ESHS wins Regional National Tourism Debate Championship

The debate final, which was held virtually, saw ESHS debating in proposition of the moot: “This House believes increasingly devastating superstorms and earthquakes make our number one tourism industry risky business for the Caribbean”.
The ESHS team included Regional Junior Ambassador of Tourism Ms Naomi A. Omwufuju, Ms Adrianne Thomas and Ms Kande Richardson.
The Turks and Caicos Islands team comprised Team Captain Ms Ade Cushnie, Ms Kiarah McLean and Mr Theo Silva.
History created
ESHS had reached the final of the Regional National Tourism Debate by defeating Knox College of Jamaica 1036 to 996.
Omwufuju, Thomas and Richardson debated in proposition of the moot, “Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) pose a threat to the cybersecurity of Caribbean Islands”.
The ESHS debate team coached by teachers Ms Luceena Weekes, Mr Randolph Findlay and Mr Andre Massiah also scored the highest points ever in the history of the competition in the semi-finals.

9 Responses to “ESHS wins Regional National Tourism Debate Championship”
To hear persons speak, our young people are not ready right out of High School to hold many of our entry level positions in this country. Well, wonderful news like this proves them wrong. Gifted, bright, capable, skilled and talented, representing us abroad and winning. We are super proud of you. Super proud.