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Ex-Crown Prosecutor defends Mr Walwyn’s public statement condemned by DPP

- Jefferson J. Knight said Mr Walwyn was within his rights as a public official to make his statement
Retired police prosecutor Mr Jefferson J. Knight aka ‘Knight Rider’, right, has come to the defense of former Minister for Education Mr Myron V. Walwyn, left, following condemnation by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of a statement Mr Walwyn made about his arrest for Breach of Trust by a Public Official. Photo: Facebook/VINO/File
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has accused Mr Myron V. Walwyn of trying to undermine the course of justice in the VI. Photo: GIS/File
The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has accused Mr Myron V. Walwyn of trying to undermine the course of justice in the VI. Photo: GIS/File
ROSEAU, Dominica- Former crown prosecutor Mr Jefferson J. Knight aka ‘Knight Rider’ has come to the defense of former Minister for Education Mr Myron V. Walwyn, following condemnation by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of a statement Mr Walwyn made about his arrest for Breach of Trust by a Public Official.

Mr Walwyn’s concerns

Mr Walwyn had disclosed via a public statement on November 1, 2022, that on the said day he was arrested and charged by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

The attorney at law, among other things, had questioned why a completed investigation by the RVIPF that was sent to the DPP's Office, could still find itself as a subject of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) as an open investigation.

He said it was worth noting that the CoI recommended that the investigation should continue when according to Commissioner Matthew of the RVIPF, that very investigation was concluded in early 2020.

“I am left to believe that the original investigation did not yield their desired results,” Mr Walwyn, an attorney, had stated.

DPP slams Walwyn

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) hit back with a statement on the same day, accusing Mr Walwyn of trying to undermine the course of justice in the VI.

The DDP described Mr Walwyn’s statement as disappointing.

“The statement, among other things, seeks to adversely influence the potential array of jurors who will eventually decide his fate and the fate of other persons similarly charged.  Such rhetoric only serves to undermine the course of justice in the Territory,” the Office of the DPP had stated.

Mr Walwyn did nothing wrong- Jefferson J. Knight

Mr Knight, who is a Belonger, said on principal he supports Mr Walwyn, adding that the statement Mr Walwyn made was in accordance with section 23 of the Constitution.

“It is his fundamental human rights and freedoms to make a statement to the public as he is a public figure, since he is a politician and once a minister of government, once working in the Office of the DPP,” Mr Knight stated, adding that he once worked alongside Mr Walwyn in the Office of the DPP, and that Mr Walwyn is an attorney at law.

Mr Knight also shared the similar concern that the ESHS wall project was deemed complete by former police commissioner Michael B. Matthews but then became the subject of the CoI, who then recommended continued investigation.


Regarding the allegation of Mr Walwyn trying to influence the course of justice in the VI, Mr Knight also highlighted what he suggested was the hypocrisy of the DDP.

He explained that the matter involving Mr Walwyn was dealt with by the CoI, which was a public inquiry, and that potential jurors would have heard what was said, even though what was said is not admissible in court in a criminal trial, “but here you have the DPP saying because the Honourable Myron Walwyn made a statement it would interfere with jurors and whatever the case may be.

“So the Commission of Inquiry that was being held publicly, it would not have interfered with jurors? It’s only what the Honourable Myron Walwyn says that would interfere with jurors?” Mr Knight questioned rhetorically.

Mr Knight, speaking from his ‘Chamber of Parliament’ has vowed to speak up on what he has described as a ‘framing’ of Mr Walwyn.

He has also vowed to expose what he termed as wrongful prosecution of certain persons in the territory.

36 Responses to “Ex-Crown Prosecutor defends Mr Walwyn’s public statement condemned by DPP”

  • Ye wow (10/11/2022, 15:07) Like (24) Dislike (72) Reply
    Who the fork is knight rider.
    • DPP wrong (11/11/2022, 07:20) Like (18) Dislike (7) Reply
      Not a single lawyer that I know agrees with the DPP. General view is that her statement was a disaster and may prevent Walwyn getting a fair trial.
      We need a new competent DPP!
      • Jefferson Knight-Knight Rider to DPP Wrong (11/11/2022, 17:39) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
        DPP WRONG?!
        I agree with you,on a point of law,and on principle.
        The COI,was not a criminal investigation.It was an INQUIRY, under section 2 of the COI-Act 1880,Cap 237, of the laws of the BVI,to INQUIRY,into the conduct of public officials and public officers.
        Long before the COI,in Jan 2019,Mr Walwyn,was first subjected to a Criminal Investigation,from 2019,which concluded in 2020.
        COP Matthews,did NOT charge,Mr.Walwyn,for an offence.Case closed! However,COP Matthews,sent the file to DPP, in EARLY 20-20 and we never heard anything again!
        But in July 2021,Mr. Walwyn was summoned before the COI,to be questioned PUBLICLY,on the same ESHS WALL??
        And almost one year and four months later,Mr.Walwyn, on 1st Nov.2022,is charged CRIMINALLY, for [Breach of Trust]??!!
        That means,there were TWO Criminal Investigations,and ONE-COI,relating to the same wall??
        I am a certified prosecutor.Politically,I am known to be a Daddy-Ralphy-VIP.I am NOT an NDP,neither,have I ever campaign politically,for Hon.Walwyn.
        But in fairness,to Mr.Walwyn,I came to his defense.
        Those on bloggs,who have not stop being friends of satan,who use that opportunity,to remind me,that they are still friends of satan,and that,they are not yet finish with me,I wish them well in the name of Jesus.
        The Arrest and Charge,of the Hon Walwyn,is WRONG and PREJUDICIAL!
        If I have to take and accept INSULTS,for my views on the LAW,I will encourage VINO,to publish the insults.Let satan reign with satan.I will reign with God.I judge no man,and [NO MAN CAN RULE THE WORLD]
        But I will say,["Hon Walwyn was FRAMED"].
        The present Criminal Investigations on OUR Public Officers,in prusuance of the COI-Report,is UNFUNDAMENTAL wrong,and UNLAWFUL and in BREACH of section 16 of the COI-Act 1880,Cap 237,!DPP WRONG!!
    • Good police (11/11/2022, 08:52) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
      One of the best officers to pass this way. Upright good dude.
    • WOW (11/11/2022, 10:19) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you don't know, you do not belong to this chat. Exit left.
    • Jefferson Knight-Knight Rider to Ye wow (11/11/2022, 17:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ye Wow.
      Knight Rider,is a child of God.
      If I was a friend of satan,as I realised that you are a friend of satan,I would have said to satan,to let you continue to spill your tongue on yourself and your friends as
      but on a serious note,you do not attend church service,to congregate,with other children of God,to discuss the Bible,and God's blessings on us.My profiling of you,is,you hate people around you,that is to say,you dont show them love;but in the light of my candle,I can see that you need social help.Are one of the people in the BVI,who committed an unsolve CRIME?I see you in the light pf my candle.Surrender yourself to the police,and confess!
      12 years after I retirement from the RVIPF,I do recognised,that,the evil you have towards me,has not gone away.But as I said,you hate your own flesh and blood,but I hope that you can love somebody one day.
      Everyday,together with my family,I pray to God,to continue to allow me to love you,Knight Rider,is a child of God.One Love.
    • Jefferson Knight-certified court prosecutor (15/11/2022, 05:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Breaking NEWS to the DPP!!

      To, My Loving, good and sweet BVI people: Read the FALSE and FAKE Charge that QPM-COP, inflicted on the Honourable-name of Mr. Myron Walwyn.

      The Mockery-Charge, for [Breach of Trust] dated 1st Nov 2022, read:-

      1.Statement of Offence [breach of Trust] ,contrary to section 81G[b] of the Criminal Code, as Amended.

      2.Particulars of Offence:-For that YOU-Mr.Walwyn between 1st Dec 2014 and 1st Dec 2015, in Road Town Tortola BVI, being a Public Official, as Minister of Education you committed Breach of Trust, by-

      [a]-Failing to properly adhere to Government Rules and Protocols,

      [b]-Failing to properly adhere to the Public Finance Management Act,

      [c]-Failing to properly adhere to the Regulations. Full-stop!!

      The Criminal Charge, inflicted on Hon Walwyn, by the RVIPF, under section 21(c)(ii) of the Police Act, made NO mention of the ESHS WALL!

      So, according to the Criminal Charge, from the UK-appointed Detectives, the Hon. Myron Walwyn, was NOT charge, in connection with the ESHS WALL, because, in the particulars of the Criminal Charge, the ESHS WALL, is NOT-EXPRESSED!!!

      God save the people of the BVI, who were FRAMED by the RVIPF!!
  • Struppes (10/11/2022, 15:31) Like (46) Dislike (46) Reply
    Boy go sit down. Stay in Dominica and enjoy your retirement
    • knight rider to struppes (12/11/2022, 00:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is my news!
      I was born a boy,from the choice of God,but I have grown into a man,of responsibility.I was not born in Dominica.I was born on UK soil,as a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies,on the UK-owned-Islands of Dominica.Yes,I am enjoying my retirement,thanks to my BVI people,for allow me to serve them with honour and respect and I pray to God,to give you long life and health,to allow you to enjoy your retirement one day.Let me see,how I profile you,as I see you,in the light of my candle!Oh,I prosecuted your family member or friend.It's not me to blame,for the crimes the person committed.I knew that my enemies would come out into the light of my candles,You are now exposed.You will be identified publicly.You should not go to church again,and pretend,because God is watching you.
      That HATRED you have for Hon,Walwyn,will be passed on to your own family.There is alot of hate in you for human beings.Not too often,you would use the word love.Let us pray together,for each other's love.Give a smile.One love.
  • Noi nice (10/11/2022, 15:31) Like (12) Dislike (12) Reply
    Good mw good man
  • My Co worker (10/11/2022, 15:32) Like (39) Dislike (16) Reply
    An arrested person has no obligation to make a statement public or other wise, mark the key words "an arrested person" He made that statement as a defense, all he needed to say, "l'm innocent of the allegations an intent to prove it" then remain silent. We all know silent is the best defense.....
    • Knight Rider to my Co Worker (11/11/2022, 19:22) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      To my Co-Worker.
      God is love.
      An arrest and Charge by the Police, is just the [duty of the police] under section 21 of the Police Act, Cap 165 of the Laws of the BVI. An arrest by the Police ,is not a public trial. When a charged [suspect] is not yet OFFICIALLY-charged before the Magistrate's Public Court, the suspect, is NOT an accused. A person becomes an accused, when that person, is charged in a court of law, for a criminal offence,created and defined,under a criminal Law. On 1st November 2022 ,the Hon.Myron Walwyn,was NOT an accused,under the Magistrate's Code of Procedure Act Cap 44 of the laws of the BVI.He was charged by the Police, pursuant to section 21(c)(ii) of the Police Act, on reasonable suspicion of an offence.
      God has blessed me,with natural legal education,to help my BVI people.Please join me in prayer,to call on GOD,to remove that FAKE CHARGE,against the GOOD-name of Hon.Walwyn!
  • Stay out of the media (10/11/2022, 15:41) Like (54) Dislike (16) Reply
    Please stay out the media with this and let the case go to court.
    • knight rider asked[Stay out of Media?? (11/11/2022, 19:28) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you VINO for the opportunity to educate my BVI people on the LAW!!
      The COI which was set-up [IN PUBLIC] to investigate offices and officers,was in the Media.
      Cases don't go to court.
      The Police and the DPP,must be satisfied,that there is EVIDENCE to prove the case, BEFORE GOING TO COURT !
      The saying-"Let the court dicide,is IMMORAL and UNETHICAL!
      It is the Evidence,to decide.
      DPP's Office and COP's Office, will NOT ABUSE the Criminal Justice System!!
  • hmmm (10/11/2022, 16:02) Like (38) Dislike (9) Reply
    As fsr i see that dpp needs to kno when to shut her trap she gets emotional to easy and presume people guilty before the case. I recon when we have such high profile cases it is trailed by a outside dpp or high lawyer whonhas no conection to the people so commonsense can be use. Just like a magristrate or a jury cant be conected to a case because they kno persons. Same should be held for dpp in such high profile case. Book sense aint common sense. Knowing the law is ome thing from applying it correctly and not being bias. Or foolishly recanting giving away evidence
    • Go siddun tiff (10/11/2022, 17:08) Like (41) Dislike (0) Reply
      You ain't see she ain't winning no cases in the high Court, because of that mouth of hers. She busy on the media chatting before she go and properly pit the case files together before bringing a person to court and embarrassing herself.
  • one eye (10/11/2022, 16:30) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
    Funny man hired night rider hear thing
    • knight rider to one eye (12/11/2022, 00:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      You will not be ashamed of yourself,for calling a child that God created,as [funny many].God created Mr.walwyn,as a loving person,to himself and his family.You chose to insult him,while God continue to love him and love you.God gave him life and God gave you life.You are thankful,with the body and image that God blessed you with,and God also blessed all of us,in his own image.Your upbringing was very bad,because,when I looked deeper into the light of my candles,I can see that you are being misled by firends etc,but one day, you will you respect humanity,For now,you hate society,and you want to commit crimes against society,but God will prevent you.Try to find a way to love somebody.Good luck.
    • knight rider to one eye (12/11/2022, 00:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You will not be ashamed of yourself,for calling a child that God created,as [funny many].God created Mr.walwyn,as a loving person,to himself and his family.You chose to insult him,while God continue to love him and love you.God gave him life and God gave you life.You are thankful,with the body and image that God blessed you with,and God also blessed all of us,in his own image.Your upbringing was very bad,because,when I looked deeper into the light of my candles,I can see that you are being misled by firends etc,but one day, you will you respect humanity,For now,you hate society,and you want to commit crimes against society,but God will prevent you.Try to find a way to love somebody.Good luck.
  • Me (10/11/2022, 18:30) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the AG in all this? What's breach of trust?
  • jack (10/11/2022, 19:13) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    One thing for sure he can’t run any more so the system worked
  • justin (10/11/2022, 19:34) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    who partner think he is(anyone is subject to prosecution) you were the one in charge(why the folks working in your department could be arrested and you walk free

    An investigation can continue(once new or additional evidence pops up associated with you)

    miss use of government funds(embezzlement is still a crime in this territory
  • Unbelievable (10/11/2022, 19:35) Like (24) Dislike (13) Reply
    The hypocrisy of the DPP's statement is glaring. You can slander my name via the COI and then an arrest, but I can say nothing in my own defense, if I so choose, what mess!
    • Hmmmm (13/11/2022, 16:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You mouth is your mouth. Say what you got to say, it will help with your conviction.
  • OLE TING (10/11/2022, 20:53) Like (23) Dislike (10) Reply
    Knight rider u would certainly know of wrongful imprisonment here in the B.V.I because u did cause a lot of people go 2 prison.More over u r not a lawyer so what the hello do u know.U r just jealous b cause they kick your a$$ out of that position u thought were yours.Now your good friend think because he is a lawyer he stands high over others.U knight rider need 2 pay for innocent young guys u make go 2 prison.Stay in Dominica and enjoy your miserable life.
    • Jefferson Knight-Knight Rider to OLE TING (11/11/2022, 17:04) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Thank you for comment, and your accusations that I helped to wrongfully imprisoned people in the BVI. That is incorrect, because, the reason why I was removed from DPP's Office, by the COP, was because, I intervened to prevent certain persons, from falsely imprisoning a born BVI-Lander. My God-given-Life, is not a miserable one. I am Christian, I served God, I love my family, my children and grandchildren, my friends etc.
      OLE TING,I see your EVIL, in the light of my candles, but the bad thing, that I see coming you, I will pray to God, to stop others, who are planning evil towards you.
  • Seriously (10/11/2022, 23:10) Like (12) Dislike (16) Reply
    Every case you involved in need to be revisited
    Apparently you don’t know the law
    Hope they charged you too
    1 fool make many
    • Jefferson Knight-knight rider to seriously (11/11/2022, 16:54) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      At Seriously:
      Thank you blogger-seriously for wishing that I be charged for a criminal offence, in the BVI.I am not afraid to face the criminal justice system, if I am accused of a criminal offence, but I will NOT wish evil towards any human being. My candles are burning, I will see you soon, or hear about you. Look at the topic and blogg on the topic. your personal hatred for me, is not the first. On the records, I have destroyed every enemy. I am not afraid of evil wishes against me, because all the EVIL of Evil-doers,have returned to the evil doers. This COI, is a DICTATORSHIP on my BVI people. I want good governance for BVI. It's time to fix BVI.The COI-Report, is a BRUTALITY, on our public officers and public officials.The COI report, is an ABUSE of the Criminal Justice System. I PRAY for God's blessings on you and your family, that this wish that I just sent you, will be returned to me. I Love to you, as God loves me: The blogger-seriously,you have just regretted wishing evil on me.One love.
  • Lillian (11/11/2022, 11:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    these law in british are corrupted all of them !!! none are good dadaddadadada
  • Jefferson Knight-knight Rider (11/11/2022, 12:41) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    LoL: " Some one told me to check VINO: I love the comments on VINO, especially the personal ones, from those who have not yet settled the score of revenged on me, personally. I believe in the Catholic faith, and I believe in the Power of the Holy Spirit, so continuously, my candles are burning, my rosary is rolling and my Holy water is sprinkling, in a free and democratic BVI. Keep the comments rolling.UK cannot [suspend the Constitution] to take away your freedom speech to blogg, despite of the COI report. But I have never [framed any accused during my career],but I have committed many earthly sins, more than anyone else in the world. more than persons, obviously, who have never sinned, like how I have sinned. I prayed that God has forgiven me for my many earthly sins, by sending his Son Jesus, to die for our sins. I was removed from DPP's Office ,in March 2009.because,certain persons within the criminal justice system, wanted to [frame an accused] to send him to prison innocently and I disagreed, and I made a complaint to the defense counsel, to inform defense counsel, "look they want to [frame your client]".Defense counsel, commended me, for my honesty as a prosecutor; but my honesty, to not participate, in [framing an accused] cost me my career, as a police prosecutor, which led to my retirement, as I continued to suffer at the time, and is still suffering, from a gun-shot -injury, in the BVI, in the line of duty. Today, God has blessed me, with earthly gifts, and earthly wealth, for the time being on earth, and secured two pensions for me, from my beautiful and loving people of the BVI ,so at age 54 today, and 12 yrs after retirement, I can feed myself, my family, my three grand children, and my two dogs. One love-BVI.
    My bloging piece, is that, the Hon. Myron Walwyn,was ["FRAMED!!]!
    Keep-on-Blogging".Jefferson J Knight aka Knight Rider.
  • Jefferson Knight-knight Rider (11/11/2022, 13:29) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Chapter 237 of the COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY ACT,1880 of the LAWS OF THE BVI: Marginal Notes-[Statement of witnesses before Commission not admissible]-(Not admissible in future criminal investigations to form part of a future criminal prosecution)-The LAW!

    Section 16 of the COI-Act states:- "No statement made by any person who is called as [witness] before any Commission of Inquiry, or any Commissioners appointed in pursuance of this Act, in answer to any question put by or before such Commission or Commissioners ,[shall] (except) in cases of Indictment for [perjury], be [admissible] in EVIDENCE, in any proceeding, civil or CRIMINAL"!

    Here in the BVI-Law, under section 16 of the COI-Act [the Act], as expressed ,the EVIDENCE, given under Oath, in a COI, is [NOT ADMISSIBLE IN EVIDENCE OF A FUTURE CRIMINAL TRIAL]!


    But in Jan 2019, COP-Matthews said on news, the ESHS WALL,is under Criminal Investigations.


    In March 2019, COP -Matthews said, investigations continuing.


    In Jan 20-20, COP-Matthews said ,["Investigations Complete and the case sent to DPP"]
    DPP said recently, on 1st Nov 20-22, that,in 20-20,the Case Files,WERE INCOMPLETE, and ["quickly returned"] to the RVIPF,but the RVIPF,["never completed the Investigation etc"]

    DPP said,[" a decision was made to bring in UK Financial Investigators in EARLY,20-21.

    But in early 20-21, on 18th Jan 2021, the Governor announce the COI!

    And in July 20-21 ,the ESHS, formed part of the COI, and the Hon. Myron Walwyn, appeared in the COI!

    What happened to the Criminal Investigation on the ESHS WALL, from Jan.2019 to Jan 20-21?

    UK and the UK-COP have my BVI people, under mental hostage under the Criminal Justice System,with this NONESENSE about COI-REPORT-Criminal Investigations FOOLISHNESS, into CUSTOMS etc, but instead of BVI people,Standing-UP for your RIGHTS, and FREEDOMS,and to LIBERATE yourselves, from mental slavery under the UK System, right NOW,; you want to hide with satan and the devil, behind BLOGGS, like a bunch of COWARDS, thinking that petty-talk, about a BVI-PENSIONER, like me, can stop me, from saying, that ["The Rt.Hon.Sir,Mr.Myron Walwyn,was FRAMED!!!".

    Put an article on VINO ,like how VINO put me on the NEWS, with your picture I.D,read section 16 of the COI-Act 1880,Chapter 237,and join with me, on a ['Point-of-Law"] to say and repeat,that,["Hon.Myron Walwyn ETAL,,WERE FRAMED!!"]
  • Jefferson Knight-KnightRider DOB 18.04.1968 (11/11/2022, 15:16) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    THANK YOU VINO, for Freedom of Speech!!
    Lashing-dogs sang ,in 2007:-["Knight Rider go home, and leave Tortola people business alone"]-L.o.L
    The Law in Tortola is the people's business!
    The Police Act, Cap 165.
    Section 21 of the Act of Parliament, states:- "The General Duties of every member of the Force, are-(a) to preserve the peace, prevent and detect crimes and other breaches of the law;(c) to summon before a Magistrate and to Prosecutes-(ii) persons found committing any offence, or (ii) persons whom he [reasonably suspects] of having committed an offence or may be CHARGED with [having committed ANY offence"!

    Here you have COP-Matthews, in Jan 20-20, saying on public news, in relation to the ESHS WALL CRIMINAL investigation that the "DPP is the Charging Authority!!??". EXCUSE ME UNDER SECTION 21 OF THE ACT???

    The DPP, is a Public Officer, appointed, in accordance, with section 95 of the BVI Constitution, and the DPP, holds Office, under section 59 of the Constitution, in the Public Service of the Crown-of the Government!
    The DPP, is NOT a Criminal Investigator in the BVI, under the CJS.

    Only the Police, within the meaning of the Act, can arrest, detain, and charge the Citizens, with [EVIDENCE, of REASONABLE SUSPICION]!

    Sir Gary Hick-in-BOTTOM, from his UK-Appointed-COI, is NOT a Criminal Investigator, in the BVI!! Sir Hick-in-bottom,[cannot-in-law] under section 16 of the COI-Act, use the EVIDENCE of witnesses, gathered from a COI, to identify Criminality, in Government Offices, or in the Public Services.


    Sir Gary HICK-IN-BOTTOM, cannot instruct the Governor ,to investigate-criminally, the CITIZENS, for alleged criminal offences in their offices.

    The DPP, in public office, under section 59 of the BVI Constitution, cannot-in-law, instruct the police, under section 21 of the Act, to arrest and charge the CITIZENS, with evidence from the COI!!


  • Jefferson Knight-Knight Rider to the Governor (11/11/2022, 19:10) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    To His Excellency, the Governor of the BVI .[Bloggers are hiding to BLOGG, because they now under a DICTATORSHIP, in the BVI!!
    Your Excellency, I hereby write to you, on VINO, to call on YOU, to oversee, these UNLAWFUL and MOCKERY Criminal Investigations, by UK-Police Officers on BVI Soil, against OUR Public Officials, and Public Officers, in pursuance of the COI-Report, which is DISCRIMINATORY, and is [DOUBLE JEOPARDY] in contravention of section 16 [4] of the BVI Constitution!
    These Criminal Investigations, are in BREACH of section 16 of the COI-Act 1880 Cap 237 of the Laws of the BVI.
    The COMMISSIONER OF THE COI, has NO Jurisdiction, under the Act, to identify CRIMINALITY, by public officials and public officers.
    That was not the intention of Parliament, under the Act!!
    If Parliament, had intended, to give the Commissioner-Sir Hickinbottom, authority, to recommend for Criminal Investigations, after a the Conclusion of a [PUBLIC-COI, then, Parliament, would NOT have [expressed] section 16 of the Act.
    Governor, "Don't mind those bloggers, who are blogging out their satanic and devilish statements about me, because I stand for JUSTICE with Hon. Myron Walwyn; these bloggers, are just on a mission to destroy justice in my COUNTRY-BVI!COP-Collins , is not TECHNICALLY fit to be a COP in the BVI Police Force. He is [Policing in PARADASS]!
    Governor, take my legal advice: These Criminal Investigations by COP-Mark Collins, are [WRONG IN LAW]!
    The arrest, detention and charge of the Rt. Honourable, Sir. Mr. Myron Walwyn,[were ALL WRONG-IN-LAW] under the Criminal Justice System!
  • Knight Rider to Sir Hickinbottom (11/11/2022, 20:17) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you VINO for posting my bloggs.This is MY NEWS!

    .Nobody wants to CRITICISE these wrongful Criminal Investigations of the COI on NEWS,,but as soon as VINO put me on news, like a celebrity, all friends of satan,who hate me-[a child of God] come out to blogg on me?!
    Well,I CONDEMN to COI-Report,to conduct Criminal Investigations on my BVI People!We welcome the COI.But it's time for our public officers and public officials,to do better and let us fix our BVI!
    Sir Hickinbottom,you have NO jurisdiction,under the COI-Act,to recommend that Criminal Investigations,be conducted,as a result of your findings in the COI.Was it a Criminal-[INQUIRY???]
    Any Criminal Investigation in the BVI,shall be in accordance with,Fundamental Human rights and Freedoms and adhererance to the [FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF THE CITIZENS],as EXPRESSED in Chapter 2 of the BVI Constitutiion!
    Sir Hickinbottom,you [CANNOT-IN-LAW] instruct the Governor to investigate the CITIZENS!!
    You are NOT a Virtual Complainant to a Crime in the BVI,and you are NOT a witness to any Crime in the BVI.!
    Right now,these UK-Detectives,are just on a [MANICOU HUNT] looking for food to eat,in the JUNGLE, and just making a MOCKERY of Criminal Investigations in the BVI.
    They are Getting a salary,on MY TAX MONEY,for doing FOOLISHNESS in the BVI,and prefering,WRONG AND FALSE CHARGE UNDER THE WRONG-LAW,FOR [BREACH OF TRUST]!Breah of Trust-My A$$$!!
    Bloggers who are hiding behind blogg-names!!,my name on my BIRTH PAPER, is Jefferson John Knight-Knight Rider,age 54,born on 18th April 1968,[born as a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies] under UK-Rule,on the UK-Island of Dominica,during British Colonisation of the West Indies.
    ,I am a British Overseas Territories Citizen,under the British Nationality Act.
    I am a UK Citizen,under the British Nationality Act,with a UK Passport.
    I belong to the BVI,under the BVI Constition,with a BVI Passport,and a Belonger Card.
    I am a VOTER in the BVI.I voted on 25th Feb 2019!
    [I was Born on British soil,under British Rule.I am a BVI-Lander,I [from Here].
    It is time for the COP to stop this nonesense,criminal Investigations,and LET US REBUILD THE PUBLIC SERVICE,and GIVE US FRESH ELECTIONS in feb 20-23!!
    God save the BVI!! and His Majesty!!
  • knight rider to COP Matthews (11/11/2022, 23:49) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    COP Matthews. You completed the Criminal Investigations into the ESHS Wall and the Case File of the Investigations, was sent to the DPP! Correct?! Good!
    On 14th Jan 20-20, you said on public news :-"Obviously,I don't make the Charging Decisions,that is a matter for the DPP's Office" etc.
    COP Matthews:That statement,is misleading,deceptive and [WRONG-IN-LAW]!
    Section 21(c)(ii) of the Police Act,expressed,that it is your ["DUTY"], as a criminal investigator,for YOU to charge an individual for a criminal offence.
    The DPP,is a Public Officer,in the Public Service of the Crown.Power is [conferred] on the DPP,under section 59 of the BVI Constitution.
    There is NO-Expressed provision,in section 59 of the Constitution,to make the DPP,the Charging Authority,under the Criminal Justice System!
    COP Matthews,in January 20-20,you had NO EVIDENCE,to charge Hon.Myron Walwyn for [Breach of Trust]!
  • Jefferson Knight to the DPP! (12/11/2022, 00:23) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    VINO,please allow me to just use up all the space,on my news,because,I see my name and my picture, and I defend social justice, they want to use cowardice to just blogg on nonesense about me??!

    My candles are burning,to show me the light of the EVIL!!

    To the DPP!!!

    I read the Public Finance Regulations 2005.

    I read the Public Finance Management Act 2004

    I read section 81G(b) of the Amended Criminal Code.

    The Rt.Hon.Sir,Mr,Myron Walwyn,was arrested and Charged by the RVIPF,on 1st Nov 2022,and granted bail,that said day,to appear in the Magistrate's summary Court on 11th Nov 2022.

    However,the COP,did not LAY any criminal complaint in the Magistrate's Court, on or before, 01.11.22,and as of 1st Nov 2022,to officially charge Hon Walwyn,for [Breach of Trust] created,under section 81G(b) of the relevent Code.
    I will wait until you LAY that MOCKERY COMPLAINT in the Magistrate's Court,before I hold a [Parliament of Law] on that Mockery-Charge of [Breach of Trust] to show the world,that this [COI-REPORT-CRAP-INVESTIGATION ,that COP-Collins is pursuing as a Criminal Investigation,on OUR BVI PEOPLE,is just a re-cap of SLAVERY and APARTHEID!!
    These UK-Appointed-Detectives,ARE [Legally Incompetent] under the BVI's CJS!

    If Bloggers,who are motivated by satan and the devil,want to use bloggs,to silent me,well they will blogg-out VINO's!

    Put that [Two-Laws-Three-Counts-COMPLAINT,in one complaint-MOCKERY CHARGE,in the Public Criminal Court,so that I can read it out,Loud and clear!!
    DPP!!"Where are going,with Dat-Mockery-Charge for [Breach of Trust]????!!!"

    Not in my Court that I had brought to high standard!!

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