ESHS & Ciboney School of Excellence win Secondary Division Foreign Language Bowl

The Foreign Language Bowl saw secondary schools across the Territory battling in Spanish and French spelling, translation and general knowledge.
Ciboney School of Excellence emerged victorious in Spanish after winning several rounds of tiebreakers, followed by Bregado Flax Educational Centre in second place and Claudia Creque Educational Centre in third place.
The Virgin Gorda-based Ciboney School of Excellence also won the Primary School Foreign Language Bowl on May 6, 2024.
In the French segment, Elmore Stoutt High School’s (ESHS) prowess proved to be too much for the Bregado Flax Educational Centre as they took home the first-place prize.
The Foreign Language Bowl seeks to promote Spanish and French as a second language, increase students’ fluency and diction in the two languages, have students demonstrate their knowledge of the Spanish and French cultures, and allow students to gain confidence in speaking a second language.

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