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Enis Adams Primary half-finished! Awaiting Gov't's involvement - Hon Turnbull

- said old furniture damaging newly painted floor
The newly constructed Enis Adams Primary School in Meyers Estate was handed over to Government on September 9, 2019. Photo: VINO
Opposition Member Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) has said Government has failed to fully furnish the Enis Adams Primary School. Photo: VINO
Opposition Member Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) has said Government has failed to fully furnish the Enis Adams Primary School. Photo: VINO
Opposition Member Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R1) has complained that the use of old furniture is causing damages to the floor of the classrooms at Enis Adams Primary School. Photo was taken on September 9, 2019. Photo: VINO/File
Opposition Member Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R1) has complained that the use of old furniture is causing damages to the floor of the classrooms at Enis Adams Primary School. Photo was taken on September 9, 2019. Photo: VINO/File
MEYERS ESTATE, Tortola, VI- Close to five months after businessman and founder and previous majority owner of Road Town Wholesale Ltd, Mr Peter Haycraft handed over the brand new Enis Adams Primary School at Meyers Estate on Tortola, Opposition Member Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) said Government has failed to complete the school.

Mr Haycraft injected $2 million into the steel-framed two-storey building that is able to withstand hurricanes just about two years after the 2017 hurricanes destroyed the school.

According to Hon Turnbull, Government was expected to play its part in completing the science lab, the library, the playground and parking area.

He said the areas mentioned above “were not in the scope of the donor’s permit. The Ministry of Education was supposed to finish this. I am saying this on the record so they can do something about it.”


Honourable Turnbull also said the school has not yet received the full complement of furniture and that the use of some of the old ones are causing damages to the floor.

“They have the desks, but they still have the old chairs, old chairs on a polished floor and if you go into some of the classrooms you will see all the paint and polish is already off,” he remarked on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, during a community meeting held at the school’s compound.

Furthermore, Hon Turnbull said at that rate, if the school is not maintained, in the next few years it would require renovation.

He concluded: “So we have a lovely looking school the playground, the yard, the parking, the accessibility for our children, it is not complete.”

Haycraft cares

Last September, during the handing over, Premier Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said the donation of the educational facility was a testament that Mr Haycraft cares about the Territory.

“Mr Haycraft, Irma has shown us that you really care, because there are a lot of persons who have benefitted from these Virgin Islands but when you called on them after Irma, they disappeared. But, rather than disappearing, Mr Haycraft came forward with his family, with his team and he made a contribution.”

16 Responses to “Enis Adams Primary half-finished! Awaiting Gov't's involvement - Hon Turnbull”

  • A man (06/02/2020, 13:13) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Someone deserves to take a beating for this.
  • Online Now (06/02/2020, 13:26) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    That's because the RDA can't function without the loan. Leave it to Government and it will wait until 2030!
  • bystander (06/02/2020, 13:27) Like (7) Dislike (11) Reply
    It’s a good job we aren’t using the U.K. loan guarantee. We don’t need it.
  • nonsense (06/02/2020, 14:07) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    so Why didn't the govenment allow Mr.Haycraft to complete the whole project outside and in. The government is just a bag of hot air when it comes to our schools. I'm sure Mr. Haycraft was willing to complete the entire project but as usual the govenment want some kind of credit may it be NPD VIP or lmnop. This would have been one school less to worry about fixing. All they would've had to do is collect the keys of a brandnew school fully furnish inside and out but no. like they have money to fix the schools. so many doners want to fix these school but the govenment want them to give them the money. no let the people who want to fix the schools do it that less money for the govenrment to have to find. Jeese. sick a dem.
    • @nonsense (07/02/2020, 09:55) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Good point, the former minister of education is the one who handled that transaction and actually wanted the money to be given to him directly but the donor refused to do so. So what you there is what was agreed upon by the previous minister, so it would be counter-productive to even try to blame the current minister or government, what I would say, is that they need to work on it and if the district representative can take the time to sit and discuss with the minister instead of talking and throwing his words around like an uneducated child, work can be done!!
  • Outsider (06/02/2020, 15:50) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sick and tired of hearing dem tired old nostalgic NDP records keep playing over and over. He is one ah the prime reasons why the BVI is at this financial cross road. All of a sudden, them who was to talk ain't talk, now dem like ten rat traps ticky, talking. Shut up and go sit dowm
  • Quiet Rebel (06/02/2020, 18:12) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thumbs up to Peter Haycraft for his $2M donation to reconstruct the Enis Adam Primary School. In regards to government contribution to complete the project, poor planning. The government knew that this school was under construction and that government knew that funding was needed to complete the project. The funding should been available to perform the work in conjunction with the other construction or immediately after the construction was complete. The HOA just pass a $414M budget. Was not there a line item in the budget to complete this school? If no why not? Come on Sowande!
  • home (06/02/2020, 20:44) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    See where them unnecessary monies given to Claude Skelton Skelton Cline for no reason could have been directed. Not much better than the ousted party
  • jokers (06/02/2020, 21:18) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hon Mitch is getting good monies he can well put some chairs and tables in the children school or do fireworks on the bay
  • oh boy (06/02/2020, 23:23) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Instead of them being behind all the frock tails in the complex he should be completing this project
  • Tortola (06/02/2020, 23:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow Talk about product for money
  • Parent student Teacher (07/02/2020, 07:01) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    What about chairs and student desks at ESHS??? Are these picnic tables now a staple? Teachers desks, chairs and the many other items needed for a functional school????? From the outside everything looks great huh? If some of you had to work in those conditions you would not have been There still. But yet we are quick to jump on those same teachers who try their best to help your kids get through each day. Not everything that glitters is gold! Please finish what you started.
  • @parent student teacher (07/02/2020, 09:59) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I hear you but you sound rather ungrateful, don't you think?? Everything takes time and lots of resources. The current government is working on getting the country recovered because as we all can see, the former did very little in that regard..... the furniture will come, at least the children are in better conditions than they were before!!!!
  • tom (11/02/2020, 08:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thanks Mr.Haycrart and family.

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