‘Exercise care & vigilance on roads’- Hon Rymer
Exercise Care
In a statement released today, Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) expressed deepest condolences to the relatives and loved ones of the victim in this morning’s accident.
He also urged members of the public to exercise care and vigilance over the remainder of the Festival Holidays.
According to the Minister, “Be defensive drivers, and be aware that consumption of alcohol, lack of sleep, use of cellular phones just to name a few, can severely impair responsiveness when driving. This can lead to accidents which can seriously injure persons or even cause death.”
He urged members of the public to desist from drinking and driving. “If you plan to consume alcohol and to party hard, then the best option is to walk with a designated driver.”
Further, the Minister said to drivers that if the consumption of alcohol leads to feelings of tiredness and sleepiness, “pull aside and sober up or get some rest before you drive.”
‘Pass the Key’ – Hon Rymer
He said, more importantly, drivers should pass the vehicle key to someone who is sober and who is not tired. “You can also call a friend or relative to drive you home,” Hon Rymer urged.
In reiterating calls for citizens to enjoy the celebrations amidst caution, the minister said driving under impairment, places life at risk including that of loved ones as well as other road users.
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