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EXCLUSIVE: ‘I came here to make ends meet’– Exotic Dancer

- female 'exotic dancer' says she has goals & obligations
December 30th, 2019 | Tags: exotic dance stripper nightclub Strip club protection
Many have reasoned that strip clubs or sex houses keep the rate of rape and some domestic violence down, due to the large amount of male expatriate workers in the Territory who have left their wives or partners behind. Photo: Internet Source
Police Commissioner Michael B. Mathews said in January 2019 that he never been asked to investigate ‘strip club activities’ as a particular breach of a trade license over his years as Police Commissioner in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
Police Commissioner Michael B. Mathews said in January 2019 that he never been asked to investigate ‘strip club activities’ as a particular breach of a trade license over his years as Police Commissioner in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A woman clad in skimpy clothing at a popular nightclub on Tortola said she was a part-time dancer because she had obligations that her regular job was unable to cover.

The woman, who is an expatriate, made it clear she was not a ‘stripper’ as they are usually called.

“I’m an exotic dancer, I got another job in the day time and stripping ain’t my life. I come here to make ends meet. A stripper has no means and no ends to nothing; they want to come, party, and to make fast money. I got goals, obligations,” she told our reporter on Saturday, December 28, 2019 while requesting her name not be published.

I am afraid of nothing 

When asked if she was comfortable in her part-time gig, she said she is fearless.

“At first when I was 19, now I am not afraid of anything because there is nothing to be afraid of,” the woman who is at least in her 40’s said.

“As long as you have your own mindset and you are strong, there is nothing to be afraid of. People cannot influence you to do **** like take drugs or anything that you don’t feel comfortable with.” 

She said she is also very firm on using protection when having sex with strangers.

“I am never too intoxicated for protection, and when my vibes tell me don’t, I don’t because I know better.”

Strip clubs a necessary evil?

It was on January 8, 2019 during the Honestly Speaking show on ZBVI 780 AM with host Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline that Police Commissioner Michael B. Mathews was asked whether strip clubs are legitimate businesses in the Virgin Islands.

“You will have to ask the Trade Department, as I have never been asked to investigate that as a particular breach of a trade license over my three years here,” Mr Matthews had responded.

The matter had come up for discussion after Mr Skelton-Cline noted that many males on Virgin Gorda had told him that every time a strip club is opened on the Sister Island, “it is shut down by the police,” however, the same strip clubs are allowed to operate on Tortola.

Mr Skelton-Cline had wanted to understand the different rules between the Sister Islands.

Therefore, if they are closing Virgin Gorda strip clubs down, it could mean that “they are not complying with the terms of their Liquor license/club licenses as Virgin Gorda is no different to Tortola,” the Police Commissioner had responded.

Many have reasoned that strip clubs or sex houses keep the rate of rape and some domestic violence down, due to the large amount of male expatriate workers in the Territory who have left their wives or partners behind.

Critics have claimed that it is an exploitation of women, while others locally say we are a 'Christian society.'

A female police officer back in January of this year had told this news site strip clubs and sex houses, “might be a necessary evil.”

41 Responses to “EXCLUSIVE: ‘I came here to make ends meet’– Exotic Dancer”

  • Well Well (30/12/2019, 09:07) Like (4) Dislike (35) Reply
    What a thing. Strip clubs have been operating in the BVI for YEARSSSS....but it look like there's jealousy amiss among the different club owners...and Mr.Detroit obviously dont have do
  • Dollars (30/12/2019, 09:24) Like (30) Dislike (11) Reply
    Make your money miss by any legal consent way you know how too, cause some these same women that complaining got a man paying some kind of bill, hair nails groceries etc. That's in a category of prostitution also if strip clubs or sex houses being targeted
  • Real Talk (30/12/2019, 09:25) Like (35) Dislike (7) Reply
    Time to retire ur old self and go take care of some grand kids.
  • Hmm (30/12/2019, 09:39) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pardon me while I vomit.
  • So... (30/12/2019, 09:39) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    ...she is not a stripper but she is a prostitute (she has sex with strangers). The reason you left home is not to make ends meet it is to do your do away from your home and those who know you. And whether or not you like it you are a stripper. Do not do things you are ashamed of.
    • oh yes (30/12/2019, 11:54) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
      Many are doing things that they are soooooooooooo ashamed of. They are disgraced. They put on a front that they are happy but they are not for there is no happiness in wickedness. You can see their unhappiness in their faces, how hard and old-looking it is because of the wickedness they are doing.
  • True (30/12/2019, 09:48) Like (29) Dislike (9) Reply
    "Many have reasoned that strip clubs or sex houses keep the rate of rape and some domestic violence down, due to the large amount of male expatriate workers in the Territory who have left their wives or partners behind". More locals visit the strip clubs than expat workers.
    • @True (30/12/2019, 11:21) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
      People need to recognise that rape and domestic violence both have to do with issues that go way beyond a desire for sex.
  • The TRUTH (30/12/2019, 10:04) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    This woman sounds confused. Not my business though.
  • Dollar bills (30/12/2019, 10:41) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    Dance baby dance
  • whispers (30/12/2019, 10:58) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply

    The politicians goes to the strip clubs I saw a few weeks ago sm*** and the es*** at the one in Purcell

  • Pimpin’ ain’t easy.. (30/12/2019, 11:15) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    From 19 yrs old you been on this grind and you in your 40’s girl! I hope by now you have a home back where ever it is you came from. What’s the retirement package you’ve been offered?
  • Mark (30/12/2019, 11:19) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    The woman is prostitute and not a stripper, She wants y'all to get it rite and stop offending her.
  • Bull Dawg (30/12/2019, 11:23) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    She think she smart.
    If you are an exotic dancer you have to strip to make that money.
    Of course you have to be choosey or be selective when you are in that field because it is a very risky occupation to keep up with.
    I think she have to throw in the towels if she is now in her 40's, although they say old bones cook good soup.
  • concern (30/12/2019, 11:25) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    The part of her story that i hope the puplic dont miss is the 2o something yrs she is prostituting trying to make ends meet.since she iwas 19 she started out.well let me tell you this you are not going to make it again so its best to get out and play the lottery you might stand a better chance
  • Hmmmmmmm (30/12/2019, 11:58) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
    All of you all here commenting about this woman but many out there are worst than her. Many are dabbling with wicked spirits and the Devil. Hmmmmmmm
    • Hmmm what (30/12/2019, 22:31) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      Yes but that's another story for another day. Right now we are trying to find out the difference between a stripper and a prostitute and if you're an exotic dancer whether that means you are both.
  • son of the soil (30/12/2019, 12:14) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Get those nastiness outta here
  • Lily Ann (30/12/2019, 12:25) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Soooooooo we Stripping from since 19 years old, til 40 yrs, and we STILLLL working towards a PLAN/GOALS to this day????? Sis, Im strongly guessing you simply love what you do, once you have nothing to show for it for these good 20 years... Bye Felicia
  • Hmmmm (30/12/2019, 12:26) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    It worse in the churches everybody sleeping with every body single and married that should be his concern. Do he know how many young girls lose their VGT in the church by a church brother.... He need investigate that...Trying to fool God is worst...
  • musa (30/12/2019, 13:16) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Come on people if she start 19 &she 40 now and still the police department don't aware of such life style in a Christian community very sad news
  • Gladys (30/12/2019, 14:00) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    She's doing a great service to the community,she's helping ease the men back from all that tesion from the work week
  • respect (30/12/2019, 14:16) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    She's in her 40s and still pimpin' the game? Much respect to her...
  • Rite (30/12/2019, 14:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lot of school girls selling their bodies too, especially that whit top and grey pants school baughas bay. These girls are working their bodies . Just to keep up with social media fashions.
    • Sanctify (30/12/2019, 19:33) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      Children practice what they see.. Many of these girls are daughters of women of this ilk., The majority of expats in the VI are from a specific Caribbean location known for sex tourism,exploitation of children,male and female , sex trafficking and genocide. They are,unfortunately, the
      dominant immigrant group in the VI,,a lawless place, where prostitution is illegal and where ,generally ,no laws are enforced. These activities and practices are the main contribution of this immigrant group,along with other crimes,including murder. More than likely this woman has children. How can men from such a mother value women? How can daughters of such women value themselves. Just another aspect of the deliberate and accepted degradation of the VI by a new and revised breed of BVIslanders.
  • GG (30/12/2019, 16:01) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    A lotta miles on that ting. Time to hang up your jersey like Kobe.
  • Tom Jones Penn (30/12/2019, 17:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get th iui s loose goose out of the country. Five o'clock ew case if HIV dun tun up. She here talkin piss.
  • Fran (30/12/2019, 19:10) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply

    First, she is a dumb as trying to fill a bucket with water, with a hole in the bottom. Her first idiotic move was giving this interview. Her second was admitting to being a Prostitute for over 20 years, she must smell like the fish store. Third, she claims to have goals, in this she is correct, her goal is to lay on her back for as long as the money is green and her st**k h&&e don't wear out. Fourth, she is not ashamed of what she does, but won't give her name. Don't worry miss, everybody knows your name. There are no secrets here in this small place and people run their mouths faster than a waterfall. Fifth, they even repeat it when you say the men are dumb and want to give you money. How some wives claim you are taking food out of their children's mouths and you don't care because the men come to you and give give give. and last but not least, Sixth....Protection my behind, how many times have you had sexually transmitted diseases and are lying about it. You are a walking sewer and need to go wherever you have come from. You all better wake up, there are so many like her here and this is not new. AIDS is running rampant in this small place.

  • just asking (30/12/2019, 22:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is she one of them who is entitled to belonger status because she build this country?
    • Possibly (31/12/2019, 09:57) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      Built and building this country by raisng her children to become men with no value for women,possibly hatred and women with no value and hatred for themselves. No secret that there are school girls in the VI soliciting before during and after school. No secret that the majority of immigrants in the VI come from a Caribbean location where prostitution of men women boys girls is an industry. It is known for sex tourism and human trafficking. This past week saw us celebrating new and direct flights to and from that location.
      I am Prostitution is illegal in the VI?? .Hurricane Irma was a joke..... The spirit of our ancestors and the "Great God Of The Universe" cannot be pleased with the denigration of these Gems (The Virgin Islands) that was gifted to us and which we have permitted ,encouraged ,facillitated and are celibrating.
  • nonsense (30/12/2019, 23:16) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    She's a prostitute and not a stripper. Utter nonsense. Never too drunk to use protection. 19 years supplementing her income through prostitution. I guess y'all give her belonger status now. As so many of the top brass frequent these places. So she don't need no part time permit to do her business. I guess you must be cheap girl cos it take really long to reach those goals.
  • GG (30/12/2019, 23:25) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    At least she is honest enough to say she came here to make ends meet unlike some who said they came here to build the BVI.
  • concern (31/12/2019, 00:18) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why so many people surprise by this article? They r many high end prostitutes in the BVI just not working in the strip clubs. You know who you r, those girls who sleep with men, married or single for a new purse, trip, cell phone, car.. you name it.. basically sex with men to get what they want.. some call it relationships but it is prostitution the men getting the sex and she getting the materialistic things with no labels attached. Some of these girls are even in relationships with men, but sleeping with other men when they cant make their financial means.
    • @concern (31/12/2019, 08:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, selling sex to get house, trucks, and other things they never had. How degrading?
  • i smile (31/12/2019, 13:23) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    So the Vi goes to great length in an effort to eradicate mosquitos and innocent insects.
    They corral stray animals for the possibility of being killed " humanely".
    Willful prostitutes and their deadly and illegal activities are entertained and maintained.
  • VIslander (01/01/2020, 04:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Adults make adult decisions.
  • GG (01/01/2020, 12:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    With these type of prices n high life style living! I guess these females doing what the can
  • FEO GOMEZ (06/01/2020, 09:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Miss I applaud you because you can be other worst thing in life like being white lol.

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