EE & WE police stations will have officers on 24-hr shifts from Monday- CoP

It was in July 2023, that CoP Collins, amidst complaints from the public that the police stations in East End and West End are often closed, said the stations are opened “every day of the week”; however, there are occasions when the police station door is closed and the reason is because the officers are out walking in the community and “talking to people and engaging.”
‘I am not stubborn enough’- CoP Collins
Speaking at a press conference called by the National Security Council (NSC) on October 12, 2023, Mr Collins said it was some months ago he announced he was going to move the response function of policing to Road Town, and that he had expressly said the reason was about getting the response offices together at every shift to make sure they were properly briefed regarding hotspots and what the focus of the should be collectively.
Mr Collins said he maintains that is the best way to do business; however, he is “not stubborn” enough to realise that there are concerns within the community in relation to police officers not being visible in East End and West End.
“Let me reiterate that on every day, on every shift, officers at parade are posted at East End and West End. Auxilary officers are at the East End Police Station five days a week, and the East End Police Station is open, Cane Garden Bay Police Station is open and when they are not open the officers are out in the community.”
Police stations to have 24-hr police presence
“But I have listened to the concerns of the community and from next Monday I will be posting officers back to the East End and West End [police stations] on a 24-hour shift system, to allow the visibility to be seen at those police stations and we will see how that goes."
The Commissioner of Police said he is aware of some concerns this week about officers not being able to respond to burglaries, although he always reiterates that 311 and 911 are open to the public.
“Those numbers should be answered 24/7, but I do understand the concerns in the community about the visibility of officers particularly in the light of some of the serious incidents we have seen over the last few weeks.
“So from next week, officers will be posted 24/7 back into the East End and West End, working from those stations as well. And I hope that it allays some of the fears of the community going forward. And we will constantly keep this under review.”
Mr Collins emphasised the issue is not about a response function.
“We have community police officers working out of our police stations every day and we have roving patrols of our armed response vehicles and our road policing vehicles as well that are deployed to the hotspot areas. So, the resources are available to respond to the calls, but I have recognised the concerns of the community,” Mr Collins stated.

33 Responses to “EE & WE police stations will have officers on 24-hr shifts from Monday- CoP”
The people have been saying forever the police stations are not open, and they are not open at regular daytime hours.
It is a complete failure of a system with no protection. This is indirectly contributing to the levels of violence we've seen including the recent police van shooting which apparently happened in front of East End police station.
Do you know how many times bikers have endangered lives stunting in front of West End police station?
Its a damn shame.
Im sorry what?
Stay silent you are a hero. Instead he opened his mouth and told us he is a class A fool.
....Im lost after that face palm.
He's still employed?
I need a new curse word for this one.
Not his preference means he could have had them opened all the time?
Why is he here?
Someone please teach me a new word to describe this professional, leave it below.
What about an invalid or struggling person with no cellphone & no car, no ride. How about a person robbed of their cellphone, purse ect.
They have to walk all the way from East End or West End or Cane Garden bay to go to town's police station by his understanding of how it should work.
So if someone is being followed home or even one of those dastardly criminals is being pursued by a would be murderer... and they drove to West end OR East end police station looking for security, they'd be dead?
Resign. Please resign.