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Ex-educator found guilty of cannabis & ammo possession; Fined $4K

- Riel Charleswell given 3 months of pay fine
Ex-educator Riel Charleswell has been found guilty of having more than 100 grams of cannabis and possession of ammunition over six years ago. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Magistrate Ayanna O. Baptiste-DaBreo found an ex-educator guilty of having more than 100 grams of cannabis and possession of ammunition over six years ago.

Charged with Possession of a controlled drug and Possession of explosives is 56 year old Riel Charleswell, a United States citizen and VI belonger.

The Senior Magistrate found him guilty when he appeared before her at the Magistrate’s Court in John’s Hole on Monday, July 6, 2020.


After handing down her decision, Magistrate Baptiste-DaBreo said Charleswell was fined $4,000 to be paid in three months.

If he does not pay by that time, he can spend up to six months at Her Majesty’s Prison in Balsam Ghut.

According to court reports, on March 13, 2014, police officers approached Charleswell when he was standing near the Elmore Stoutt High School and told him they suspected he was a drug supplier.

Some drugs were found on his person, and a search conducted of his car unearthed more bags of the controlled drug.

A search warrant was executed at his residence in Great Mountain where more drugs were found, including eight rounds of 0.308 ammunition.

20 Responses to “Ex-educator found guilty of cannabis & ammo possession; Fined $4K”

  • GG (06/07/2020, 17:25) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    How this suppose to be educated guy get so cardless and irresponsibe. He lucky. He get a pinch on his cheek.. lots of other guys in prison for waay less.....Ur lucky guy... Learn.
    • GG (06/07/2020, 20:01) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
      You’re casting judgement on the man with that horrible grammar. You should be ashamed.
      • @ wow. Common sense bro (07/07/2020, 03:01) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        Ammunition is a very serious offence his axxss should have been balo..All ghe good Grammer u talking about bad grammer is better than push n bush and storing Amo..
    • mad (06/07/2020, 20:26) Like (2) Dislike (14) Reply
      These island people send him back down the island
      • LOLL (07/07/2020, 02:56) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        He’s one of ur own 4rm the BVI... Uncle Sam sent him back to the BVI forcefully(deport). Get your facts right
        • nonsense (07/07/2020, 08:02) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
          Jack of Apes, he is a US CITIZEN and he came home after he retired from the US school system, so if you do not know what you are talking about or the person STFUP.
          • @nonsense (07/07/2020, 08:18) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
            Retired or Deported...……………………………………..
        • The wire (07/07/2020, 10:03) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
          He look kind of "fruity" in this picture. You sure them states boys and run all up in he while he was in prison up there. He giving off a feminine vibe, like he think he fabulous. I say they need to put all deportees being sent back home on a "special" list and keep a close eye on them like when they get release on parole in the states. And make them work hard in the hot sun until them prove them change and not bringing that stupid mentality to our BVI shores.
        • LCS (07/07/2020, 10:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          What happened with not allowing individuals with criminal records entering the Territory? If deported from USA, already is a bad thing. For sure.
  • Educated (06/07/2020, 18:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Strups (06/07/2020, 18:45) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    How it take 6 years to deal with this struppedness?
  • Dr cool (06/07/2020, 19:13) Like (1) Dislike (11) Reply
    Everyone makes mistakes he is a belonger not born in the bvi so what we go deport him or is he an island man tell who he is all we one sided tolians
    • Close Family (06/07/2020, 19:38) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      Riel was born in the BVI to both BVI mother and father. Stop talking people's business, if you dont know it. You need a dollar so you can buy some business of your own.
  • Slackness at its best (06/07/2020, 19:51) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    I can never understand why the law is not more harsh when it comes to guns and ammunition SMH
  • OG Simpson (06/07/2020, 20:10) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Shouldn't his criminal record be exponged
    • @OG Simpson (06/07/2020, 21:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Please stop impersonating people. Use your own name, or find a pseudonym that is uniquely yours!
  • Strupss (06/07/2020, 22:22) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    This thing about legalizing marijuana hmm, is those who fighting for it using it.
    Think to tell the king, Do a drug test on them lecturers up HLSCC hmmm Lavity will roll over.
  • facts (07/07/2020, 19:11) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    He is an educated individual.
  • Luis (08/07/2020, 21:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you live in a glass house don't throw stones

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