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Exclusive: VI prisoners in St Lucia complain of ‘inhumane’ treatment

Virgin Islands (VI) inmates housed at the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) in St Lucia are allegedly being subjected to ‘inhumane’ and ‘discriminatory’ treatment on the neighbouring Caribbean Island. Photo: Internet Source
Superintendent of Her Majesty's Prison (HMP) at Balsam Ghut, Mr David E. Foot, when contacted by this newsroom denied the allegations, while Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) is yet to make a public pronouncement on when the inmates will be returned. Photo: VINO/File
Superintendent of Her Majesty's Prison (HMP) at Balsam Ghut, Mr David E. Foot, when contacted by this newsroom denied the allegations, while Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) is yet to make a public pronouncement on when the inmates will be returned. Photo: VINO/File
CASTRIES, St Lucia, WI - Virgin Islands (VI) inmates housed at the Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) in St Lucia are allegedly being subjected to ‘inhumane’ and ‘discriminatory’ treatment on the neighbouring Caribbean Island.

The VI inmates were transferred to the Bordelais Correctional Facility in 2017, after Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) at Balsam Ghut on the main island of Tortola, received extensive damage during hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Treated like dogs-VI Prisoners

Speaking exclusively with Virgin Islands News Online, inmates claim, “…we are treated like dogs; like we have no rights”.

The St Lucian BCF is said to be overcrowded with some 500 inmates, and while a 1-hour recreational period is set aside for those incarcerated, VI inmates are said to be denied, “and they are (instead) locked down frequently without valid reasons.”

VI inmates speaking to this newsroom have also claimed there is no accommodation in the St Lucian prison system for those with special dietary requirements.

“They (inmates) are given something to eat that they do not eat they, will have no choice but to stay hungry, as nothing else will be offered,” one of the prisoners said.

Inmates have complained too, they are made to purchase water for drinking purposes from the BCF’s commissary, since, “the water in the prison is brown and not drinkable.”

Superintendent of Her Majesty's Prison (HMP) at Balsam Ghut, Mr David E. Foot, when contacted by this newsroom denied the allegations saying, “I have been to St Lucia, and it is not inhumane”.

Superintendent Foot—himself on his way out of his job—when asked when the prisoners will return said, “as soon as the building work is finished.”  

Calls placed by this newsroom were not immediately returned by the St Lucian authorities, and Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) is yet to make a public pronouncement on when the inmates will be returned.

Sometime last month two—of the 21 inmates transferred—Allen Baptiste and Alcedo Tyson, were returned to the Territory, following successful appeals in their respective court matters.

Sill in Custody at BCF

Those still being accommodated in St Lucia are; Aaron George; Kareem Durante; Orlando Bonnick; Yan Edwards; Andrew 'Ratty' Milton; Omarie Winter; Kenyatta Boynes ; Devin Maduro; Deshawn Stoutt; Matthew D. Hazel; Jessroy McKelly; Jevone Demming; Sherman-Abdul Williams; Jerry Martin; Samuel Harris; Alberto Rosa De La Rosa; Lorne Parson; Dennis D. Campbell; and Shakoy Lavacia.


40 Responses to “Exclusive: VI prisoners in St Lucia complain of ‘inhumane’ treatment”

  • l (01/06/2018, 14:23) Like (106) Dislike (2) Reply
    It's called prison for a reason.
    • Spoiled brats (01/06/2018, 19:53) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am saying the same thing. I guess they miss the hotel here where they had freedom to do as they please. I know of a certain prisoner who IS currently at Balsam Ghut and the lil pedo was always on whatsapp 24/7. I don't understand how prisoners were allowed access to cell phones and the internet so freely. But hey that's the BVI way I guess
  • vick (01/06/2018, 14:39) Like (56) Dislike (0) Reply
    well nobody say it will be a 5 stars hotel.
  • Gumption.Official (01/06/2018, 14:49) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    I’m not there just a gut feeling it’s not humane, it just getting really bad customer services. It’s lije going from a Hilton Exclusive to a Best Western and expecting the same treatment.

    (IF) it’s outside of that then our government/their government should do a bit of homework and fix it before our prisoners or the prisoners ended up doing time or a crime that could be avoided.

    Also a heads up to our youths and careless adults that it doesn’t matter our last names/ or pocket size, if we commit the crime and caught we know what the chances are.... i don’t wish prison life on my worse enemy but our youths need just make smarter choices. No one is perfect but it’s doent give us the right to do mean bad things. Maybe the BVI/now in St.Luica prisoners Could voice up and set examples....
  • ahhhhhh (01/06/2018, 14:51) Like (77) Dislike (1) Reply
    Welcome to REAL prison life guys. Thank you ST.Lucia. Maybe when they come back, they will be reformed. They BVI prison system is a big joke. A prison controls the inmates not the inmates controlling the prison.
  • 123 (01/06/2018, 14:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    well sah look melee
  • PrisonAPP (01/06/2018, 15:16) Like (68) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is what real prison feels like. No more barging in the kitchen demanding or sometime taking what u want while the staff stand helplessly by too afraid to say anything or having a personal area in your cell which is out of bound to prison Officials. No more calling a politician to complain about all and everything or having your girlfriend give you a special moment when the Guard "not looking". No more beating or the injuring of guards. No more calling your favorite cookery ordering and having special meals dropped off for you. Prison is a place where a person is sent for a crime that a court of law deemed they committed. It is a place where you are punished or given a second chance ( most of your victims never had) to redeem your self and hopefully become productive Citizens While I do not support the mistreatment of our prisoners I hope on their return to the territory they would appreciate what they have. I also hope that our Government look into these allegations.
    • For Real? (01/06/2018, 17:11) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      If all that behavior really goes on at HMP then it sounds like the inmates are running the show. That's outrageous!
  • tretretrete (01/06/2018, 15:16) Like (37) Dislike (1) Reply
    It’s called prison.
  • Really? (01/06/2018, 15:26) Like (45) Dislike (2) Reply
    Fam ayo is prisoners ayo don’t need rights
    Did the crime do the time
  • #PRISONisHELL (01/06/2018, 15:30) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
    Welcome to the Bordelias Correctional Facility St Lucia. It is a place where the Prison Officers are in charge not the prisoners. Like most prisoners around the world (including the BVI) it is overcrowded) Like most Prisons, it offers educational, recreational opportunities and other life skills for those prisons ambitious enough to take up the challenge. Unfortunately there have been reports of prisoners being abused. I do agree that this report should be investigated by the Government.
    • snow flake (01/06/2018, 16:47) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
      @#PrisonisHell, Abused? Yeah right, when they were here in prison, they were abusing the system. I bet they Dont dare barge in the prison kitchen and demand what they want to eat in St.Lucia.
  • Lovely Boy (01/06/2018, 15:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
  • ausar (01/06/2018, 15:52) Like (1) Dislike (29) Reply

    I concur, a prison is a prison for whatever it's worth,, but even prisoners should have rights. No sanitary potable water, and a paltry meal should be unacceptable to all involved.

    Why didn't the government saw it fit to move prisoners to facilities that paralled goods and services available here in the UK VI

    Responsible officials should ensure the rights of our prisoners regardless of their temporary locale during the rebuilding of our country!
  • ABC (01/06/2018, 16:07) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    My my dont have them drink brown water
  • But wait (01/06/2018, 16:39) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are complaining about brown water. Prisoners should not have rights. What about their victims. I agree, thanks St. Lucia. The prisoners are angry because in the BVI, the prisoners is running the prison and they can't do what they want in St.Lucia. Big drop from the Ritz Carlton to a real prison.
  • Hmmmm (01/06/2018, 18:01) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    It was in-humain when you all kill other people family. Now you demand luxury for your crime. ST.LUCIA DROP THE HAMMER IN DEM BEHIND. YOU EAT RICE AND DRINK WATER OR EAT PORK AND AND DRINK COOL-AID. IT IS NOT THE RITZ-BALLO When you get bed mints on your pillow and a daily beating of the Guards. HAMMER IN THEM BACK SIDE.
  • TripAdvisor (01/06/2018, 18:18) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am very sorry that our accommodation is not up to your expected standards. We are endeavouring to introduce filtered water dispensers, free personal cell phones , obedient guards, fast food deliveries and any recreational medication required.
    I note from your long list of names that you have always been long standing clients and we welcome your continued custom. Have a great day now
  • Thanks (01/06/2018, 19:47) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    A big Thank You St. Lucia. Break them into men. They are use to having their way in the BVI prison. How is it possible a prisoner can barge in the prison kitchen and demand what he want to eat, cell phones, drugs, liquor etc...
  • Ignorance (01/06/2018, 20:41) Like (3) Dislike (17) Reply
    The prison is STILL responsible for the health and wealfare of the inmates. They cannot by law be denied adequate food and clean drinking water.....Thats what the taxes are paying for. So to rob the inmates of that is to rob the hard working man. To ALL the ignorant people saying that this is how prison should be, yall dont know that its because majority of the tax money is being pocketed why housing would get to an inhumane state. If anything were to happen to those inmates for example to get sick from poor drinking water or bad food, then the prison complex would be held responsible and lawsuits can follow. Yall people need to wake the F up but most of yall cant cause yall already dead anyway.
    • Well,well (01/06/2018, 23:29) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ignorance, your screen name fit you to a TTT! They are not being denied food or water. They Dont want to eat what is given to them and I Dont believe they are made to drink brown water. I Dont hear you defending the victims. S!#t, they can feed them stew rat and donkey p*ss for all I care. You commit a crime, you get praised and defended, you are a crime victim, you get tossed away and forgotten by idiots like you ignorance.
    • pete (02/06/2018, 07:26) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ignorance, waaa waaa waaa, I burglarized a house, I robbed someone, I assaulted and murdered someone, I committed crimes against innocent people. Waaa waaa waaa, now I’m in real prison and don’t like it. LMFAO.
      • Ignorance (03/06/2018, 08:12) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
        @pete and well well.... prison is supposed to be correctional. Some of these men are going to be released back unto society and will be raising hell because prison couldnt recondition them. Defending the dead wont bring your loved ones back and most of yall just being emotional rather than logical. Im not saying prison should be a 5 star hotel at all, however i stated FACTS. Which yall cant dispute, so take a seat.
        • pete (03/06/2018, 19:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          @ ignorance, Sometimes having it hard inside prison makes them when they get out, not want to go back there. It works both ways, either you rehab or you don’t. If being in a correctional facility worked most of the time, how come we keep getting repeat offenders? It is up to the prisoner if he wants to change for the better or not. Our families are being emotional because they killed them. I personally would like for them to never get back out, putting fear back into the entire family. Glad they are getting a good taste of real prison. So I am disputing what you said, and you go take a seat.
    • calli (03/06/2018, 18:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      what are they doing there in the first place. they should have thought about what they were doing before they did it. deal with them
  • Yes (01/06/2018, 22:02) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Leave them a— st lucia take hard life welcome to jail
    Thanks st lucia no more 5 star hotel life
  • ccc (01/06/2018, 23:04) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Some of you going end up dey
  • My only comment (02/06/2018, 08:04) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Inhumane treatment? What about the crime victims. There human rights were violated, they were stripped away from their love ones by the goons that most of you are defending. Keep them on lock down ST.Lucia. whip their A**'s into reform. The only thing they do is roam the prison yard here in the BVI like a bunch of roaches plotting how to get over. I double dare the prisoners in ST.Lucia to get up in a officer face or lay their hands on a officer. I double dare them to barge in the prison kitchen and demand what they want to eat, I double dare them to disobey a order given by a prison officer. Hogs know exactly what part of the mud to wallow in.
  • casual observer (02/06/2018, 08:52) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    Humans like to put one another in cages and boxes everywhere. Makes them feel so big and important.
    Prisons are a particularly ugly and mean part of it, like torture. Humans love that too, or they wouldn't
    have it. Its a way of life on the little blue planet. Dominate or be dominated.
    • Glen (02/06/2018, 15:52) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ casual observer, so the murderers, rapists, assaulters, burglars, hardend criminals, where do you suppose they are put? Think about if the victims were you and yours...hmmmmmm? Yes, you wouldn’t be so sympathetic. The scariest feeling for a victim, is when the criminal is released, and you think they will come for you again. I know this personally. They stare you down, you turn around and they are there watching you. So you have no peace of mind forever as long as you live here. I know there are innocent people in jail worldwide, but there are hardend ones there too.
  • turth (02/06/2018, 09:15) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Finally they got the feeling of a real jail lol nothing like the sweet life up HMP please they need to bring the same inhuman treatment to tortola
  • OG (02/06/2018, 14:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    What about the innocent little girl in West End and other crime victims, that was inhumane treatment. If the prisoners is receiving inhumane treatment in prison then, oh well. Karma is a sweet Beoch/bi**h when it stings you.

  • Right is Right (02/06/2018, 19:22) Like (1) Dislike (15) Reply
    To my knowlege every jail have durgs and phones etc....Inhumane is Inhumane they are human beings just like all of us... they also have families and children...
    • Fran (03/06/2018, 09:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      a Right is Right, they have families and children you say? Well so do the victims! Were they thinking of their families when they were committing those crimes and now crying for their families to help them? Give me a freaking break and remember, you can easily be the next victim who want justice.
  • two cents (03/06/2018, 10:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Are does prisoners, not murderers?
  • Tadow (03/06/2018, 21:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is what prison life should be like. You all are not at Her Majesty Palace at Balsum Ghut where you all are treated like kings and getting 4 meals a day and sitting on you asses all day long.
  • Jay (04/06/2018, 12:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are treated like what they are. I have no sympathy for cold blooded murderers...
  • yrral (11/06/2018, 12:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why do they not complain to the US consulate in St Lucia.every American criminal is entitle to a cursory visit by a US official

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