will now understand,as my mom told me, why Bloggers such as ["totally amused"] keep following me on VINO. And telling me,please DON'T EDUCATE YOU on your RIGHTS:

    But today is for you and Tomorrow is for me. WE ALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS!They wanted in the news.It came back to them in the news.That is why I Believe in what I Believe.

    I took a concern for this case; because Mr Alred Frett Could have been IMPRISONED unlawfully.
    If they did not Publish this case,and I had heard about it without Publication,I would have written to the Governor,to ask for explanation.But the intention,was to teach Mr Frett a lesson in the news.So I blog in the news.That's all

    We all learnt lessons from this case.This case will bring me MANY MORE ENEMIES, But my enemies cannot determine how long I live in this sinful world,or my health or my illnesses; if any.

    I fear no MAN, I am a child of GOD,protected by the holy spirit.
    BVI is a FREE and DEMOCRATIC,Territory; under the V.I Constitution.

  • woo woo (26/08/2013, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    wooo wooo, i alway know it have some body out there who gone expose the facts and the law to show us how dem set up alred, i looking for the head line on the other news site like they put it to boil in hot water,wooo wooo.we want to see the head line again alred frett in hot water woooooo woooooo
  • The Holy Sacrament of Confirmation (26/08/2013, 23:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many of you,because I expressed myself with my [' Religious belief'] of the Power of the ["Holy Spirit']
    some of you,friends of the devil and friends of Satan, took a relentless turn on me,instead of standing up for justice for ,

    Alred Frett, an Innocent man,who was Publicly FRAMED by the System,to be HUMILIATED in Public:

    But as my catholic doctrine teaches,with the candle burning and the Holy Water Sprinkling, I will continue to realize that my fight for Justice for Mr Frett in this case was because of my Sacrament of Confirmation,which is:-

    ["Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit,to make me strong"] in times like these.

    I would like,with the strength,and Blessings of Knowledge from GOD, to refer my people to a part of Her Majesty's B.V.I Criminal Code,of 1997-BVI Laws.
    Part VI
    Offences Relating to RELIGION-Section 113: Writing or uttering words with intent to "wound" religious feelings.

    The B.V.I Law states:-

    ["Any person who ,with the intention of "wounding" the "religious feelings" of any other person,writes any word,or utters any word or makes any sound in the hearing of any other person,or makes any gesture or places any object in the sight of any other person; commits an OFFENCE and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or both"]

    A very serious Offence,under B.V.I Laws.

    I never said to anyone that my Religion is better than their's and they should join my Religion. I respect every body's Religion and their Religious Belief! and Religious Feelings:

    Here we have,Her Majesty's Parliament,of the B.V.I, made a LAW saying to the Citizens and Residents of Her Majesty's Democratic Territory of the B.V.I,that it is a Criminal Offence to use or write words about another person's Religion,with intention of "wounding" the person's religious feelings!

    But because some of you see VINO as a Democratic News Site,you come with your Insulting-Bloggs,Trying to "wound" my religious feelings. VINO,you are # 1 but be smart.

    That is why we have so many Lawless People with Power! They don't read their own Laws!

    But it is a Criminal Offence to insult Religion! It's an Insult to do that! Look out for the destroyers vino.

    VINO;Please do not allow them to destroy your good,respected Reputation, with Bloggs,which amounts to a Criminal Offence.
    VINO,anyone can say anything derogatory words about my reputation.

    [I am an Earthly SINNER] who always cast out the first stone.
    I will just leave the person [evil thinker] ,for the Power of the Holy Spirit,to repel their Evil intentions.

    But VINO,Please maintain your good reputation: Don't join the GOSSIPPERS!

    Thank you [knight rider]
  • REAL? (27/08/2013, 07:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Really?we have a law in the british virgin islands that say if you curse or insult another person religion is a crime, and evry sunday and saturday we there calling down each other religion in church
    I dont know who send you or where you come from all of sudden mr knight to defend mr frett for what they did to him but those laws you reading to me is new to me
    You say what you believe and that is your believe.In muslim countries if you talk bad about their bible and book of worship is pure problem.we have no right to curse you for you believe,I small caribbean countries no one take legal action against those other person who have no respect for other religion believe
    Your critics hav not move you left nor showing them the wrong they did to mr frett and they cannot handle your dtermintion to bring out the truth how they plan it well to hurt mr frett
  • WAS ALRED FRETT SET-UP TO FACE PUBLIC HUMILIATION? (27/08/2013, 11:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply


    Don't blame the Retired-Pensioner now:Blame the news.














  • AUTREFOIS ACQUIT AND AUTREFOIS CONVICT. (27/08/2013, 13:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    All them bloggers hiding from the truth now? where is "totally amused"? This is my case,as presented to me by the NEWS who FIRST brought it to LIGHT.


    Simply means,that they CANNOT TRY a person twice for the Same offence;AND THE EVIDENCE OF THE CASE HAS NOW BEEN COMPROMISED IN THE MEDIA...

    Mr. Frett; they TRIED and CONVICTED YOU UNLAWFULLY; in the MEDIA: Okay.They Cannot TRY you again.


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