ESHS student taken to hospital after scooter & pickup crash

The accident occured just before 1:30 P.M., according to reports reaching this newsroom.
This news site was also told that the pickup truck was turning right after coming out of the bank's parking lot when the scooter, which was headed east in the direction of Tortola Pier Park, slammed into it.
It is unclear at this time whether the school child was a pillion rider.
Up to the time of publication, the scooter and pickup were at the scene of the accident as the parties involved were awaiting the arrival of the police.

15 Responses to “ESHS student taken to hospital after scooter & pickup crash”
Premier Smith take charge of the Country. Provide more school buses if it's not enough. Under age children must be stopped now.
On the other hand look at that pickup clearly the driver can't see what's coming his or her way. Look
at it.
Something needs to be done with those types of vehicles man it is dangerous