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Elections & the church’s ‘doctrine of discovery’

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM;
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

Caught between the Powers of the Church & Crown:

As we approach April 24, 2023, emotions are running high, and even those without a stake in the matter are ready to express their opinions… Many are complaining about the lack of substance except for personal attacks, and everyone is swearing that they can do a better job than the other… They made UK a silent Bogey Man, so no one dares to appreciate the role they played in providing us with Covid-19 Vaccines.

Maybe we overate our intelligence, for Corruption breeds Corruption, and Apples don’t fall far from the Tree… As a mere trickledown from the US, the UK and others, we copy their Policies and Politics… They stand over us like Puppet Masters, and there is no doubt that we are quicker to imitate their Crap than learn their Wisdom, so, on a good day, we seem more like their Puppets and Toys of Convenience.

It would be unwise to consider the UK as stupid, for whatever little we know, they know more, and we would not have made it through Irma and Covid without them… At the same time, this does not mean, having to overlook their short comings, or failing to realise, that all our Election Noise won’t make them lift a finger except to check and evaluate the background and history of our Candidates relative to their CoI.

No doubt they will find it most amusing to see how many turned from Pillar to Post and Sinners to Saints after failing their previous responsibilities and practicing corruption that placed UK’s economy at risk… Perhaps, they still see us as unable to read and reason, but easily indoctrinated into accepting Jews as God’s chosen People, and Christians as Righteous Victims, who were persecuted for believing in Jesus.

Our Modern Days & Their Backward Ways:

No one told us of their ‘Doctrine of Discovery’, and we saw Christianity and Judaism as the same pathway to our Salvation… We worshipped both and were so anxious to become sacrificial Lambs for these ‘Sorry for Yourself Religions’, that we joined overnight, and moved from being referred to as ‘the ungodly’, to becoming more holy than Heaven, more Jewish than Jesus and more Christian than Christ.

Back in those dark days, Churches and Governments were practically the same – even now the King is seen as Head of England’s Church… Their Agenda was to portray the wicked as being noble, so they would never admit that Religion and the Doctrine of Discovery were the foundations of Colonialism and Slavery, and, no matter how much wrong they did, Columbus and others were still regarded as Saints.

European Ships and Pirates were given a Holy Mandate to regard non-Christians as less than human, without any Rights to own or occupy Lands… As a result, their Property was deemed to be uninhabited, declared as being newly discovered, and sanctioned as belonging to the Church and Crown… Today, we can think for ourselves, so we see this as wrong, but that was their established Law for Land and Sea.

This practice was enforced by Missionaries and Pirates alike, and it was only last month that the Pope acknowledged this corrupt Policy to be wrong… However, the Crown and other Churches are still silent because they won’t [want] us questioning their reasons for controlling large tracks of land, while the original owners remain hungry and homeless… No wonder Palmgrove on Wickham’s Cay is still in danger.

We live in the 21st Century with unlimited access to information, but old-Century Pirates like Governor DeSantis and others still exist… They still cherish their Doctrine of Discovery and are brazen enough to embark on a mission to bury our History and keep us in ignorance… What is more unfortunate, is that, many of us oblige them by not having a clue what I’m talking about and actually preferring not to know.

Today’s Golden Rule is, ‘Who has the Gold makes the Rules’:

We still believe that ‘what we don’t know won’t hurt us’ and that ‘ignorance is bliss… The Youth believe that they will live forever, so there is still time, and the Older Folks tell themselves that it doesn’t matter because this World is not their home; besides, they can always call on the imaginary friends who first put them in the predicament… Naturally, both these answers only encourage their own destruction.

The Oppressors laugh because they rate us as being no smarter than Audiences that think of Puppets as having their own minds… This is exactly the way they like us, so ‘never mind AC Frett; just keep on blocking your Ears and closing your Eyes… Maybe he’s running and his Picture is just under those up on Billboards, or his Poster will soon appear on those blank Billboards’… Trust me, they are wrong.

This Election reminds me of when I warned of the dangers of Trump – I was that Lone Voice crying in the wilderness, and Persons refused to believe… They felt they could just wish him away, and it took them so long to believe and react, that, he was able to do his evil deeds and plant his evil seeds in the form of Conservative Judges who are now wrecking America… Soon the VI will feel the trickledown.

Our Budget of Personal Interests will remain bloated, but the UK will be too broke or unwilling to help, so we will receive much of nothing as we hunger and thirst for something… Work Permit Holders who are looking forward to these Elections, may not realise what is instore for them… Another repeat of 4 years, of being used, refused and abused as the Scapegoats, for providing extra Monies for Political Agendas.

Conflating Resurrection & Lottery Election:

They gave us a weekend of Holidays in honour of their Heavenly King, and promised even more days as tribute to their Earthly King… They regard us as infants to be awarded Recess Breaks, rather than as adults not to be defrauded of our productive days… However, guess who will pay for these lost days of opportunity? You guessed right – It is, ‘You the People – Just another burden on the backs of the poor’.

We need Real Help, but clutch at Straws in the form of a constant Diet of Empty Promises… Just like an invisible IMF; we are sold-out at home and abroad, and it’s not just a matter of homelessness, but the hopelessness of Credit… We now owe more than we can ever hope to repay, so, before we can receive a glimmer of hope, our Futures are committed to and demanded by the Banks and other Creditors.

Then again, who cares? Election is on its way, and they say we should vote even if it means proof of our stupidity in securing their unwarranted prosperity… Why bother to demand Accountability by not voting when it is so easy to just vote and complain for the next 4 years? … Ooops! Sorry! I forgot that we should only get Justice in the Grave, and the Rewards for suffering, only come after we are Dead.

PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

5 Responses to “Elections & the church’s ‘doctrine of discovery’”

  • The watchdog (14/04/2023, 07:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another good read I am not even going to the polls
    • @Watch Dog (14/04/2023, 12:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Watch Dog, I strongly encourage you to vote. The BVI is in crisis and every vote matters in electing a core group of people to craft and execute the legislation, fix the institutions, maximize the efficiency of finances, strengthen the economy, etc, to get the territory on the right. Moreover, what laws are passed by the HoA applies to all residents whether they voted or not. So why not have a voice as to whom goes to HoA. Voting was not always a right for Virgin Islanders of African descent; the right to vote came about by much fight and sacrifices. Vote like a true patriot and make voice heard.
    • @The Watchdog (14/04/2023, 15:50) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Of course the final decision is up to you, but I always feel that people who decide not to vote not only give up choosing their leaders, but that they also give up their right to voice an opinion on how the territory is being or should be run. The right to vote was not won lightly and it should be seen as precious.
  • REPARATIONS (14/04/2023, 15:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A well-written article Mr. Frett but, if you explore further, you will see that the Pope is late to the party. The Church of England and the Episcopal Church have led the way. In fact, several dioceses within the Episcopal Church have already begun making reparations to the descendants of enslaved persons.
  • @" WATCH DOG (15/04/2023, 21:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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