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Electronic gating system being installed, upgrade of CCTV @ Pier Park

- following daring daylight armed robbery of jewellery store
An electronic gating system and upgrade to the existing CCTV system are just two of the security measures being implemented at Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park (CBRTPP), following a daring daylight armed robbery of a jewellery store on July 1, 2023. Photo: VINO/File
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) has said the CBRTPP is already in the process of implementing significant security measures from 22 recommendations following the submission of the security audit report. Photo: GIS/File
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) has said the CBRTPP is already in the process of implementing significant security measures from 22 recommendations following the submission of the security audit report. Photo: GIS/File
Upgrades will be made to the existing CCTV system at the park to further enhance surveillance capabilities and increased security personnel within the park premises to enhance security presence and deter criminal activities. Photo: VINO/File
Upgrades will be made to the existing CCTV system at the park to further enhance surveillance capabilities and increased security personnel within the park premises to enhance security presence and deter criminal activities. Photo: VINO/File
WICKHAM’S CAY I, Tortola, VI- An electronic gating system and upgrade to the existing CCTV system are just two of the security measures being implemented at Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park (CBRTPP), following a daring daylight armed robbery of a jewellery store on July 1, 2023.

According to Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5), the CBRTPP is already in the process of implementing significant security measures from 22 recommendations following the submission of the security audit report.

Honourable Rymer, minister responsible for ports, held a review meeting on July 12, 2023, with key stakeholders. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the recommendations provided in the report and collaborate on effective strategies to enhance security measures.

‘Significant measures’ being implemented

Minister Rymer, according to a press release from Government Information Services (GIS) on July 16, 2023, stated that he is pleased to announce that out of the 22 recommendations presented in the security audit report, the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park was already in the process of implementing significant measures.

It said, specifically, a new electronic gating system is being installed to enable the park to be adequately secured during closure periods.

Furthermore, upgrades will be made to the existing CCTV system at the park to further enhance surveillance capabilities and increased security personnel within the park premises to enhance security presence and deter criminal activities.

Honourable Rymer added, “We appreciate the continued support and understanding of the community as we work together to enhance security at the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park.”

The review meeting brought together participants, including representatives from the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (BVIPA), Tortola Pier Park Ltd (TPPL), and the Ministry of Communication and Works.

According to the press release, the implementation of these recommendations and additional security measures demonstrates the dedication to addressing the recent robbery incident and ensuring a secure environment for park visitors.

20 Responses to “Electronic gating system being installed, upgrade of CCTV @ Pier Park”

  • ayo must think outside the box (16/07/2023, 12:08) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    What about the seaside? The robber man them might use a boat next time
    • The best security system (16/07/2023, 12:51) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      Good and capable bodies on the ground, patrolling..Observing, being visible ..
    • @ ayo must think outside the box (16/07/2023, 12:55) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply

      Do not rely on mike Mathews to think outside the box he was a failure as cop, he get a pass because he is white and can @&& K*$

      • Talking Ignorant (16/07/2023, 17:21) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        So now it’s Mathew’s fault - you have to blame everyone since you lost your wiggy job! There are lots of us that think he did a great job and if he is helping here then that’s great too!
    • @ayo... (16/07/2023, 14:01) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Same thing I was thinking! If your going "secure" something make sure you have done so by exhausting all measures.
    • WOW (18/07/2023, 20:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ayo must think - the 5 people who dislike your comment are fully time criminals. Wish the law and media work together and used IP and do background check on people.
  • Asking For Myself (16/07/2023, 12:14) Like (18) Dislike (9) Reply
    What about the other places that got robbed?
    • Greg (16/07/2023, 13:31) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Asking For Myself. So how is the government supposed to put electronic gating at every business? That makes no sense and is impossible. Pier Park is directly wide open to thousands of cruise ship tourists who come here to enjoy themselves and we welcome them with open arms. It is our duty to protect them as much as possible. You know good and well that all of our businesses here cannot have electronic gating. Ridiculous!
    • @ asking for myself (16/07/2023, 16:49) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
      mostly local so don’t actually matter
      tourist sectors will get more attention & focus

      • Greg (20/07/2023, 10:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @@ asking for myself. Any private business owner can put up their own security system, but they don't. Yes, we locals are all important, but stop spewing nonsense about the government should secure everyone's business. What government should do is when these low-life rats are caught, let them do a stiff jail time of no less than 10 years. That should make them think twice about committing crimes. If they are not from here, deport them ASAP, never allowing them back into the BVI. Red Flag their passports so they don't try to sneak back in.
  • Huh! (16/07/2023, 13:07) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Kye?...Another million dollars project.
  • Why (16/07/2023, 13:56) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    What was this not installed from the beginning? The head of security failed. Years later this?? Health and safety was to be head of priority from the first day
  • the way I see it (16/07/2023, 14:13) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    It’s a good start. I haven’t been back to Pier Park since the robbery. I’ll eventually go back to Pier Park but not right now.
  • Reactive (16/07/2023, 14:18) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    More money to spend after the fact
  • Gate (16/07/2023, 14:23) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    So gate can keep out robbers?
  • Scotland Yard (16/07/2023, 17:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    law enforcement needs to do far better one hardly see port royal so the criminal minds have no issue communicating crime

    mr cop try show up on the roadway send a message to the gun runners and dope dealers
  • wellsaw (16/07/2023, 19:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    But the gate security was not the issue the robbers it is alleged parked outside the gate walked in put on their suites robbed and ran outside the gate to their car in the parking lot. They did not even have a getaway vehicle so why an electronic gate. You need more effective security with firearm training.
  • Jsh (16/07/2023, 22:44) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another waste of money.
  • Stpat (17/07/2023, 10:30) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    High time the truth glaring in your face,accept that you imported and installed a population of cannibalistic cursed humanity with unalterable genes to destroy and grovel in dirt and filth. Nothing good going forward. It will get worse . Your enemies look like you front back high low. Chains, bars,gates etc are no deterrent to Satan and his spawns.
    But ,you knew v that. The Caribbean chain of turd ,you knowingly copied.
  • waste (17/07/2023, 20:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Waste of time and money....Again!!!
    There were electronic gates before, why weren't they done right the 1st time. And to think the kind of money they spent on this pier park even though we had irma which was many years ago now, we shouldn't have to be upgrading nothing at this point because of a petty armed robbery.

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