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ESHS bans motor scooters from campus

- following disturbance on Oct 9, 2023, & ‘other incidents’
October 10th, 2023 | Tags: ESHS Motor Scooter ban campus reprimand disturbance
Following an incident at Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) on October 9, 2023, which the Education Ministry in a statement said involved an alleged retaliation in connection with a stolen bike, the administration of ESHS has banned motor scooters from the campus. Photo: VINO/File
Police on the scene at Elmore Stoutt High School on October 9, 2023. One person was arrested. Photo: Team of Reporters
Police on the scene at Elmore Stoutt High School on October 9, 2023. One person was arrested. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Following an incident at Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) on October 9, 2023, which the Education Ministry in a statement said involved an alleged retaliation in connection with a stolen bike, the administration of ESHS has banned motor scooters from the campus.

This was conveyed to parents and guardians by the Administration of the school on October 9, 2023, via a letter, a copy of which was obtained by our newsroom.

“As a result of this and other incidents, scooters are no longer allowed on our campus.

“Parents, please make alternate arrangements for your child to come to school or for parking elsewhere,” the letter to parents/guardians stated.

Students involved in disturbance ‘reprimanded’

Parents were told there was a disturbance that took place among some of ESHS’ students.

“This fight stemmed from an incident that took place in the home community of the persons involved. A fighter left the campus without permission and returned with siblings, who illegally entered the compound.

“The school immediately took action and called the police who were present upon their return to prevent further disturbances,” the letter stated.

It also said all involved students have been reprimanded.

Students may have suffered anxiety- ESHS

The school also said there were some students who may have suffered anxiety and/or trauma during this incident and that its counsellors are available for any of the children who require assistance.

“You are welcome to contact the school to report any such need for your child.

“We will continue to keep you posted and we appreciate and thank you for your trust in us to maintain a safe learning environment,” the letter stated.

23 Responses to “ESHS bans motor scooters from campus”

  • No Bikes on Campus (10/10/2023, 10:53) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    Good Start!!
  • Weak leaders (10/10/2023, 11:11) Like (21) Dislike (31) Reply
    So every student scooter rider has to pay the price for two wagabonds. Leaders have to do better than that. Its the students transport y'all speaking about. Asign an area on campus for the bikes and stop being so soft.
    • Lawlessness (10/10/2023, 14:37) Like (16) Dislike (6) Reply
      Are you not required to be 18 years old to have a drivers/motorcycle license in the BVI? Therefore, none of these students in uniform should be riding any scooters to school in the first place, as none are of age. The blame is on the parents, they are not interested in how their child gets to school, just so long as it doesn't impact them.
      What decent parent would want their son or daughter riding around the island illegally anyway? No helmet = no brain.
  • Mullah Gwop (10/10/2023, 11:17) Like (3) Dislike (36) Reply
    The country need stop responding stupidly to these type of events! When I was in high school I used to ride my scooter up there. Not gonna lie i buss my a$$ a few times infront of women I was tryna impress and we even had so buss face fight out missing bike parts but ain meen Stouttee was going to ban we on the scooter. Free up the scooter dem, cause all it will do is affect the 100+ scooter rental business tola. If anything teach the children about being cool, like this belly button ring I just got.
    • Ummm. No. (10/10/2023, 13:41) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
      Judging from your command of English, it seems that you should have been more focused on school rather scooter. I walked from Baughers Bay to school if i didn't get a ride, or if I wasn't ready by the time my parents left the house. Furthermore encouraging student riders encourages illegality (most are not of age to be licensed or insured). It is this same microwave, "force-ripe", keeping up with the Joneses mentality that you support is what is crippling BVI society.
    • @ Mullah Gwop.... (10/10/2023, 14:46) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      You sad!! Nothing else to say....
  • WHAT!!! (10/10/2023, 11:26) Like (37) Dislike (1) Reply
    About time , most of them don’t wear helmets and several have modified mufflers making too much noise
  • lobster (10/10/2023, 11:41) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    There will always be conflicts with or without the bikes. The focus needs to be security.
  • Ho (10/10/2023, 11:42) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    YES DO IT ,untill they comply with law
    Helmet,lights,speed limit,and so
  • From the heart (10/10/2023, 12:17) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Praying for ESHS children.
  • street reporter. (10/10/2023, 12:47) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bad few making life difficult for the good ones.. They are some real bad want to be gangsters one both male and female..
  • Trouble in Nature's Little Secrets (10/10/2023, 13:06) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    I like the move ESHS! A strong message MUST be sent to all! These young men are out of order at that school. Yesterday was one day of chaos and confusion. Those that were involved need to be suspended.

    Where are the fathers in the lives of some of these young men? Some of you all fathers are just sperm donors and nothing else because you leave the poor mother to raise these boys alone. Raising boys as a single mother is not an easy task, and only some mothers, by the grace of God are successful. May God help us all in the BVI because everything seems to be out of control.

  • ok (10/10/2023, 13:10) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    They need to ban them from the country as a security risk to deter crime. No more betting the police wont chase them when they are in a car. When the police cordon the riders motorcade off they ride up & down in the bushes on peoples land looking to do what they always do, get away.

    Its time to implement or subsidize reliable public/private transport. Young people to go to school on the back of a bike and on the weekend adults complain about scooter riders on the road. This place is less.
  • Guest (10/10/2023, 13:24) Like (3) Dislike (16) Reply
    So, if students fight over a bag book, what you going to do, ban book bags? This is such a knee jerk reaction.
  • stupid (10/10/2023, 13:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Reactive > proactive smfh
  • facts (10/10/2023, 13:41) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    I see the security million-dollar wall is working very well to keep outside influences from interfering with the students and teachers.
  • smh (10/10/2023, 13:57) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    More blanket solutions to isolated incidents. Now if/when a student's bike is vandalized/stolen because they now have to park outside and remain inside (unless a parent signs them out), the school will say "oh welp, not our problem?!" So now that parent and possibly student (if he has a part time job) is our $2300 and it's a brush off??? What a society we live in
  • Hmm (10/10/2023, 14:00) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    If the kids were scared because they allegedly saw a gun then why are scooters being banned? Were the kids running from a scooter? If so why? Why are some kids claiming to see a gun.

    Never thought I'd see CCP levels of rewriting reality here in the BVI. What a world we are living in.
  • suggestion (10/10/2023, 14:40) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    My suggestion is to implement a permit system on campus similar to what US schools do for students who drive cars. Scooter riders produce proof to the school of being licensed, etc. and that they have a helmet. They are then issued with a pass and a sticker to be placed on the scooter. Any bikes found on the campus without the proper sticker are impounded and have to be reclaimed from the police station after paying a fine and are not allowed back on campus until the proper protocol is followed.
    • WOW (11/10/2023, 07:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That is so true my daughter drive to school and you have all kind of permit to full before that car get on campus. And without a sticker the school call the police for the car .
    • @suggestion (11/10/2023, 17:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      That’s an excellent idea. I hope they implement it. Don’t know why they like to take away everything in order to control a situation. Just teach our young men and women responsibility to do the right thing. We need to guide them.
  • homegrown (13/10/2023, 11:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yall so backwards. The incident happen over a stolen scooter according to you. Was the scooter stolen on campus? And if so then why not hold the "security " accountable. The conflict resolution approach by these schools are so ridiculous.

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