Ex-Governor Jaspert tells CoI he always remained ‘respectful’ to Fahie Gov’t

“I have read the assertions put forward by the Premier regarding my conduct. I do not agree with these assertions, and they do not correspond with my recollections of events,” he said in a response note to CoI Commissioner, Sir Gary R. Hickinbottom that was read by Attorney Bilal M. Rawat towards the end of the hearing on Tuesday, November 24, 2021.
Relationship was abusive – Premier Fahie
In a passionate presentation during the CoI Hearing Day 52 on October 21, 2021, Premier Fahie said complaints to the UK over the alleged ‘abusive’ relationship with controversial ex-Governor Jaspert had constantly fallen on deaf ears.
Premier Fahie said Jaspert was difficult to work with and at times, he was disrespectful, however, the governor has denied those claims.
“As Governor I was clear throughout my tenure that my commitment to working in partnership with the elected government of the day having served with two administrations and also my deep respect for the Constitution and the role of elected members,” Jasper said.
The Ex-Governor also claimed that he was misrepresented in the statement made to the CoI about his alleged conduct.
I was 'misrepresented’ – Gus
“I was in the latter part of my time in office during the current administration subject to many assertions by the current Premier which I believe were misrepresentations."
"You would have seen from the correspondence between the Premier and myself, despite me being the subject to what I considered at times unnecessary confrontational assertions in writing or even public statements, this did not change my approach which was to continue a commitment of partnership and to operate professionally and with respect to the Constitution and elected members at all times,” he said.
Jaspert added, “Regardless of any real or perceived challenges in the relationship I should make clear, this had no bearings on my decision to call a Commission of Inquiry.”
Premier said he pleaded for help
However, at the hearing of October 21, 2021, Premier Fahie had detailed the alleged psychological ‘abuse’ of the Governor towards those elected to serve the people of the territory.
“His language to us has always been one in which as if we can’t do anything right, it’s an abusive relationship if you ask me, as if we couldn’t do anything correct,” a visually frustrated Premier Fahie detailed.
“I wrote all around for help. So there is a problem with the partnership because whenever I wrote they would write back and say, I hear everything you said, but we with Gus,” Premier Fahie further said.
Hon Fahie explained that the issue may have been as a result of a ‘constitutional block’ severing the relationship between him and the Governor.
Other Public servants complained about 'Gus' - Premier
While the ex-Governor has since denied the claims, Premier Fahie at October 22, 2021, hearing also indicated that many public officers also shared concerns about their relationship with the Governor and having nowhere to turn to for recourse.
“We cannot have the partnership where one side of the partnership can speak to the other side if they choose to and then hide behind the authority that they have in the UK and make it seem like the premier is not being respectful."
Premier Fahie said since taking up office, current Governor John J. Rankin CMG has brought contrast to the Governor's Office, as compared to when 'Gus' was at its helm.

12 Responses to “Ex-Governor Jaspert tells CoI he always remained ‘respectful’ to Fahie Gov’t”
The old r***t need to stop lying
from the plantation to the commission of inquiry
someone tell me, where is progress
Look what the British did to Africa, India and the rest of the Caribbean. When they reaped all the substances from those countries and grant them Independence, they left half of the populations alliterate and poor. They also stopped buying the exports from those countries. If they want they could stopped their tourists from coming to the Territory. What we have however, is our dignity.